HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-97 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING November 20, 1997 - 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of the Minutes of the November 6, 1997 Planning Commission Meeting 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: A. Additions/Corrections to Meeting Agenda 5. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consideration of the application of Nancy Guenther for an extension of a Speciaf Home Occupation. Permit to allow the operation of a hair salon in a single family residence located at 17431 Fieldcrest Avenue. 6. DENNIS G©TT: CONDITIONAL USE .PERMIT ~~,a3 • A. .PUBLIC HEARING: - consideration of the application of Dennis Gott for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a one-story covered front entrance on a single family home to extend into the front yard building sertback on land located at 8989 163rd Street West. 7. )UNO TRAIL STREET VACATION A. Pl1BLIC HEARING: - consideration of the application of the City of Lakeville for the vacation of a portion of )uno Trail located on the west side of Lake Marion between 195th Street and 202nd Street. 8. LAKE VILLA GOLF ESTATES 9TH ADDITIION A. Pl1BLIC HEARING:. REZONING - consideration of the application of Fortune Realty, Inc. for rezoning property located north of 179th Street from B-4, General Business District to R-5, Single and Two Family, Medium Density Residential District. B. PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE - consideration of the application of Fortune Realty, Inc. for a cul-de-sac street length variance proposed with the final plat of Lake Villag Golf Estates 9th Addition, located south of 179th Street and west of Kenyon Avenue. C. Consider Final Plat Planning Commission Meeting Agenda November 20, 1997 Page 2 9. GATEWAY SECOND ADDITION A. PUBLIC HEARING: PRELIMINARY/FINAL PLAT/VARIANCE - consideration of the application of Gateway Development, LLC for: 1) the preliminary and final plat of four commercial lots to be known as Gateway Second Addition; and 2) a variance for cul-de-sac street length, all on land located west of 1-35 and south of 172nd Street. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (NONE) 11. NEW BUSINESS A. Future and Continued .Planning. Commission Agenda Items B. Summary of City Council Actions on Planning Commission Agenda Items 12. STAFF NOTICES: A. The City.Council Meeting at which the above items may be considered will beheld on December 1, 1997. B. The next Planning Commission Meeting will be held on December 11, 1997. 13. A~10URN i