HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-24 MINVTEIS OF THE P'44 ANA HFCRUTION COMMITTER MTV LAKEVI MONICI�PAL BUTIrDNIG' •W=Z8*' JULY 24, 1974 Chairman Lan Nelson called the Meeting to order at 8 P.M. All members present and answering roll except M. Erickson. All members had been furnished copies of the July 10th minutes,, Nelson wished that the notation be made t#� the rules for Antlers: 'ark had not.'been received in time to be included with" the minutes. LGR,oy Made mo4on' gist the July lath minutes, so amended, be_" approved. Lemont seen #ded. Mqt�Oq, carried. LeRoy gave ,a, report of the Council meeting held qal y 15th. It had in- aluced.a tearing on property surrounding the Ritter Farm Park area. It seemed that most of these property owners, residences either in existence or planned; seeaaed'`to be rather indifferent to development in the area. However, authority has been ci legated by Council to P de R Caanmi.ttee members to go to the Metropolitan Council to ask that this hand be- parcahased and'.eft in a natural state. `T here is a possiblity that' this, Land may be linked with. the Murphy- Hanrehan Park, Credit FAver, Nelson suggested that the Committee membora' oonnected with Ritter Farm Park tarot with Mrs. L Hammer to go over materials collected by her on this matter. Mr. Clifton Aichinger was present, made an apology for whatever brusque- none van interpreted �n his recent letter, "stating it was caused by 'a leak of knowledge of committee members time of terms as committeemen and women and thanked Len Nelson his letter in respopsoo Won asked what was primarily lacking in present handling of park problems, Mr. Aiahinger said first of all "lack of written designation in explaining services of Lakeville-" He stated that he lived in Lakeville, was employed by City of St. Paul, but would be able to work week -ends for Lakeville,if he was hired ae pars planner., He proposes "strong citizens' he were planner. A very important "first" toil would be to take an inventory analysis, .4 warning was given by him that regardless of Ad the planner' would be, to make sure that authority remains with Committee, in the contraot, to approve or disapprove. "The Dakota Co. Patanning Of fice has pointers o what to look for in hiring a planner," he said, 'Also_, "printed materials of his are still being used in town ships, pri,noi pa Harsher} and l innigar, but he has also done work for Randolph, Ripirs, and Hamptono Chaiman Nelson thanked him for having come to the meeting. Park Director Robinette,`who had given 4is report earlier in the evesning presented board members with copies of a letter writ ten by-Dr. D Cha pman, a prcfevoor,'and qua a figure nationally, on parks. He commanded Lakeville an its parks and their. development, especially Antlers park. Mr. Steve 4Qohson of Park Study Group, Was unable' to be present. N. &fright gave a vepoxt' him. a. Whittier was of Ue belief that this Group was not in affect any longer. They had not used scarcely any of the money appropriated them W Chamber of Commerce, and the money had been returned to them. However John$oO, and he believed others, too ..would like to keep operating. LeRoy expressed the desire that they (keep operating as a committee N. Enright will draft a letter of ooumaendation to them on the.work they did on Antlers Park. Brookv:9w -Park representative, Mr. Elton Hoglund, explained to Committee location and what is proposed at this time. The southernmost part, containing. BOA, is A4 is being considered. There w= be 167 angle lots -_207 lots to every P R CoMMITTES JULY 24, 197+ PAGE 9 29, y mot ioned to take a tour of.this; area previous to August ti, when Comitttiee will arrive at a decision. Nelson seconded. Motion aarri Meribero' meet with Mr Hoglund at' 6; 30 PM, Wed: July 31st, at' Valley' P k to tour Brookview Park area. 300 Lamont mot ioned, Nelson seconded, to approve the following rules far �'e Par beach an d p ark area. Motion carried, +Additions to oxis�ing adapted barb regulations and ordinances. 1. All swimmers are to r emain within designated awi=ing areas. 2. There shall be no boats allowed within the area marked by the white and orange barr4a. 3 All flo�tati6n deitiiess" will be sabjecit to removal from the swimming area upon request of the lifoguards, There s be no, motorized boats in the area north of the mrimning contained Y park property, 59 Rough play in the water and on the beach area will not be allowed, 6. Swimming after hours is prohibited. 7. All large holes and sand castles constructed on the beach are to be destroyed before leaving. Animals arc 1%0 1 alowod within the beach area. 90 No fishing beach area. I. All burnt charoo4 whall be properly extinguished and disposed of In designated receptacles. 2 All trash shall be properly disposed of in receptacles provided. 3• Rioyoles 00 remain an existing roads and not 9 on park grass, 4 All dogs sntering'Antlers Park should: be attached to a leash no longer than 'tsn feet iPng, Animals are act ,allowed within the beach area.) 5• horses• are nQt allowed 'in park. 6 Kontakom shall not use m ore than four tables per group. 7. Hours era t 00 A t-9 P M. Ho 44tter*ng. 9. No intoxicating liquors allowed in park area -as provided by Ordinance #60 -of the City of Lakeville, 10 No firearms or explosiv permited. 0 P R CCMMITTEg JULY 24, 1974 Pq }g 3 J. Lamont 414 have rules for Aronson Park for next meeting. Cooties of a letter written by Sea T read of Lakeville Grove Cemetery were read by Committee members. The publia, primarily going to and returning from Aronson Park, is creating a number of problems, Nelson suggested that Lamont contact Sea -Treas of drove Cemetery, ac.nowledge. receipt of letter, and go into this matter, l Lamont .motioned that Council by asked to purchase an afro bench, 13tdd in P aytlme Catalog, #3 -ate �4 egt ipI ent be placed in Maplewood Park, Nelson 4 Motion oarried.` Pammont and LeRoy motioned and seconded to adjourn regular meeting. Motion oarr�ed, Zalt 10 05 P M. Budget Sub- Committee then began 0 work on the pap �al.'imprhvement program. 3z. ae 1. r meeting was re.-convened to act on matter of Co-ordinator Pete Martin the ao _Ong year. Motion was made by Lamont, seconded by Phright, thatthe City of Lakavill®' Qf community- school program for 1975 be $7980. Motion 4R►rrie�.. Regular Me004 once again adjourned Ballinger- Nelson ...and Budget &A b- c�ecareittee restxmad. 1OSpeat 4q subm*tted, M. Erickson, Sec. MEK