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OCTOBER 5, 1995
Themeeting was called to order by Chair Luick at fi:00 p.m. in the City
Hall Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Holberg, Amborn, Cecchini,
Luick, Reib, Miller. Absent: Skipton.
Also present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota,
Community and Economic Development Director; Jim Walston,
Assistant City Attorney; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Mira
Holliday, Recording Secretary.
The minutes of the September 21, 1995 Planning Commission meeting
were approved as printed.
The public. hearing. to consider the application of Lawrence and Bonnie
Schweich to rezone property from R-2, Single Family Residential.
• District to R-A, Single Family Agricultural District was opened. The
City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published
and mailed.
Frank Dempsey presented an overview of the proposed rezoning,
outlining the planning report dated September 27, 1995. His review
included the following:
• Background
• Location
• Proposal
• Zoning history
• Comprehensive Ptan -rural development
• Proposed metal agricultural building location
• Utilities serving. building
• Discussion of criteria for rezoning
The Commission held a brief discussion.
95. 130 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Miller to close the public
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
OCTOBER 5, 1995
95.131 Motion was made by Amborn, seconded by Holberg to recommend
approval of the application of Lawrence and Bonnie Schweich to
.rezone property #rom R-2, Single Family Residential District to R-A,
Single Family Agricultural District subject to .the planning report dated
September 27, 1995 and the findings of fact.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing to consider the application of Tri-State Machinery
Company for a conditional use permit to allow an industrial use on a
non-conforming lot of record not served with pubic sanitary sewer was
opened. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been
duly published and mailed.
Frank Dempsey presented an overview of the proposed conditional
use permit, outlining the planning report dated September 27, 1995.
His review included the following:
• • Background
• Location (next to Scott County)
• Zoning (I -1)
• Minimum lot area
• Minimum setback requirements
• Surrounding land uses
• Comprehensive Plan
• Proposed building
• Existing accessory building
• Outside storage /screening plan
• Parking
• Right. of way for Kenrick Avenue
• Access/circulation
• Landscapingtscreening
• Wetlands
• Vegetation
• Fire Marshall's review
• Building Official's review
Mr. Dempsey noted staff had reviewed the screening diagram for
Kenrick Avenue and stated that staff recommends approval of the
. t ,
OCTOBER 5, 1995
• conditional use .permit. subject to eight stipulations listed in .the
planning report.
Mr. Nelson, and Mr. Leiding were present representing Tri-State
Machinery. Mr. Nelson expressed concern over stipulation number
four in the Fire Marshal's letter requiring an approved painting room or
booth. Mr. Nelson stated Ghat only.incdental painting from spray cans
will take place when welding is done on the machinery. Mr. Nelson
stated his intent to use Richie Brothers paint booth just south of the
site in Scott County for any paint jobs for machinery.
Mr. Bruce Vogelseth, adjacent property owner questioned any
.proposed fencing and the. elevation/visibility of the building and
outside storage from his property. Staff responded..
The Commission held a discussion which included the following:
• Storage of equipment on site
• Parking area
• Height limitation for storage
95. 132 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Holberg to close the public
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
95.133 Motion was made by Amborn, seconded by Rieb to recommend
approval of the application of Tri-State Machinery Company for a
conditional use .permit to allow an industrial use on anon-conforming
lot of record not served with public sanitary sewer subject to the
planning report dated September 27, 1995. and the findings of fact.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Frank Dempseybriefly reviewed a proposed variance request by Jeff
and Becky Mowers.
Mr. and Mrs. Mowers presented pictures, along with their plans to
construct an addition onto their non-conforming home. The house was
constructed in 1890 and is located within. the Shoreland Overlay
• District of Orchard Lake. The Mowers have owned the house since
1978 and have completed significant remodeling. The proposed
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QCTOBER 5, 1.995
• construction would include an extension of the existing tuck-under
garage 7.5 feet south of the existing south face of the house. The
existing non-conforming side yard setback is 7 feet at the. southwest
corner of the existing house. The proposed addition would result in a
side .yard setback of 8'2" which would require a variance of 1'8".
Jim Walston and Michael Sobota explained the rules regarding the
issuance of variances, stating an undue hardship would be hard to
justify in this case.
The Commission discussed different options. with the Mowers. Chair
Luick suggested City staff and the Mowers talk with Mr. Gadbois,
adjacent property owner regarding the possible configuration of his
property for future subdivision which might allow the Mowers to
purchase additional property from Mr. Gadbois to put their home into
Commissioner Cecchini asked the Mowers if they had considered
reducing the width of the expansion to eliminate the need for a
variance. Mr. Mower indicated they preferred not to reduce the width
of the addition.
• The Commission indicated to Mr. and Mrs.. Mower that the could not
support a .variance.
Commissioner Amborn discussed the City Forum which was held
September 28, 1995. He encouraged other members to attend one of
the information- meetings.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40
p. m.
Respectfully submitted:
- ~ , ~ 1
Ira Hotfiday, cording Secr~ ary
David Luick, Ghair