HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-17-97 i J City of Lakeville . Planning Commission Meeting July 17, 1997 - 6:00 p.m. City Hatl Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of the Minutes of the June 19,1997 Planning Commission Meeting 4. Announcements: A. Introduction and Oath of Office of New Planning Commissioner Sharon Kot B. Additions/Corrections to Meeting Agenda 5. Consent Agenda:. A. Harris Acres Final Plat • -approval of the application from Country Joe, Inc. for the development of 36 single family residential lots on land located on the south side of 170th Street, east of Fieldcrest Avenue. 6. Special Home Occupation Permit Extension Request - approval of the application from Pamela Miller, 17171 Ipava Avenue, to allow a three-year extension to the hair salon Special Home Occupation Permit.. 7. PUBLIC HEARING: ARDEN INTERNATIONAL KITCHENS, 21150 Hamburg. Ave. A. .Easement Vacation: -consideration of the Arden International Kitchens application for the vacation of an existing drainage and utility easement on land located at 21150 Hamburg Avenue. B. Preliminary and Final Ptat: - consideration of the application of Arden International. Kitchens for a replat consisting of one lot and one block on property currently described as Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, AIRLAI~E INDUSTRIAL PARK 1ST ADDITION and Outlot B, AIltLAKE DEVELOPMENT ADDITION. C. Conditional: Use Permit (CUP) Amendment: ~-~aF ~ . - consideration of the Arden International. Kitchens application for a Conditional Use Permit Amendment for impervious.. surface area greater than 25 percent within the Shoreland Overlay District on land located at 211.50 Hamburg Avenue. Planning Commission Meeting Agenda July 17, 1997 ;f Page 2 • 8. PUBLIC HEARING: Brad Larson, 12285 - 175th Street West A. Conditional Use Permit: -consideration of the application from Brad Larson, 12285 - 175th Street ~~Q West, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of an addition onto an existing non-conforming single family dwelling on property located at 12285 - 175th Street West. 9. Heritage Square Townhomes: A. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment: - consideration for the redesignaton of the proposed use of property from low density residential to low/medium density residential on land located on the west side of Holyoke Avenue,. north of 202nd Street (C.S.A.H. 50). 2. Rezoning: - consideration of the rezoning application of Wensrnann Realty, Inc. to rezone property located on the west side of Holyoke Avenue,. north of 202nd Street (C.S.A.H. 50}, from B-4, General Business District to • PUD, Planned Unit Development District. 3. Heritage Square. Townhomes Preliminary Plat: - consideration of the application of Wensmann Realty Inc. to allow for the development of 71 lots, including 96 units of townhomes and condominiums, to be known as Heritage Square Townhomes, all on land located on the west side of Holyoke Avenue, north of 202nd Street (C.S.A.H. 50). B. Heritage Sauare Final Plat - consideration of the application of Wensmann Realty Inc. to allow for the development of 71 lots, :including 96 units of townhomes and condominiums, to be known as Heritage Square Addition, all on land located on the west side ofHolyoke Avenue, north of 202nd Street (C.S.A.H. SQ}. 10. Quail Meadows A. PUBLIC. HEARING' ' 1. Quail Meadows Preliminary Plat: - consideration of the application of Backes Companies to allow the • development of 52 single family residential lots on land located on the south side of 170th Street, west of Pilot Knob Road. Planning Commission Meeting Agenda July 17, 1997 `t~ Page 3 2. Variance: - consideration of the variance application of Backes Companies to allow a cul-de-sac street greater than 500 feet in length in the Quail. Meadows plat. B. Quail Meadows Final Plat: - consideration of the application of Backes Companies to allow the Bevel©pment of 30 single family residential. Tats on land located on the south side of 170th Street, west of Pilot Knob Road. 1L Unfinished Business: (None) 12. New Business A. Accept Fuel Facilities Study Report and Set Public Hearing Date B. Future and Continued Planning Commission Agenda Items C. Summary of City Council Actions on Planning. Commission Agenda Items 13. Staff Notices.: A. The City Council Meeting at which the above items may be considered will be held on Au ust-4 1997. B. The next Planning Commission Meeting will be held on August 7,1997. 14. Adjourn