HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-10-02 Agenda
~ Ci1y of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
October 10, 2002 - 6:00 p.m.
City Hall .Council Chambers,
1. Call to Order and Flag Pledge
2. Roll Call of.Members
3. Approval of the September 19, 2002 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes.
Approval of the September 19, 2002 Work Session .Meeting Notes.
4. Announcements
5. Gary and: Donna Green
Public Hearing to consider the application of Gary and Donna Green for a Conditional
Use Permit to allow the construction of an addition to a house to within 20 feet from
the top of a bluff in the Shoreland Overlay District of Orchard Lake.
6. Lakeville Commerce Center East
Public Hearing to consider the application of Dakota Electric Association and
Lakeville Land, Ltd. for the preliminary and final plat of one lot and two outlots to be
known as Lakeville Commerce Center East to allow the construction of an electric
substation in the C-3, General Commercial District, located south. of 205t" Street,
north of 21Dt" Street, east of Interstate 35 and west of Kenrick Avenue..
7. Lakeville Town Office Development
A. Public'Hearing to consider the application of Marmor LLC for the preliminary
and final .plat of 17 lots #o be known as Lakeville Town Office Development.
B. Public Hearing to consider the application of Marmor LLC for a rezoning from
O-R, Office/Residential Transition District to PUD, Planned Unit
C. Public Hearing to consider the application of Marmor LLC for the vacation of
public street, drainage .and utility easements. (Tabled at the September 19,
2002 Planning Commission meeting)
Planning Commission Meeting Agenda
October 10, 2002
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8. Crossroads
D. R. Horton-Minnesota, OPUS .Northwest, and Ed McMenomy are requesting the
following in relation to the Crossroads mixed-use development, located south of Dodd
Boulevard (CSAH 9) between Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Flagstaff Avenue.
A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment to guide property on the 2020 Land Use
Plan consistent with the proposed uses in the Crossroads preliminary plat.
B. Comprehensive Plan/Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) Amendment
to bring property within Staged MUSA Expansion A (2005) into the current
C. Rezoning of one institutional lot (church and school); ten commercial lots;
and one high-density residential lot (senior housing) from
C-3, General Commercial District and RM-1, Medium. Density Residential
District to PUD, Planned Unit Development .District and-Development Stage
Planned Unit Development Approval
D. Rezoning of 13single-family lots from RS-2, Single Family Residential
District to RS-3, Single Family Residential District.
• f. Preliminaryplat of 141 single family lots; 317 attached townhome lots; eight
(8) townhome common area lots, one (1) institutional lot (church and
elementary school); ten (10) commercial lots; one (1) high density residential
lot {senior housing); and 16 outlots.
F. Variance for cul-de-sac length in excess of 600 feet.
G. Conditional Use Permit for a seasonal outdoor sales area related to the
anchor grocery tenant.
9. New Business
A. Future and Continued Planning Commission Agenda Items.
B. Summary of City Council Actions on Planning Commission Agenda Items.
10. Staff Notices
A. The City Council Meeting at which the above items may be considered will
be held on October 21, 2002.
B. The next regular Planning Commission Meeting will beheld on October 24,
11. Adjourn