HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-97 l rl 7 , City Of Lakeville Planning Commission Meeting April 17,.1997 - 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of the Minutes of the April 3,1997 Planning Commission Meeting 4. Announcements: A. Addtions/Corrections to Meeting .Agenda 5. PUBLIC HEARING: BLUE HERON BAY (located along 202nd Street, east of Kensington Way) A. Preliminary and Final Plat: for six single family residential lots; B. Planned Unit Development/Condtional Use Permit: to allow a free foot CUB q~ ~ I ~ front yard setback reduction for three lots in the preliminary and final plat; C. Variance: to allow a lot width variance for three lots in the preliminary and ,final plat and a side yard setback variance for one lot in the preliminary and final plat; and D. Vacation: consideration for the City of Lakeville request for the vacation o, f a portion of existing Glendive Avenue in Blue Heron Bay. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (ISD) 194 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) AMENDMENT A. CUP Amendments to allow the. placement of portable classrooms at U ~ q ~-o ~ 1LIcGtiire Junior High School in an R-6,1l~edium Density Residential District on property located at 21220 Holyoke Avenue. 7. PUBLIC HEARING: LAYEUX REQUEST FOR SETTER AVENUE STREET VACATION A. Vacation: Consideration of the application of.7oseph Robert ~yeux for the vacation of an existing portion of Setter Avenue as platted in Lyndale Lakes Club No. 2 on land located south of 175th Street and east ofJudical Road. Planning Commission Meeting Agenda April 17, 1997 r' ~ Page 2 . 8. PUBLIC HEARING: KLAMATH TRAIL/C.S.A.H. 5 -PARCELS 4A AND 5A, DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 144 A. Rights-of--Way. Vacation: Application of the City of Lakeville for the vacation of all highway, street, road or right-of way interests held by the City of Lakeville on property located near the northwest corner of County State Aid Highway S and Klamath Trail. 9. PUBLIC HEARING: 'CAMAS, INC. A. Planned Unit Development/Conditional Use Permit and Excavation ~ ~ r p'1 Permit Amendment: i ~ - to allow the construction of a, fly-ash silo greater than 45 feet in height for the production of concrete products; and - to allow a radio antenna height. more than 20 feet above the roof line of the scale house%fJ`ice building on property located east of Pilot Knob Road and south of 160th Street. 10. PUBLIC HEARING: LAKE VILLA GOLF ESTATES 9TH ADDITION A. Rezoning: from R-S, Single artd Two Family, Medium Density Residential. District to PUD, :Planned Unit Development District; and • B. Preliminary Plat: for 22 lots to be known as Lake Villa Galf Estates 9th Addition, .all on land located in the southwest corner of Kenyon Avenue and 179th Street. 11. Unfinished Business: A. Appoint Subcommittee to Review Motor Fuel Sales Study -Phase I 12. New Business. A. Future and Continued Planning Commission Agenda Items B. Summary of City Council Actions. on Planning Commission Agenda Items C. Request to Call. a PublicHearing for a Rezoning of the Northern Portion of Kngswood Estates from R-A, Single Family -Agricultural District to R-1, Low Density Single Family Residential District 13. .Staff Notices: A. The City Council Meeting at which the above items may be considered will be held on Mav 5,1997. B. The next Planning Commission Meeting. will be held on Mav 8,1997. • 14. Adjourn