HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-04-94 { t CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING. COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1994 The meeting was called to order by Chair Holberg at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Whitehouse, I_uick, Holberg, Skipton, Smith, Miller. Absent: Steigerwalt. Also present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community and Economic Development Director; Jim Walston, Assistant City Attorney; Daryl Morey, City Planner; Keith Nelson, City Engineer; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Charlene Friedges, City Clerk. Chair Holberg announced that the public hearing to consider the application. of Great Oak Shores Joint Venture (agenda item #5} will be opened and tabled by the Planning Commission this evening. She explained that there are some unresolved issues involving the tree preservation plan and proposed trail locations within this plat, and the Planning Commission will reconsider this item when those issues are resolved. She stated the residents. will receive i notification from. C'rty staff as to the date and time of the continued public hearing. ITEM 3 The minutes of the July 21, 1994, Planning Commission were approved as printed. ITEM 4 C-hair Holberg opened the public hearing. to consider the application of the Dakota County HRA for the preliminary and #inal plat of Downtown Second Addition, rezoning from CBD-I to PUD, a planned unit development amendment, and the vacation of part of Upper 208th Street. The City Attorney attested that aN legal notices were duly .published and mailed. Frank .Dempsey provided an overview of the proposed preliminary and final plat of Downtown :Second Addition, which is located west of Howland Avenue and south of 207th Street. The plat involves the construction of 24 new residential living units for senior citizens. One existing unit will be converted from atwo-bedroom to cone-bedroom unit, and one existing unit will be converted to community space as part of this project. The additional living units will be attached to the existing 40 unit. Winsor senior housing. i ~ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 4,1994 PAGE 2 development. The site plan proposes 13 additional exterior parking stalls and 19 additional underground stalls. This will bring the total number of parking stalls up to 63, which will meet the zoning ordinance requirement of one parking. space per elderly housing unit. The entrance to the underground parking area will be accessed via the garage entrance on the north end of the existing building and via a tunnel between building phases one and two. Staff recommends approval subject to the six stipulations asoutlined in the July 27th planning report. Ms. Kari Gill of the Dakota County HRA requested Planning Commission approval of this senior housing project... She stated., if approved., construction would begin in September, with completion :late next spring. The Commission members held a discussion. which included: • Parking requirements • Handicapped accessibility • Building height • 'Underground parking-tunnel • • VFW parking status The City Administrator indicated that due to an over sight, the excess off-site parking east of Howland Avenue was not included in the parking stall count. Staff stated the building height, as proposed, does meet the ordinance standard A detailed review by the architect and staff concluded that the. building height, as defined in the ordinance, is 34.4 feet. Mr. Jerry Kaiser, 20085 Howland Avenue, asked if his property is included in theproposed rezoning and if there are any otherexpansion plans proposed for Winsor Plaza. Staff. indicated his property is not included in the proposed rezoning. Ms. Gill stated there are no additional expansion plans proposed for Winsor Plaza at this time. 94.81 Motion was made by Smith, seconded by Luick to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the :motion. Ayes, unanimous. Commissioner Whitehouse stated he would like to see "no parking" signage placed in the underground tunnel • Commissioner Mi ler recommended an additional stipulation be .included which would regulate the mean height of the building not to exceed 34.4 feet. r , PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING-MINUTES .AUGUST 4,.1994 PAGE 3 • 94.82 Motion was made by Smith, seconded by Miller to recommend approval of the preliminary and final plat of Downtown Second Addition; a rezoning from CBD- I, Central Business District-Industrial, to PUD, Planned Unit Development; a planned unit development amendment to allow the addition of 24 senior citizen .housing units to the existing Winsor Plaza development; and the vacation of part of Upper 208th Street, subject to the recommendations of the July 27th planning report, with the addition of Stipulation #7 that the mean height of the building not exceed 34.4 feet. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. ITEM 5 Chair Holberg opened the public hearing on the application of Great Oak Shores Venture for the preliminary and final plat of Great Oak Shores Point, a planned unit development-conditional use permit, a variance for cul-de-sac length, and a minor Comprehensive Plan amendment to bring the property into the Year 2000 Urban Service Area. The City Attorney attested that legal notices were duly published and mailed. • 94.83 Motion was made by Whitehouse, seconded by Miller to table the public hearing on the preliminary and final plat of Great Oak Shores Point, a planned unit development-conditional use permit, a variance for cul-de-sac length, and a minor comprehensive plan amendment until the required tree preservation plan has been submitted. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. ITEM 6 Daryl Morey presented the final plat of Shady Oak Shores 7th Addition, which consists of 12 single family residential lots located west of Cedar Avenue and south: of 170th Street. He outlined the planning report. dated July 29, 1994, as follows: • Location adjacent to proposed Kwik Trip site. • Consistency with approved preliminary plat • Future platting and rezoning of Outlot A • Sidewalk construction • Street extensions • • Grading, drainage and erosion control • Park and trail .dedication r , PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 4,1994 PAGE 4 • Staff recommends approval of the final plat of Shady Oak Shores 7th Addition subject to 10 stipulations as outlined in the July-29th planning report. The Commission members held a discussion which included: • Posted speeds/stop signs on Glacier Way and Glencoe Avenue • Shady Oak Shores fith Addition plat • Right-of-way for Glacier Way • Curve on Goldenrod Avenue • Street_right-of-way for commercial use • Landscaping and screening • Delivery truck access/service entrance for future commercial. use-Outlot A 94.84 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Luick to recommend approval of the final. plat of Shady Oak Shores 7th Addition, subject to the recommendations of the July 29th planning report, the July 28th engineering report and the July 28th Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District report. • Rol call. was taken on the motion. Ayes,. unanimous. ITEM 7 Chair Holberg opened the public hearing on the application of Kwik Trip, Inc. for the rezoning from R-2, Single Family Residential District, to B-4, General Business .District; a conditional use permit to allow a Kwik Trip convenience store and gas station on the west side of Cedar Avenue, south of 170th Street, and the final plat of Kwik Trip Lakeville. The City Attorney attested that legal notices were duly published and mailed. Mr. Morey provided an overview of the proposed Kwik Trip development, outlining the planning report dated July 29, 1994, as follows: • Rezoning to B-4 • Conditional use permit required for a gas station in a B-4 District • Parking • Trash enclosure • Off-street loading. area • Consistency with Shady Oak Shores preliminary plat • .Grading, drainage, erosion control and utilities • Park and trail dedication PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 4,1994 PAGE 5 • Staff recommends approval subject to 11 stipulations as outlined in the July 29th planning report. Mr. Scott Teigen, representing Kwik Trip, stated the Kwik Trip stores focus more on grocery than gas sales. He stated 70% of their stores are located in residential neighborhoods and they pride themselves in being good neighbors. He explained that several concerns which were brought up at a recent .neighborhood meeting, i.e. drainage and berrning, have already been addressed by Kwik Trip. The Commission members held a discussion which included: • Height of evergreen trees vs. height of fence • Signage • Hours of operation • Lighting. • Outdoor sales and storage of propane tanks The public hearing was opened for questions and comments. Wendy Wulff, 17326 Greentree Path, spoke on behalf of her neighborhood. They feel that a gas station. is not an appropriate use for this property. She stated this type of use will impact their property values and affect their quality of life. Mr. Paul Hanson, 17040 Glenwood Avenue, raised c©ncerns regarding the .proposed single entrance to the Kwik Trip store and the potential for oil/gasoline drainage into the pond. Mr. Jeff Shopek of Loucks & Assoc., engineer for Kwik Trip,. explained that an oil skimmer will be installed so that oil and. gasoline do not drain into the pond. Mr. Morey explained that one access point is adequate for the proposed development of this site.. Mr. David Ivey, 17330 Greentree Path, raised a concern regarding a current drainage ..problem on Cedar Avenue and the greater .potential for flooding with this development. The :City Engineer stated that neither the County nor the Police Department could recall any flooding complaints on Cedar Avenue; however,. he will . investigate further. PLANNING CQMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 4,1994 PAGE 6 Mr. Keith Peterson, 17329 Glacier Path, presented a petition from property owners of Shady Oak Shores opposing the .proposed development of a Kwik Trip gas station at Cedar Avenue and Glacier Way. He stated that although the property owners were aware of the adjacent commercial zoning, they were mislead by the owner of the property as to its future use., which was a landscape nursery business when they purchased their homes. He felt that Land values will be impacted and crime will increase in their neighborhood. Mr. AI Hermann of Af Hermann Construction, Inc. stated the. residents knew that the adjacent property was zoned commercial. He stated that due to the current market, he has decided to get out of the landscape business. He stated he did not solicit the purchase of the property to Kwik Trip. He further stated that the commercial zoning was taken into consideration. in the lot prices when the homes adjacent to this property were sold. Chair Holberg asked why the property on the south side of Glacier Way was not chosen by Kwik Trip. Mr. Tom Loucks indicated that the property to the south is too large for this business. Residents presented, for the City's records, an area map showing home sales S in Shady Oak Shores. They stated this .map shows that the purchase prices for the homes adjacent to Cedar Avenue were less than those not abutting Cedar Avenue, however, the homes adjacent to the proposed garden supply and nursery business were not. Residents requested that the hours of operation for Kwik Trip be limited to 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Mr. Teigen indicated that 5 a.m. to midnight would be agreeable. Mr: Robert Palmer, 17322 Greentree Path, stated he didn't feel Cedar Avenue needed another gas station. He further stated he wanted to see the drainage issue resolved. Mr.' Erickson recommended that Kwik Trip officio s submit, in writing, their proposed hours of operation, and that the hours'of operation be made a condition of the conditional use permit.. He stated the storm sewer system. needs to be addressed,. regardless of what commercial use is proposed for this property. Ne recommended. the Planning Commission direct the City Attorney to determine the inherent rights of the surrounding property owners in relation to the proposed rezoning and platting, based on representation by Mr. Hermann over the past few years. • PLANNING COMMtSSIQN MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 4,1994 PAGE 7 Mr. Telgen requested that the City Attorney's opinion be forwarded to his attorney. Commissioner Luick recommended the addition of Stipulation #12 in the July 29th planning. report, which would state that the proposed location of propane gas tanks must be shown on the site plan. He also recommended the addition of Stipulation#13, which would limit the hours of operation. 94.85 Motion was-made by Miller,. seconded by Luick to continue the .public hearing to the August 18th Planning Commission meeting. Rolf call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. Chair Holberg asked staff to place this item first on the August 18th agenda. ITEM 8 Mr. Dempsey presented the request of Lori Bernard for a three year extension to a special home occupation permit. to operate a heat transfer and clothes embossing business at 17396 Ixonia Path. He stated staff has reviewed the • home and site and has not received any comments or complaints from the neighborhood in regard to the. home occupation.. Staff recommends approval of the three year extension. 94.86 Motion was made by Smith, seconded by Skipton to recommend .approval of a three year extension to a special home occupation. permit for Lori Bernard to operate a heat transfer and clothes embossing business at 17396 Ixonia Path. Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. There was no UNFINISHED BUSINESS. NEW BUSINESS A discussion was held regarding September meeting dates,. given the Labor Day weekend and Environmental Affairs Committee meeting dates,. It was decided to hold the first meeting on September 8th. The second meeting date for September is yet to be determined. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 4,1994 PAGE 8 Charlene 1=riedges, i#y Clerk • Ma olberg, hair •