HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-09-97 I ~ 1 City of.Lakeville Planning Commission Meeting January 9,1997 - 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of the Minutes of the December 5, 1996 Planning Commission Meeting 4. Announcements: A. Additions/Corrections to Meeting Agenda B. Uniform Attendance Requirements and Appointment of Alternatives to Advisory Boards, Commissions and Committees Established by City Council.. 5. Election of Planning Commission Officers: A. Chair B. Vice-Chair C. Secretary 6. PUBLIC HEARING: HOSANNA! LUTHERAN CHURCH A. Easement Vacation:. Vacation of an existing drainage and utility easement on property located north of 165th Street and west of Ipava Avenue. 7. PUBLIC HEARING: APPRO DEVELOPMENT. INC. /ATLAS SPECIALIZED TRANSPORT A. Variance: to allow two driveway curb cut accesses in conjunction with the construction of an Atlas Specialized Transport facility on property located at 213th Street and Heywood Avenue. 8. PUBLIC HEARING: RIVER CITY ASPHALT, INC. a uP q ~-0 3 A. Mining and Excavation Permit: to allow mining activities on property located north of 205th Street, approximately 2,500 feet west of I-3S. 9. PUBLIC HEARING: APPRO DEVELOPMENT, INC. / ROGER'S AUTO SERVICE ~ Uh q~ A. Conditional Use Permit No. 94-07 Amendment: to allow a modifYCation to property boundaries and green space requirements for Roger's Auto Service located at 20315 Iberia Avenue. B. Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment: to change the proposed use of property located south of 202nd Street West (C.S.A.H. SO) and west of Iberia Avenue from mid-density residential to commercial. Planning Commission Meeting Agenda January 9, 1997 Page 2 C. Easement Vacations: 1. Vacation of an existing permanent easement for public drainage, utility, and. highway right-of--way purposes; and 2. Vacation of a portion of an existing permanent easement for public drainage and utility purposes. 10. PUBLIC HEARING: NORTHERN STATES POWER ASSOCIATION: Regarding property CU(' 9 ~ -0 t located north of County Road SO and west of Hamburg Avenue A. Rezoning: Rezoning from R-S, Single and Two Family ll~fedium Density District to B-1, Limited Neighborhood Business District. B. Conditional Use Permit (CUP): to allow an impervious surface area exceeding twenty-five (2S) percent in the Shoreland Overlay District. C. Conditional Use Permit (CUP): to allow the expansion of an existing electric substation. 11. Unfinished Business: (No Items) 12. New Business A. PLANNI1yG CONIlVIISSION RESOLUTION finding that proposed modifications to Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts No. 2 and 3 ocated within Redevelopment Project No. 1 are consistent with the City of Lakeville Comprehensive Guide Plan. B. Future and Continued Planning Commission Agenda Items C. Summary of City Council Actions on Planning Commission Agenda Items 13. Staff Notices: A. The City Council Meeting at which the above items maybe considered will be held on January 20, 1997. B. The xext Planning Commission Meeting will be held on January 23. 1997. 14. Adjourn