NOVEMBER 10, 1971
The meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m.
Members present: Lambert, Emond, Erickson, Bresnahan, Austad.
Motion by Lambert, seconded by Austad to recommend to Village Council to
accept the bid from D. H. Gustafson Assoc. for Crystal Lake area. Motion
Glenn Klotz land donation:
Motion by Bresnahan, seconded by Lambert contingent upon Planning Commission
approval and Council approval of $250.00 donation in lieu of land based on
$2,000.00 an acre estimated market value of undeveloped lots. Motion carried.
Motion by Lambert, seconded by Bresnahan that any monies donated in lieu of
park be ear marked for either equipment, development or purchase of park
land and left in this fund until needed. Motion carried.
Motion by Emond, seconded by Erickson to request a current financial statement
as regard to park funds. Motion carried.
Skating rinks and warming house supervision:
Motion by Lambert, seconded by Austad that the following hours be recommended
and warming houses be locked at all other times:
Hours during Xmas vacation
Monday thru Saturday 10:00A.M. to 10:00P.M.
Sunday 1:00P.M. to 8 :00 P.M.
Hours during school days
Monday thru Thursday 4:OOP.M. to 10:00P.M.
Friday 4:OOP.M. to 10 :00P.M.
Saturday 10:00A.M. to 10:00P.M.
Sunday 1:00P.M. to 8:OOP.M.
Motion by Bresnahan, seconded by Emond that a supervisor be hired for scheduled
hours daily during Xmas vacation and weekends, up to and no later than March 1,
1972, provided a Village employee be responsible for hiring and administrating
schedule. Following rinks recommended for supervision: Valley Park, Buffer
Zone, Crystal Lake, Orchard Lake. Approximate cost for supervisor $3000.00,
Motion carried.
Park re- naming:
The Park Recreation committee will publish a description of Lakeville Village
Parks according to area. As the areas are presented suggested names will be
requested from residents, so that parks may be renamed. The committee will
review names and decide on the one most suitable for each park in thetaarea.
Sign posts will be erected to identify park. All suggestions should be mailed
to Park Recreation Committee, Village Hall.
Motion made to adjourn at 10:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Erickson, Sec.