JANUARY 10, 1973
Members present: Walt Makos, Len Nelson, Martha Erickson,
Howard Lovelace Pat Bresnahan.
1. Election of Officers:
Nomination of chairman: Larry Austad is to remain as temporary Chairman.
Martha Erickson as Secretary. Motion made by Martha Erickson. Motion
2 Motion made by Wait Makos, seconded by Pat 'Bresnahan to recommend to
council that no park areas be specifically designated for snowmobiling,
activities at this time, except to pass through to reach property
eligible for snow mobiling. Motion carried.
3. Pat Bresnahan made the motion to recommed a man broom be made available
for sweeping at the LAKEVILLE invitational Hockey tournament,to be held
on February 3 4, 1973 on the two rinks. College rink and School rink,
seconded by Len Nelson. Motion carried.
4 Motion made by Martha Erickson to amend 2. Aronson Park will be opened
for snow mobiling except when posted. Seconded by Pat Bresnaham.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11 :15.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Erickson