March 14, 1973
Members present: J. Robinette, L. Nelson, W. Makos, J. Hrkal, L.Austad,
M. Erickson.
1. Pete Sterling- Dynasty Investment Corp.:
199X acre. *plats in combined venture with Greg Hitchcock called "Lake
Highlands Development
Motion made by J. Hrkal, seconded by M. Erickson that the executive 9 hole
golf course will be accepted in lieu of park land provided a guarantee for
public use and maintenance provided by developer. 10 lots approximately 5 -8
acres. Park land will also be dedicated with a buffer provided on Hyw. #50.
Amendment by J. Robinette, seconded by L. Nelson that park will be finished
by developer by mutual agreement with developer and Park Recreation Committee
and Council before dedicated. Motion carried.
2. Mutual Capital Corp. -Perry Latham:
Oak Hills -70.3 Acres -126 Lots.
Makos withdrew motion of February 28, 1973. Motion by Hrkal, seconded by
Nelson to recommend $12,250.00 in lieu of land donation based on land
evaluation of $3500.00 per acre. 5% of total 70.3 acres. Motion carried.
3. Pete Martin:
Discussion of the summer program and equipment needed.
4. Motion by J. Hrkal, seconded by M. Erickson to recommend $2000.00 for
salaries and $600.00 for maintenance for the Orchard Lake Beach area.
Motion carried.
Respectfull submitted,
Martha Erickson, Sec.