MARCH 22, 1972
Meeting called to order by Herb Lambert
Members present: Lovelace, Lambert, Erickson, Bresnahan.
Secretary's report was read and approved
1. Community Action Council -Youth Employment Project: Contacted committee
in regard to employing youth for summer park maintenance,this program is
subsidized by the Federal Government. Pat Bresnahan will seek more
information from Community Action Council.
2. Park Naming: Motion by Lambert, seconded by Pat Bresnahan to have the
Village Attorney look into park deeds as to legal names required for
established parks such as the Orchard Lake Park, 70 Acre Park etc.
Motion carried.
3. Matintenance Equipment: Ball diamonds must be ready for little league
practice by May 10.
4. Orchard Lake Park: There are about 30 to 35 pinic tables ready for use.
Trees have been broken down at Orchard Lake park, new trees will be
5. Park reports.
6. Civic Recreation Meeting: Membership stickers for fund raising, Valley
Park plans to support the association. Name changed to Lakeville Athletic
7. Old Business: Inreference to minutes of August 11, 1971 motion was made
to have road access to Marrinan Park from highway 50. Motion by Martha
Erickson, seconded by Pat Bresnahan to recommend that as access to Marrinan
Park be completed. Bud Alich will check into availability of Argonne Park
near Phillips 66 for little league field for summer of 1972. Pat Bresnahan
will check into availability for little league at Orchard Lake School.
8. New Business:
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Erickson, Sec