HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-20-02 Agenda
• City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
June 20, 2002 - 5:00 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers
1. Call to Order and Flag Pledge
2. .Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the June 6, 2002 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes.
4. Announcements.
5. Morgan Square LLC -James Allen (Continued from May 16, 2002 Planning Commission
Public Hearing to consider the application of Morgan Square LLC -James Allen for the
preliminary plat of 111 attached townhouse units to be known as Morgan Square, located
south of 205th Street, north of 210th Street and west of the Lakeville Theatre.
6. Julie Bailey
Public Hearing to consider the application of Julie Bailey for a Special Home Occupation
Permit to allow the operation. of a massage therapy business m asingle-family residence,
located at 9808 185th Street West.
7. David M. Hall
Public Hearing to consider the application of David M. Hall for a Conditional Use Permit to
allow the expansion of an existing non-conforming single family dwelling in the Shoreland
Overlay District of Lake Marion, located at 10097 199th Street.
8. Lake Marion Collision
A. 'Public Hearing to consider the application of Bruce Tschida for a Conditional.. Use
Permit Amendment to allow an expansion to an existing non-conforming major
automobile repair facility in the C-3, General Commercial District, located at 20120
Dodd Boulevard.
B. Public Hearing o consider the application of Bruce Tschida for a Variance from the
required 20-foot side yard setback.
9. Baileys Meadow
• Public Hearing to consider the application of Wright Homes, Inc. and Terrain Corp. (d.b.a.
Baileys Meadow Partnership) for a preliminary and final plat of 15 single family lots on three
blocks to be known as Baileys Meadow, located south of Dodd Boulevard and east of
Flagstaff Avenue.
Planning Commission Meeting Agenda
June 20, 2002
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10. AI Mehlhorn and. John Beatty
A. Public Hearing to consider the. application of AI Mehlhorn and John Beatty for a
preliminary and final plat of 4single-family residential lots.to be known as Mehlhorn
Beatty Addition, located south of.202"d Street and east of Kensington Way...
B. Public Hearing to consider the application of AI Mehlhorn and John Beatty for the
vacation of a portion of platted public road right-of-way.
11. Heritage Walk
Public Hearing to consider the application of Wensmann Realty for a preliminary plat of 148
townhome unit lots, 4 common area lots, and 4 outlots to be known as Heritage Walk,
located north of 202"d Street and east of Holyoke Avenue.
12. Airlake Development Fifth Addition
A. Public Hearing to consider the application of APPRO Development and Dick's
Sanitation for a preliminary and final plat of one lot and one outlot to be known as
.Airlake Development Fifth Addition, located south of CSAH 70 (215th Street} and
west of Highview Avenue.
B. Public Hearing to consider the application of APPRO Development and Dick's
Sanitation for a rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1 from i-1, Limited Industrial District to
PUD, Planned Unit Development, located south of CSAH 70 (215th Street) and west
of Highview Avenue.
C. Public Hearing to consider the application of APPRO Development and Dick's
Sanitation for the vacation of public :drainage and utility easements related to the
final plat of Airlake Development Fifth Addition, located west of Holyoke Avenue and
south of CSAH 70 (215th Street).
13. New Business
A. Future and Continued Planning Commission Agenda Items.
B. Summary of City Council Actions on Planning Commission Agenda Items..
14. Staff Notices
A. The City Council Meetings at which the above items maybe considered will be held on
July 1 or July 15, 2002.
B. The next regular Planning Commission Meeting will be held on July 18, 2002.
15. Adjourn