June 23,1971
The meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Temporary Chairman
Larry Austad.
Members present; Johnson, Jones, Austad, Lampert, Emond and Bresnahan.
The secretary's report was read and approved.
Tennis Lights:
Motion made by Herb Lambert seconded by Larry Austad that no further action
regarding the installation of lights for the tennis courts be taken. Motion
Park Planning:
No action taken at their meeting regarding the 70 acre park until
survey and topbgraphy map be compiled.
Park Maintenance and Equipment:
A discussion was held regarding the type of equipment needed members
felt that this should be tabled until next 'meeting.
Crystal Lake Park:
Meeting with Pat Bresnahan and Bob Frigaard (village engineer)
is to be held with a report due at the next meeting
Hockey Program:
Discussion of equipment needed such as goals, hockey rink painted
and other new equipment needed. Contact is to be made with Ray Anderson
regarding program for next winter.
Park Playground Equipment:
Discussion was held regarding playground equipment and where it
should be placed. Suggestion was made that the chairman assign specific
parks to each member of the committee and that member would then recommend
to the full committee types of playground equipment, maintenance etc.
needed for that park or parks that are assigned to them.
Motion for adjournment made at 10:05 P.M. Motion carried.