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FEBRUARY 17,1994
The meeting was called to order by Chair Holberg at 7:00 p.m. in the City
Hall Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Miller, Smith, Holberg,
Steigerwalt, Luick, Whitehouse.
Also present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota,
Community and Economic Development Director; Jim Walston, City Attorney;
Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner.
The. minutes of the February 3, 1994 Planning Commission meeting were
approved as printed.
The public hearing to consider the application of Roger and Jane Gilb for a
conditional use permit to allow a mayor automobile repair business in the
B-4, General Business District on land located in the southwest corner of
T.H. 50 and Iberia Avenue was opened. The City Attorney attested that all.
legal notices had been duly published and mailed.
• Frank Dempsey presented an overview.of the proposed project, outlining the
.planning report dated February 9,1994.. He explained that the Gilbs were
purchasing the existing parcel of record to construct a six bay building
with office and parts storage, initially with future expansion to the north
and west. He reviewed the current requirements regarding major auto repair
and the performance standards in the Zoning Ordinance.. He noted that the
zoning to the south and east were residential. The landscape and screening
plan. for the project included berming and plantings. Mr. Dempsey indicated
that should the Gilbs lease out any portion of the proposed building to
another business such as a muffler shop, it would require a planned unit
development conditional. use permit application. He also indicated that the
monument sign noted on the plan was proposed for Phase II construction at
which time the sign would be addressed under the PUDCUP. The location.
would be reviewed prior to Phase II being approved. Mr. Dempsey reviewed
the following:
- Setbacks
- Street access
- Parking
- Signage
Mr. Dempsey stated that staff recommends approval of the conditional use
permit subject to nine stipulations. He referenced a letter from the Gilbs
dated February 17, 1994 requesting that the business be permitted to be
open from .7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Performance standards allaw business
..hours to be 7;00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. unless approved by the City Council.
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FEBRUARY 17, 1994
The Gilbs were also concerned that their customers could drop off vehicles
during off business hours. Staff clarified that storage of damaged
vehicles, vehicles being repaired and vehicle parts and accessory equipment
must be completely inside the principle or accessory building. Fully
operational vehicles awaiting servicing could be parked on the property.
Gary Tushie, architect for the Gilbs requested that the security. required
for the project be posted at the time of building permit application and
not prior to City Council approval. Staff indicated that was acceptable.
Mr. Miller questioned the location of the south driveway. Mr. Tushie
responded that the location was needed to accommodate the site plan. Mr.
Miller also questioned if oil skimmers were included in the parking lot.
Mr. Erickson responded that due to the limited number of parking stalls on
the site, skimmers would not be required.
Steigerwalt asked if overhead wires for utilities would be permitted.
Staff indicated they must be buried on site according to City Code.
Luick asked about lighting on the site, particularly at the driveways.
Staff indicated lighting standards were a part of the performance standards.
• but. could be added as a stipulation in the conditional use permit.
Whitehouse. questioned the hours of operation proposed by the Gilbs. After
discussion, it was agreed that the Gilbs would discuss with: staff prior to
City Council review and a recommendation would be submitted to the City
Don Fastenau, Pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 20340 Iberia Avenue,
asked about stormwater runoff from the site. Staff responded that runoff
from the site was proposed to be directed on to Iberia Avenue and onto the
T.H. 50 right-of-way.. Tushie responded that drainage cannot all be brought
to T.H. 50. Mr. Erickson explained that a current problem did exist during
spring thaw in the drainage swale south of the church.. He stated that
staff would respond prior to the City Council acting on the conditional use
permit. Mr. Walston indicated that the proposed conditional use permit
should be amended to include an easement rather than a deed for the
additional right of way. Staff agreed.
Holberg commented that the closing time of 10:00 p.m. request by the Gilbs,
in her opinion, was too late. Holberg also asked if staff is in agreement
with the. Gilb's request that storm sewer charges. for the 15 feet of
additional right-of-way should be reduced. Staff agreed the charges should
be excluded for the right of way.
FEBRUARY 17, 1994
Chair Holberg asked the applicant if they were in agreement with all the
conditions listed in the planning report as amended. The applicant
indicated they were inagreement.
An additional stipulation to be added to the conditional use permit is as
F. A financial guarantee of $5,000 shall be provided for open cutting of
Tberia Avenue and for the fire hydrant construction prior to the
issuance of a building permit.
J. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is
not visible from the public right-of-way or from an abutting residence
and shall be in compliance with Section 9.9 of the Zoning Ordinance.
94.25 Motion was made by Steigerwalt, seconded by Miller to close the public
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
94.26 Motion was made by Steigerwalt, seconded by Miller to recommend approval of
• the application of Roger and Jane Gilb for a conditional use permit to
allow a major automobile repair business in the B-4, Business District on
land located in the southwest corner of T.H. 50 and Iberia Avenue subject
to the planners report of February 9,1994 as amended and the engineering
report dated February 11,1994.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Chair Holberg noted that Ryt-Way Industries had withdrawn their application
for a building setback variance. Jim Walston stated that no action was
needed on behalf of the Commission.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectively submitted:
is ae Sobota, Acting ecording Secretary
' Ho er Cha