OCTOBER 27, 1971
The meeting was called to order at 8:20 P.M. Members present: Lambert,
Emond, Erickson, Austad, Bresnahan.
Jim Emond presented Midwest Planners bid for Crystal Lake Park. A motion
by Herb Lambert, seconded by Pat Bresnahan that the bid be tabled until
an additional bid is sought from D.H. Gustafson Assoc. Motion carried.
Motion by Jim Emond to recommend a 16X28 portable warming house (heavy
duty with floor) for Valley Park in preference to a permanent structure
at this time. Motion carried.
Larry Frank -70 Acre Park- Overall park plans to include municipal buildings
were viewed. Motion by Jim Emond, seconded by Herb Lambert to recommend to
Village Council to accept D.H. Gustafson Assoc. plans as presented.
Motion carried.
Park Re- naming: Tabled until more specific plans formulated.
Park Rules Regulations; Tabled.
Old Business:
Motion by Herb Lambert, seconded by Pat Bresnahan to furnish heater for
Crystal Lake warming house. Motion carried four to one.
Motion made to adjourn at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Erickson, Sec.