HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-15-04 Agenda
~ City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
April 15, 2004 - 6:00 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers
1. Call to Order and Flag Pledge
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the April 1,.2004 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
4. Announcements
5. Consent Agenda
Spyglass 2"d Addition: Consider the request of Laukka-Jarvis, lnc. for the final plat
of 45 single-family lots to be known as Spyglass 2"a Addition.
6. Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Public Hearing to consider the application of Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church.
#or an Conditional Use Permit amendment to allow. the construction of a new church
in the O-R, Office Residential Transition. District, located at 20270 Iberia Avenue,
7. Dick's Sanitation
Public Hearing to consider the application of Richard and Mary Ann. Clemmer for an
amendment to the Airlake Development Fifth Addition Planned Unit Development to
allow the expansion of an existing building, located at 8984 - 215t" Street West.
8. Argonne Village
Public Hearing to consider the application of United Properties Investment, LLC,
located .east of Kenwood Trail (C.R. 50) and south of 175t" Street for:..
A. A Zoning Map Amendment to rezone property from C-3, Generale
Commercial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District.
B. A Development Stage Planned Unit Development.
C. The preliminary. plat of four commercial lots to be known as Argonne Village.
Planning Commission Meeting Agenda
April 15, 2004
Page 2 ofi 2
9. New Business
A. 'Future and Continued Planning Commission Agenda Items.
B. Summary of City Council Actions on Planning Commission Agenda Items.
10. Staff Notices
A. The City Council. Meeting at which the above items may be considered will
be held on May 3, 2004.
B. The .next regular Planning Commission Meetings will be held on April 29 and
May 13, 2004.
11. Adjourn