The meeting was called to order by Chairman Len Nelson at 8 P M. Answering
rowere Lovelace, Lamont, Nelson, Enright, LeRoy, and Ballinger. Erickson came a few
minutes later. LeRoy and Erickson motioned and seconded approval of August 28th minutes.
Motion carried.
Nelson, LeRoy, and Lamont had attended the Sept. 3rd Council meeting and
a report of the meeting was given by Nelson. This concerned warming house, hockey rink
and lights for Valley Park No. 6 park -and a closer working program with the Rosemount
School Board; four additional softball diamonds at Aronson Park; Woodbury Plat was tabled;
and Phase I of Brookview Park preliminary plat development contract was discussed with
developer stating he would a:)prove this contract for the full 239 acres although he is
asking only for approval of the first phase of Phase I at this time.
LeRoy was asked to confirm the status of P R budget with the Clerk at
this time, by Chairman Nelson.
Report of Septa 9th Council meeting was also given. Woodbury Plat approval
was granted subject to bond requirement; position of Park and Recreation Director as of
Sept. 16th was created and Steve Michaud was hired for the remainder of 1974 with Mr.
Michaud being on probation for one year;
Report on bicycle trail planning was given by Erickson and Enright. They
had attended meetings on this subject in various communities and felt a follow -up committee
should come up with suggestions as to how this program would begin here. Safety measures
were the concern here of first importance, and they felt that planning could not wait for
a,kond issue. It was suggested that an ordinance concerning bicycle safety might be
ssary. Erickson will continue her work on this subject.
Lamont wished to know from S. Michaud, if, to his knowledge, the job•of
Park Recreation Director had been advertised. Two men had contacted Lamont inquiring
about this job.
Planner Lee Starr was present at this meeting, specifically to help with
the planning of softball fields for Aronson Park. Lamont went over the maps of proposals
drawn by H. Back and also the original lay -out plan for Aronson Park showing what was
now in existence and what was planned so far.
41. Planner Starr said that he would first meet with the Director and look at
the site, and discuss--this possibly on Friday. Lamont was asked if he could come, but
he will not be able to come. Starr and Michaud will look at the site together, bring
back a plan that will accommodate the goals of the interested groups and present to
Council for action on Octqber 7th. The plan in concept will be ready for P R approval
at their meeting,.on September 25th and it is this concept plan that will be shown to
Council at their.meeting September 17th. In Council minutes of Sept. 3rd, Item #74.492,
they ask for completed plans of the four diamonds. P R is asking for a little more
time to prepare the final plan.
42. Report was given by Enright on proposed park land. Mr. John Pierceall,'of
Lakeville Homeowners, would like to meet to discuss the needs of residents in his home
area. LeRoy and Enright will plan a special meeting to be held at the Orchard Lake
School concerning this subject with interested residents. This will be a very informal
e meeting.
43, .Enright reported that Mrs. Don Hammer had given her the information that
MAIRopolitan Council will be meeting on Sept. 19th and 26th and on Oct. 3rd, at 1;30 PM,
MlWo Square, St. Paul, to discuss purchase of "open space" land, such as we are interes-
ted in north of "Ritter Farm Michaud will contact Mrs. Hammer and plan to attend this
series of meetings, also LeRoy. LeRoy was asked to contact Mr. Hogan, City Administrator,
and see if he had had any response to his letter concerning acquisition of land north of
"Ritter Farm" for open space from Metro Council.
44. Motion by Nelson, 2nd by Lovelace, to change year of priority rating for
Ice Arena from 1978 to 1976 on summary for capital budget program. Motion passed by 4 -3
vote. Nays who felt this priority was wrong were: Erickson, Enright and LeRoy. Aye's
were Nelson, Lovelace, Lamont and Ballinger.
45. Motion to change priority year from 1976 to 1975 of $160,000 for 80 acres
of park land for Valley Park Area was made by Ballinger, 2nd by Enright. Motion passed
46. Members are to review copies of Lakeville Comprehensive Plan of 1968 with
idea in mind of up- dating. There will be a meeting in the future to discuss these
Copies of July 8, 1974 Mendota Heights' P and R Commission's 'Trails
Advisory report are to be made and furnished Lakeville P and R members, and Steve
Michaud -as a beginning point for our bicycle trails study.
47. S. Michaud made a report and asked for the following:
a. Copy of P R members names and which parks each has as his /her
responsibility. Erickson also asked that members' length of
service be included in this report.
b. Could a specific time slot be alloted to him for his report at
each meeting? °Time decided was 8:15 to 8:30.
C. In October, The National Park and Recreation Conference will be
held in Denver, Colorado. He, (Michaud), plans on attending as
it is difficult to tell where another conference will be held
in coming years that will be as close as this one. lie was asked
by P 4 R members to ask about money outlay for this at Council
meeting on Sept. 17th.
d. if posi ble, consider beginning a tree farm at Ritter Park, with
purchase of a machine that takes trees out of the ground.
e. wishes publications pertaining to parks, etc. Was advised that
P. Martin possibly already has these and asked that lie find out
this information.
f. typist available? Lamont suggested part -time typist who is student
might work out well for what is needed-- posssibly from work program.
Nelson- Lamont ='moved and seconded motion to adjourn. Motion carried.
Time: '11:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
ha Erickson, Secretary