HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-05-97 r"~ r ; i' City of Lakeville Planning Commission Meeting June 5, 1997 - 6:00 p.m. ..City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of the Minutes of the May 22,1997 Planning Commission Meeting 4. Announcements: A. Additions/Corrections to Meeting Agenda 5. CONSENT AGENDA: A. FINAL FLAT: Hypointe Crossing 6th Addition: - approval of the application, from U.S. Home Corporation for the final plat of Hypointe Crossing 6th Addition, an I8 dot single family residential • development on land located south of Interlachen Boulevard and west of Highview Avenue. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: US WEST NEW VECTOR GROUP, INC. & MNDOT: A. Planned Unit Development/Conditional Use Permit (PUDCUP): Cep 9'1'~'~ - to allow the construction ofa freestanding cellular telephone antenna 80 feet in height on property located at 16&SO Kenrick Avenue. 7. PUBLIC HEARING: CHERRYFIELDS A. Rezoning: consideration of the Tollefsan Development, Inc. request for the rezoning, from R A, Single Family -Agricultural Residential District to R-2, Single Family Residential District the southerly portion of the proposed Cherryfields plat; and B. Final Flat: consideration of the final plat of Cherryfields, a 22101 single family residential development located east ofHighviewAvenue at 175th Street. 8. PUBLIC HEARING: VALLEY CHRISTIAN CHURCH: C Up 97"~e A. Freliminary/Final Flat: for consideration of the preliminary and, final plat of • .Valley Christian Church, a one lot development an land located north of Dodd Boulevard and east of Cedar Avenue; and Planning Commission Meeting Agenda r ~ ~ June 5, 1997 ~;'t Page 2 • B. Conditional Use Permit (CUP): to allow the construction of a church in an R-2, Single Family Residential District in the proposed Valley Christian Church Addition. 9. PUBLIC HEARING: TARRY CREEK A. Vacation: consideration of an application, from Nfr, Peter Sampair for the vacation of existing street, drainage, and utility easements located within the Tarry Creek final plat boundaries; and B. Final Plat: consideration of the, final plat of Tarry Creek, a S6 lot single family residential development on land located on the east side of Highview Avenue, south of 160th Street (C.S.A.H. 46). l0. PUBLIC HEARING: HARLAN MILLER: 9$05 Iteri Court East A. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Amendment: C-UP 91-1 ~ - to allow the construction of an accessory building four feet narrower and eight feet longer, for a total of 32 square feet larger than approved by the City Council on November 4, 1996. • 11. PUBLIC HEARING: T4M RYAN: 16615 I ava Avenue p A. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Amendment to CUP. Na 96-10: c ~ P q ? - i 3 - to allow more than one detached accessory building;. and - to allow a total accessory: building area of more than 1, 250 square feet.. 12. Unfinished Business: (None) 13. New Business A. Future and Continued Planning Commission Agenda Items B. Summary of City Council Actions. on Planning Commission Agenda Items 14. Staff Notices: A. The City Council Meeting at which the. above items may be considered will be held on June 16, 1997. B. The next Planning Commission Meeting will be held on June 19,1997. 15. Adjourn