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City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
February 15, 2007 ? 6:00 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers
1. Call to Order and Flag Pledge
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the February 1, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
4. Announcements
Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Lakepointe Addition
A. Public Hearing to consider the application of Charles Cudd, LLC for the
vacation of public drainage and utility easements in Spirit of Brandtjen Farm
2 Addition, located north of 170 Street and west of Eagleview Drive.
B. Consider the final plat (re-plat) of 31 townhouse units/lots and four common
area lots to be known as Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Lakepointe Addition.
Kenrick Corner
Public Hearing to consider the application of Mark Zweber for the preliminary and final
plat of two commercial lots and two outlots to be known as Kenrick Corner, located at
the northeast corner of Kenrick Avenue and 205 Street.
Oak Corner Development
Public Hearing to consider the application of Ginkgo Properties, LLC for the following,
located south of 185 Street (CSAH 60) and east of Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50):
A. Conditional Use Permit to allow shared office parking facilities.
B. Variance for existing sign structure setback.
City of Lakeville
Public Hearing to consider amendments to the Lakeville City Code concerning:
Title 3, Chapter 10, Sexually Oriented Businesses
Title 11, Chapter 34, Sexually Oriented Uses
Planning Commission Meeting Agenda
February 15, 2007
Page 2 of 2
New Business
A. Future and Continued Planning Commission Agenda Items.
B. Summary of City Council Actions on Planning Commission Agenda Items.
Staff Notices
A. The City Council Meeting at which the above items may be considered will be
held on March 5, 2007.
B. The next Planning Commission Meeting will be held on March 1, 2007.