April 24, 1974
Members present: Enright, LeRoy, Nelson, Erickson.
Minutes read and approved.
1 Welcome of new members
Jason Lamont and Jim Ballinger
2. Jim Robinette Antler's Park: A) concessioners many responses requested
that proposals come in letter form to city
council by May 6.
B) administrator "U" of Minn contacted for
C) park improvements building separated
dunce May 11 sponsored by J.C.'s building
to be torn dorm May 15
Athletic fields:
A) ball fields all dragged and ready
B) most parks fertilized
C) black dirt for Bassett addition and Jackson 1st
(Krause Park may also need dirt)
D) two Aquazyme units at Aronson
E) hiring of life wards confirmation at tat
meeting in May
G) approval to purchase sign machine and snow
blower, motion made by LeRoy to recommend
purchase of sign machine and snow blower.
3. Steve Schultz 8480 207th St: requests that warming house at Terrace Park be
removed or replaced with a building more compat-
ible to area survey requested from area residents-
1. Should warning house be removed?
2. Does area need warming house?
Jim Robinette will check into possibility of removal
M. Erickson will survey areas needs.
4. Park assignments: 1. Valley Park 7 parks Ballinger
2 Maplewood Park
3. Terrace Park M. Erickson
4. Hershey Park
5. Lions Park
6. Aronson Park- Lovelace, Lamont, Erickson
7. J. C. Park Lovelace
8,.A-,Antler's Park Erickson, Lamont, Lovelace
9. Dakota Ideights Lamont
4 10 Suburban Acres ,Lamont
11. Orchard Lake Beach Enright
12. 'Orchard Lake Park LeRoy
13. Orchard Lake Wayside Enright
14. Ritter Park LeRoy
15. Jackson Heights let 2nd LeRoy
16. Oak Snores Nelson
5. Discussion and adsignment of membership tasks in regard to controllable
budget items:
Playground equipment 5 15 74
trees 8'- 1 74
hockey rinks 9 1 74
warming houses 9 1 74
backstop ballfield
baseball diamond
tennis courts
6. New member.4rientation:
a) meet with planning commission April 25
b) May 8 meet at 6 o'clock to survey park areas
in immediate old village area
c) UY 1 meet at Valley Park 6 :30 to survey
surrounding parks
d) meet with sewer water representatives and
village engineer on May 22nd.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Erickson, Sec.