MAY 12, 1971
Members present: Jim Emond, Larry Austad, Pat Bresnahan.
The reading of the secretary's report was dispensed with.
1. Tennis Courts: Another electrical bid be made, then submit to the
Village Council.
2. Park Maintenance: Need another man for help, short one man from last
year. Practically impossible to maintain parks with
present help. The Park Recreation Committe
recommends to the Village Council the hiring of
another man for park maintenance and the purchase
of some new park maintenance equipment and if the
cost of this equipment could not be split with
another department.
3. Mr. Larry Franks from D.H. Gustafson Co. was given input to
development of 70 acres of landi and it was suggested that it
be an active park and that the Village Council be contacted
regarding their future plans of buildings and etc. on the
70 acres.
4. Dave Galchutt made a report regarding the Orchard Lake Beach.
It was recommended that a contract be made with the Orchard Lake
Improvement Association, and make a written report for repairs,
docks, maintenance and etc. needed at the beach.
New Business:
Recommend to the Village Council that they accept the proposed
playground equipment to be donated by Tillges Construction for
the park in Park Terrace 2nd and 3rd Addition.