wE24ESDAY SEPT&I BER 25, 1974
Meeting was called to order at 8 :00 R4. Members answering roll were:
Nelson, Lovelace, Lamont, Ballinger, FnnriOnt, LeRoy; Erickson arrived a few minutes
LeRoy and Lamont moved and seconded to approve minutes -tnat members had
received prior to meeting, of the meeting held September 11th. Motion carried.
Acknowledgement of letter from Council concerning advisability of
purchasing two lots in Forest Hills was given. Parx Director Michaud will
contact Mr. Mako for more information, as the letter suggests also Lamont will
look into the matter -prior to the next meeting, October 9th.
Public Works Director Robinette presented a fact and figure sheet to
the members on the state of 1974 budget. (A copy is filed with these minutes.)
This sheet suffices for the information concerning budget that Chairman Nelson
had asked LeRoy to obtain from the City Administrator for this meeting. There
were items throughout the year that caused over- reaching of the budget, chiefly
connected with the purchase of Antlers Park, its restoration and operation, that
had been impossible to foresee.
Oral notification was received that there will be a meeting Oct. 1st
on all budgets. Michaud will verify and call Len Nelson wno will plan on attending
and all others who can possibly attend are asked to come.
In the future, status of the budget will be reported by J. Robinette through
OS. Michaud to the P R Committee,
S. Michaud gave his report. First item was "communications Hereafter,
all information, park criteria, etc., will funnel through his office to P R.
48. Date and for meeting with Metropolitan Council concerning acquisition
of Lake Marion land we are recommending for "open space" will be Monday, September )Oth,
at 3 :00 P M. Mrs. L. Hammer plans to attend -S. Michaud, also- -and possibly, N.
S. Michaud, once again, recommends Laxeville membership in national and
state park organizations.
Community- school co- ordinator and Park Director will work together closely,
particularly where indoor facilities are needed. However, scheduling for games for
parks will be ,entirely Park Director's responsibility.
It was Michaud's recommendation to fence Antlers Park entirely, particularly
to protect freshly seeded area; also, a fire pit be built on the cement slab that
Michaud was asked by L. Nelson "if you see a need for additional items,
could you prepare us some documentation of the items? Some proposals for items
for next year of your program?"
Job description for Park and Recreation Director that S. Michaud was asked
0 1 0 prepap e at Sept 11th meeting is on file with these minutes. A co of this des
cription is to be forwared to members of P R Committee. copy
50.a. Tabled matter of 4 additional softball diamonds for Aronson Park was
opened. Lamont gave his report on what was now being done with the area,
O r esently, with little league football. Also, from his observation, the amount
of leveling that would be necessary to put LAA diamond plan into operation, was
not good economy, and fields would not oe able to be put into operation when they
are needed next season.
Planner Starr explained his diagrams: (a, b, and c)
a. "orientation of each field was prime criteria, i.e. 20 E of North."
b. drainage His plan would follow the e- R:isun; pattern of run -off as it
snows at the park at this time.
c. find locations that would not require too much grading.
d. .plan most advantageous concept for vehicle penetration and storage
of his three diagras, Planner Starr recommended Plan "C" as being the
best for Aronson Park.
Representatives of' Lakeville Athletic Assnj -1r. s Buck, 'vailin, and AhIman,
explained their plan for 4 diamonds. It was their opinion that their plan for
lighting, central building, etc., would off -set tare cost of grading. N:r. Back was
looking forward to Lakeville Bi- Cerite:Lnial Celebration an 176, principally, with
tournament play here at that time. He dig: not 'believe everyone knew the income treat
could be derived from tournaments.
The time growing late, Leery motioned that Aronson Park f.elds be tabled
until Mr. Callahan and .1r. Egg= could. be heard on their proposed subdivision of lots
at Orchard Lake. Erickson 2nd trre action. .lotion carried.
51. LeRoy 4nade statement that "we are not interested in developing park land
here Callahan- Eggum) and would accept cash donation. Instead a' n cal called agreed-
saying this was for information only as no public hearing read Dean as yet.
Cash donation would amount to approximately ;,300 in t:ais instance. 4vnen called
for the question, all p r members agreed unanimously.
50. b. LeRoy made motion to take Aronson Park Plan off the table. Nelson 2nd.
Motion carried. Nelson listed three objectives -l. get as many first -class facili-
ties as we can, 2. my interest in resources meets reco:r�nenda.tions of Item "Gir and,
3. is there any way that we can use trae plan that H. Suck is sub e sting without
crowding facilities? (Planner Starr did not believe txaat could be done.)
LeRoy made motion "recommend to Council Concept "Gu for development of
Aronson Park. Ballinger seconded Upon cal for t::e quesLion and roll., :notion passed
unanimously. ijelson made recom mendation that P R members come to Council meeting
Oct. 7 th
H. Buck asked what "comparative cost over a period of two or three years
Erickson voiced opinion tzat LAA concept was a very ;good one, she thought, and could
possibly be used in another location in the park systert. rather than Aronson. Lamont
asked LAA to input needs to P R from their members.
52e Erickson reported on progress of bicycle safety and bicycle trails for
Lakeville. She had met with school princli.pals, P. Martin and police officers and
a program is going to be developed on bicycle s «"ety that will involve everybody.
This program trill be carried out in the spring, suggesting April. Lanioat volunteered
to work at this program, at Jr. and High School student level. Erickson motioned to
recommend to Mayor Jensen to roclalm April as Bioyc?We Safety Month in Lakeville.
Nelson seconded.. Motion carried.
Nelson and Ballinger made and seconded cnoti.on to adjourn the meeting.
Time: 11: P M.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Erickson, Secretary