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JULY 21, 1994
The meeting was .called to order by Chair Holberg at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall
Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Whitehouse, Steigerwalt, Holberg,
Skipton, Smith, Miller. Absent: Luick.
Also present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sabota, Community
and Economic Development Director; Tim Walston, Assistant City Attorney;
Daryl Morey, City Planner; Tim Hanson, Consulting Engineer; Mira Holliday,
Recording Secretary.
The minutes of the July 7, 1994 Planning Commission meeting were approved
as printed.
Due to a delay in a neighborhood meeting being held regarding the proposed
Golden Pond preliminary plat, Chair Holberg suggested that an item under new
business be discussed,
Dennis Leisten of 12300 168th Street West discussed a proposed addition to his
• nonconforming home adjacent to Orchard Lake. Noncomformities include front
yard setback, shoreland setback and impervious surface. area. The property is
located within the Shoreland Overlay District. Staff discussed the history of the
Leisten property which included the construction of a house which was approved
by conditional use permit and variance in 1979.
The Commission agreed and explained to Mr. Leisten that indication of hardship
would be a primary factor in considering a variance.
The public hearing to consider the application of Progress Land Company, Inc.
for the preliminary plat of 108 single family residential lots to be known as
Golden Pond and a minor Comprehensive Plan amendment. to bring .the property
into .the Year 2000 Urban Service Area on land located in the southeast corner
of 210th Street and Dodd Boulevard was opened. The City Attorney attested
that-.all legal notices had been duly published and mailed.
Daryl Morey presented an overview of the proposed plat, outlining the planning
report dated July 15, 1994. His review included the following:
• • Background
JULY 21, 1994
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. • Adjacent zoning and land uses
• Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan
• Phasing
• Density
• Lots/blocks
• Outlots
• Setbacks
• Streets
• Trails
• Escrow for future upgrade of both 210th Street and Dodd Boulevard
• Dakota County Plat Commission's comments
• Berming/landscaping
• Grading, drainage, erosion control and utilities.
• Tree preservation
• Wetlands
• Parka and trail dedication
Mr. Morey stated that staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat of
Golden Pond subject to 19 stipulations listed in the planning. report.
• Warren Israelson of Progress Land Company was present to answer questions of
the Commission and public.
The Commission held a discussion which included:
• Street configuration near Lots 1 and 2, Block
• Ou#lot A (pond) and adjacent cemetery
• Street name Ibis)
• Trail- easement for future access to- McGuire Jr. High and JFK Elementary
• Drainage and utility easements
• Drainage
• Pond elevation
• Possible reconfiguration of Lot 1, Block 7
• Escrow for-trail installation
• Temporary trail between Lots ~ and 3, Block ,out to 210th Street
• Eyebrow cul-de-sac
• Four way stop at 210th Street and Dodd Boulevard.
• Turn lane at Hummingbird and 21 Oth Street
• Possibility of trail along. south side of pond
JULY 21, 1994
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Public Comment:
Sue Hammer of 9025 210th Street expressed her concern regarding increased
traffic volume on 210th Street.
Lenny Gephart, representing his family who owns property at 9056 210th Street
expressed his concern over increased traffic, noise, privacy and decreased
property value. He stated that more consideration should be given to the
existing homeowners on 210th Street.
Leroy Kehrer of 21280 Dodd Boulevard expressed his concern regarding
potential water problems and tree preservation.
George Hammer of 9025 210th Street questioned the width of 210th Street and
proposed walkways on the south side of 210th Street.
Bill Phillips representing family members who live at 9056 210th Street
expressed concern over safety on 210th Street with increased traffic.
Pete Zweber of 9000 210th Street questioned the widening of 210th Street and.
right-of-ways.. Staff addressed the issue.
Carol Benolkin of 9090 210th Street ex ressed her concern re ardin increased
p g g
traffic on 210th Street.
Mark Zweber of 2131 Dodd Boulevard questioned access to Holyoke Avenue.
94.79 Motion was made by Steigerwalt, seconded by Smith to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Further Commission discussion included the following:
Park easement on the southern side of Honeycomb.
Passing lane (west) and turn lane (east) on 210th Street
Legal length of cul-de-sac
Future ponding
Fill to be used in Lots 7-14, Block 9
..Additional stipulations to be added to the planning report were as follows:
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20. Trail easements for access to McGuire Jr. High and JFK Elementary
Schools shall be studied at the -time of final plat.
21. Drainage and utility easements shall be shown on the final plat to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer.
22. Landscaping be placed outside the 30 foot visibility triangle.
23. The strip of property to the east of Lot 2, Block 6 shall be added to the
meets and bounds parcel.
24. The. developer shall. dedicate a trail easement between Lots 2 and 3, Block
9 for neighborhood access to the downtown area and local schools
94.80 Motion was made by Smith, seconded by Miller to recommend approval of the
application of Progress Land Company, Inc. for the preliminary plat of 108
single family residential lots to be known as Golden Pond and a minor
Comprehensive Plan amendment to bring. the property into the Year 2000 Urban
Service Area on land located in the southeast corner of 210th Street and Dodd
Boulevard subject to the planning report dated July 15, 1994 as amended, the
engineering. report dated July 14, 1994 and the Dakota County Soil and Water
Conservation District report dated July 14, 1994.
Roli call was taken- on the .motion. Ayes: Steigerwalt, Skipton, Smith and
Miller. Nays: Whitehouse and Holberg.
Whitehouse stated .the reason he voted nay was he was not convinced basements
would remain dry.
Holberg stated the reason she voted nay was she felt there should not be roads
placed on three. sides of an existing home and trails and safe .pedestrian access
was not addressed:.
Respectively submit d:
Mira olliday Rec rding Secretary
M H r , C ~r