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G~ty of Lakeville
JUNE 25, 1998 - 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Minutes of the June 4, 1998 Planning Commission Meeting
4. Announcements
A. Additions/Corrections to Meeting Agenda
5. Consent Agenda
A. Greenridge
- consideration of the application of Green Ridge Associates, L.L. P. for the
final plat of 66 single family residential lots on property located west of
Flagstaff Avenue and south of 175th Street.
6. A. Maas Construction Easement Vacation
• A. Public Hearing:
- consideration of the application of A. Maas Construction, Inc.. for the vacation
of a boundary drainage and utility easement along the common Jot line of Lots
11 and 12, Block 3, Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition generally located
south of 179th Trail and east of Kingsway Path.
7. City of Lakeville, Fowler, BoNinger, Helkenn: Rezoning from B-4 to R-2
(continued from June 4, 1998 Planning Commission Meeting) and Vacation of .Street
A. Public Hearing: Rezoning
- consideration of the applications of Colin & Kimberli Fowler, Donald & Maxine
Bollinger, Morel Helkenn, and the City of Lakeville for a rezoning of four
parcels from B-4, General Business .District to R-2, Single Family Residential
B. Public Hearing: Street Right-of-Way Vacation
- consideration of the application of the City of Lakeville for the vacation of a
33-foot wide street right-of--way (Batten Boulevard: now known as Junelle
Path) which lies southerly-and southeasterly of the easterly extension. of the
most northerly line of Lot 35, Argonne Farms, generally located east of
Kenwood Trail, south. of 175th Street at the southerly terminus of Junelle
06/18/98 8:44 AM
Planning Commission
Meeting Agenda
June 25, 1998
8. Top Value Homes: Conditional Use Permit
A. Public Hearing:
- consideration of the application of Top Value Homes, Inc. for a Conditional
Use Permit to allow a second driveway curb-cut access on Lot 12, Block 1,
Paradise Hills, generally located in the southwest corner of lreland Place and
Ireland Way.
9. Camas Minnesota, Incorporated: Planned Unit Development/Conditional Use
Permit Amendment
A. Public Hearing: °I~~`~~
- consideration of the application of Camas Minnesota, Incorporated for an
amendment to the Nordic Square Planned Unit Development/ConditionaLOse
Permit and Mining and Excavation Permit to allow the aggregate processing
plant to operate on Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on property located
at 5000 -161st Street West.
10. Tom & Ann Hoffman: Conditional Use Permit ~
A. Public Hearing: ~
- consideration of the application of Tom. and Ann Hoffman for a Conditional
Use Permit to allow the construction of an attached garage for a total
accessory building area greater than 13,068 square feet in an R-A, Single
Family -Agriculture District on property located at 8315 -190th Street West.
11. Bart-Winkler: Conditional Use Permit. ~ ~6
A. Public Hearing:
- consideration of the application of Bart Winkler for a Conditional Use .Permit
to allow the placement of fill within the flood plain of Lake Marion for the
construction of a new single family home in the R-2, Single Family Residential
District and Shoreland Overlay District of Lake Marion on property located at
19099 Orchard Trail
12. New Business
A. Future and Continued Planning Commission Agenda Items
B. Summary of City Council Actions on Planning Commission Agenda Items
13. Staff Notices
A. The City Council Meeting at which the above items may be considered will be
held on July 6, 1998.
B. The next regular Planning Commission Meeting will be held on Julv 16, 1998.
14. Adjourn
08/18/98 8:44 AM