SEPTEMBER 22, 1971
The meeting was called to order by James Emond at 8 :00 p.m.
Members present: Bresnahan, Johnson, Emond, Austad, Lambert Erickson.
1. Motion by Lambert, seconded by Bresnahan to accept the minutes of the September
8, 1971 meeting as read. Motion carried.
2. Bresnahan reported that Orchard Lake would like warming houses for their skating
rinks. Development for warming house improvement was discussed. Johnson Emond
are to inspect the bui ldings'+khat.Leonard='Bentson donated and report with
recommendations for repair and distribution.
Emond recommended each park assignment check for rink expansion into two separate
rinks, one for pleasure and one for hockey.
3. Valley Athletic Assn.:
Valley Park requested hockey maintenance on a regular schedule to help hockey
program, and discuss upkeep and improvement details. Association stated the
fire hydrant at rink is not working, Emond to recommend to Council to have
water department check this out. Association also brought up playground
equipment, Emond recommended Jaycees set up equipment.
4. Orchard Lake Park:
The problem of noise at the Orchard Lake _Park was discussed.
Motion by Johnson seconded by Bresnahan to make and post rules on signs at all
parks and consider restricting parking area at Orchard lake. Motion carried.
William Hoffbeck will inquire
5. John Hrkal appeared concerning making a hockey rink at the Fischer property at
Orchard Lake. Motion by Emond seconded by Bresnahan to have the Village Attorney.
inquire into the Fischer property for possible park land use and to have a report
by the next Park Recreation Committee meeting.if possible. Motion carried.
6. Crystal Lake Park:
No response from Village Council on recommendation to have Midwest Planners
give their opinion on park development suggestions.
7. 70 Acre Park:
Suggested by Emond to recommend to Village Council to have parking and diamonds
staked out so possible fall filling can be accomplished. Emond will call Midwest
Planners for their suggestions on building locations.
8. John Hrkal explained School Boards position on School Hockey Program, a three
year program which would include their own rinks. School Board felt it wished
more available ice in area to promote more skaters for program. Board would
vote on proposed program this fall.
9. William Hoffbeck appeared and discussed public accesses for Orchard Lake and
Lake Marion.
10. Emond recommended to ask Village Council for permission to re -name the parks.
Procedue in naming to Include newspaper ad, showing parks and asking public
recommendations and after selection run another ad in newspaper showing parks
and names.
11. Motion by Emond seconded by Erickson that the Park Recreation Committee feel
that they must add to our budget the employment of a part time Park Recreation
Director in order that are facilities can best be utilized. A $5,000.00
addition to the budget is recommended. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn at 11:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Erickson, Sec.