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PARK AND aCBXAT1 JL CU, HI SSIU13 MIhUTBS FEBRUARY 24, 1971 Tke moetiar was called to order tq ekrm. Herb Lambert. The selection of officers reas the first order of busixeess, Jim Emoid was ziamiaa,tod for ckairmasa. The ssoiniaatioris were ekesed. Jim Emend wa.s unaximsusly voted chairman. Martka Erickson eras uomivated as secretary.. Witk as fa.rtner asmiaatioae, **mixatior s were closed and kartka Ericksoa was voted secretary. Now rssembers wore briefed by Fred Taft reta.rd.i>at comprebeasive Park pla,as, Tke Commission is to plan present and future parks and tke development of suck witk the eousideratiou of recreational programs. It is importmext tkat Tko eark And Recreation Comm. work witli tae Plaxniie Commission wken donated land is accepted from developers as to wlaother suck land won1d be suitable for Park and Recreational devolepmeaat. Minutes and agenda skojzld be available to all committees in regard to tkis matter. Snowajobilesrs gnat to discuss a snowmobile ordAxaade�ndl it was r000mmoxdol f tkat as ordinance be made feamiable to enforce aid ix dimilarity to tko ordiiaaeo+' h� of surrouu4lue coautiLities. A recominmAda.tiou was also ruade�to Game riardox Doak Erast present at tine host meretioa, i Pat Bresxal►x made a motion that tine Park and Recre Comm. draw up a reeommoxdod_ ordinance In retard to snowmobiles witk tke roeommoadsstioa of tke state law eafore mmext. Jaka Jones seeruded the motion. A.l Jehusea saree umtod a pe►ried of time for a queastinxaA4ro aid more opinions. Pat Breasxalnax ammoxdod tlso prep©o&ILA ordtaa ce motions to read tkat Tke Parks and Rocroatiox Comsn. roxld l i mt propo�sei .werree•tiersbs for a smormebtle erdiaaase subject to discussiex at tke next meeting, Al Jekxsox seeoxdedl tke Ynotie►a. 2, Tke paper is to be Lotified. tivat Marck 10, 1471 meeting rill be open to further discsussi*t ira regard to a snowmobile ordinance. proposal, Bill.'Hoffbeck will be ixuited t„ tw. t±areh 10, 1971 meetixL to skare iris ide on park mpintonaace. In regard to By� Lams any member wke rnisst*d three cox�ecutim* meetings witkout a rea- ituabhee excuse :shall be rsplaved a-s a member of the lark aad Recreation Comraission, Al J*knson made a motion tka.t past sad, present ekairmax draw up redommersd.ed Hy-laws. Pat Bresnakax seconded motion. iTtrb L&npert rande tiro mati3a for n recozaendatian to VillaFmt ctawicil` tkat Pat Bresnakax contact eF veeatioxal teacknical rscksol to see if they will ca*_ao to Lakeewille to study park a,rews a.nd por "iblr layout nesrsiary areas for fens to six bell diw Lauds Pad gather possible r €creAtigna.l faeilttie:s ar.d t1at are ro"de d, So that tnuart can be vipui o araro of nc ncepdpd. for t kiss y r,^ar`R develo jmeiA. &1 Ja aalt!`)T, Jim XrnoiA redno tizat trat Seven copies for tlel budget perts.ixirg to.;ea.rkm and Recro -Atop 'or iaicl,Q a.vail¢. rbl,e to ccrimAttee r2emberr, he also rest�?zpst�^�1 b large fall reap to plot out park s,rens, Jim Imand r�carrv.,ieuded tka,t ties vill",,e council dits not nefotiato a. lease with Ue farmer until tIe Parks amd Recreation Comm. leas load an opportunity to study recreational needs of the area Herb Lambert road* a motia:. the meeting be ae? joa.rned, JoIn Jones eeconOrd. Respectfully submitted Martha Erickson Secretary