Present were Len Nelson, Nancy Enright, and Martha Erickson. This not
being sufficient number for a quorum, no official meeting could be held but
the following reports and items for discussion took; place.
Resignation letter addressed to Lenart Nelson from Richard LeRoy was given
to Mr. Nelson.
Mr. Dan Gothard, Treasurer of LAA, was present and left financial report
with P R members. (A copy of this report is filed with these minutes and also
hasbeen` copied and forwarded to members of P R.) They had had a high payoff
figure to be absorbed in 1974 from 1973 and additions of several new teams wnich
had to be outfitted with equipment last year which brought an operating deficit to
the program for 1974• Mr. Gothard explained his figures and told of the number
of children, "both boys and girls, in this program besides the adults. He is
asking for whatever financial assistance can be given LAA. This will be an item
on the agenda for P R next meeting, October 23rd.
Parks Director Steve Michaud was present and gave his report. The Twin
City Radio Club, which meets to fly motorized model planes, would like to fly
these planes in Lakeville. They have fifty to sixty members. They fml'nished Steve
with their rules and regulations. The club has million dollars worth'of insurance.
Michaud's idea of a tree farm was meeting difficulties and obstacles. He
reported that the trees can not be used for ornamental purposes- -once the trees are
planted, they can n t be tr panted -thes a State ERjtljgtnB #g confident
of receiving trees rom Hlghv iw development owever,
Steve spoke on ideas for forming volleyball and basketball leagues. He
and Pete Martin, Community- School. Co- ordinator, are working closely together on
this program.
The two tax delinquent lots at Forest Hills that Council recommended
to receive Park Rec attention are located close to 175th Utreet, only one or
two lots away, according to Steve. The center of these lots is wet and marshy,
but a walkway could be developed around the peiineter of them.
Steve reported that Metro Council action on the land north of Ritter Park
has been deferred and is waiting a new time slot. He will notify P'& R members of
this new date when it is decided.
A park survey'of all Lakeville parks has been completed with photography
and Steve is`busy compiling this information he has gathered at this time. What he
would like is to have a large wall :nap of Lakeville parks made and put pertinent
information about each park beyond the map's border with strings and pins and labels.
He is going through a back -log of information now, compiling deeds and reports on the
cash donations, where this applies, etc. There are two U`of M students that are going
to do a nature study on Ritter Park.
Steve is making an evaluation of Park Rec Committee goals and responsibil-
ities. He is asking input from P R members and also the Administrator on this.
This will include rules and policies to follow.
Although nothing could be done officially, the three members present voiced'
their assent on coming to the financial aid of LAA.
October 22nd is date for receiving input from Orchard Gardens residents as
to their needs. Respectfully submitted, mek