Lakeville Municipal Hall Airlake Park
Members present when Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 8 :00 P M were:
Nelson, Lamont,` Lovelace, Enright, Erickson, and Ballinger. City Administrator Dick
Hogan was present to meet the members and also spoke on the City's state of affairs,
and what role Park and Hac was to plan on making, in the future. Erickson was con
erned with the drastic char es in growth and income j.st the past few months in our
community and asked for guide lines for our future, -r. Hogan replied that it would
be most helpful if P R would concern themselves with progra,°ns and forget about dollars,
tie themselves to specific objectives as well as generalized program. Mr. Hogan stated
that one of the things we are doing right now is looking at all of our development "con
tracts to see that developers have performed as directed by Planning Coiwiission and
Council action by giving land and /or dollars. Also, within the next few months, there
will probably occur decision by Council on our Comprehensive Plan, this will include
capital improvements. Ar. Mogan also stated that "we are trying to identify other
income generators
Mr. Ion Gothard was present to ask emergency allocation of funds, to meet loss incurred
last year because of necessary equipment purchases to outfit approximately twelve or so
new teams which had been an unexpected expansion of growth. The LAA, Mr. Gothard stated,
had met just the night previous and formulated a constitution.
53• L. Nelson made motion to recommend t6 Council that LAA be allocated in the
amount of ;2,000, to assist them in the expansion of their program, and "I
would suggest that consideration be given to using the funds, perhaps,
considering the needs of all their programs in allocating these resources."
Enright seconded, saying she "feels they have proven themselves- -that she
is not in favor of doing this usually." Nelson added "in reference to needs
of other groups, with Park Director we have a prrson who can interface with
other groups and can handle stuations in all fairness to all groups."
Motion carried.
Park Director Steve Michaud presented material to members for them to study, and act on
at their next meeting. This was material on park and recreation committee -work. He
then proceeded with his report.
1. There is pressure being exerted for snowmobile trails in Ritter Park,
2. Steve spoke on plans he has for trail systems in Ritter Park.
3. Mr. Tom Smith has asked for time on agenda to speak about plans for
cross- country skiing at Ritter Park.
4. On capital improvements, Mr. Hogan has asked to meet together and
refine. Lamont spoke "give time line for improvements either next
meeting or following meeting.
5• Next meeting of Metro Board concerned with open space designation
will be Monday, October 28th, at 3 P.1 ,1 1.
6.' Warming house for Valley Park is 95%complete. The grading is done
for the rink.
7. A good citizen's input meeting on parks had been held at the Orchard
Lake School Tuesday, October 22nd. A note.of appreciation is to be
sent to those who attended,,plus copy of budget is they are interested.
Special thanks to Mr. Pearsall for handing out flyers. N. alright
and S. Michaud will handle this matter.
Motion made by Nelson "confirm that our 313 -acre park be officially named
"Ritter Park Lamont seconded. Motion. carried.
Matter of Park Director's job description will be taken up at next meeting.
S. Michaud was informed that Lakeville also has a Boy Scout Troop which
meets at the "oldt' elementar=y school- -this is Troop 111.
Item of "Bicycle Safety Month" an April is to be ascertained on Council
S Michaud will put notice in the newspaper to notify everyone of vacancy
on committee, according to new policy of filling s;ach vacancies. It is to include
such wording as "although you expressed an interest in the past, will you please re
submit your resume." There was also note made here of other vacancy that will occur
9 n January
Motion made, seconded, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 11:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
M. Erickson, Secretary mek