MAX 29, 1974
This meeting was called to take care of unfinished business listed on
agenda for the May 2 m eet ing, begining with item termed 'Old Business".
Meeting called to order at 8 :20 H4 by Chairman Len Nelson. Members
present: Nelson, Enright, LeRoy, Lovelace, Erickson and Ballinger; absents Lamont.
Minutes of May 22nd meeting were discussed. It was suggested that it be
noted that the group interested in tennis courts for Oak Shores was a large group.
LeRoy and Erickson moved and seconded to approve these minutes.
Under confirm commitments heading, this information is noted;
Committeeman Expiration of Tenure
Al L. Nelson, H. Lovelace January 1, 1974 Lovelace is `serving
his 3rd year in office
M Erickson, R. LeRoy January 1, 1)75 Eri ckson-is serving her
3rd year in office
J. Ballinger, J. Lamont January l x.976 New
N. Enright January 1, 1977 New
LeRoy made motion to recommend to Council that the terms of Nelson and
Lovelace be effective January 1,,1974• Enright seconded.
LeRoy motioned, Enright seconded, to create a nominating slate of varioas
offiaers- -such slate to be validated at the next meeting, after confirmation. The
Chairman for 1974 -L. Nelson ;LeRoy nominated Nelson)
Vine- Chairman N. Enright
Secretary M. Erickson
Sub Chairman:
B udget..- .........,....,_R. LeRoy,;.
Maintenance..__..___..H. Lovelaco
Advisory to Council -N. Enright
Community Athletics -J. Lamont
Representative to Dakota Co. Municipal Parks -J. Ballinger
(Parks representative includes trail study)
Nelson motioned the above names and offices be the installations for 1974.
Ballinger seconded. Motion carried.
Mrs. L Kammer offered to be guide of P R members for a tour of Ritter
Farm, also area lying to the east of her home on Lake Marion. This tour will be on
Wed,, June 5th, at 6 AM, originating at Hammer's. N Enright volunteered to notify
members of Parr Study group.
ESDAY, MAY 29, 1974
3 2
Enright made motion that the warming house which is to be moved from
Terrace Park be moved to Orchard Beach and placed on existing cement slab. LeRoy
seconded. After a period of discussion, LeRoy moved this matter be tabled temporarily
until next meeting. Enright seconded. Motion carried.
These suggestions were made to implement controllable budget itemsa
Orchard Beach "crawl thru" -type of equipment, suitable for young
children primarily
Wayside tables, perhaps stationary
Orchard Lake`Park possibly slide
Hershey backstop, perhaps benches
Maplewood glider
2 Valley Parks 167th O.K., Parkview does need attention
Jackson Heights has just had new sod
Antlers Park basic things such as horseshoe stakes, volleyball
standards and barbecue stands. Also there is a
need for parking facilities for boat launching as
soon as possible.
Chairman of each park is to bring items of equipme nt o nex� ing,'June
12th; b ring prices and specific ideas and sketch of specific location -eacn item on
separate sheet--cost of each item and what priority you give the item.
Tennis courts were discussed. J. Robinette said City Engineer would
have to draw up bids. This after Council approval.)
On Monday evening, June 3rd, there is to be a public hearing on concessions,
life guards, 'ate.$ for Antlers Park.
Motion by Enright "that, for this year (summer of 1 74), Antlers Park is
not rented out to private companies and is open to the public:' Ballinger seconded.
Motion carried.
Motion to adJourn unanimous. Time 11:30_FM
Respectfully submitted,
Martha tri.ckson, Secretary