HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-16-98 ~4gehda Cify of Lakeville PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 16, 1998 6:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of the Minutes of the June 25, 1998 Planning Commission Meeting 4. Announcements A. AdditionslCorrections to Meeting Agenda 5. Malmberg Bond Addition: Preliminary and Final Plat/Conditional Use Permit A. Public Hearing: Preliminary and Final. Plat - consideration of the application of David C. Malmberg for a preliminary and final plat of one lot and one outlot on one block to be known as Malmberg Bond Addition on property located at 10483165th Street West. B. Public Hearing: Conditional Use Permit ~ a I - consideration of the application of ARAMARK Educational Resources, Incorporated for a conditional use permit to allow a day care facility in the B-4, General Business District on property located at 10483 165th Street West (Lot 1, Block 1, Malmberg Bond Addition). • 6. Imperial Plastics,1nc.: Conditional Use Permit A. Public Hearing: Conditional Use Permit ~ a - consideration of the application of Imperial Plastics,lncorporated for a conditional use permit to allow the constnaction of an addition onto an existing industrial building which will result in a total impervious surtace area greater than 25 percent in the Shoreland Overlay District on property located at 21320 Hamburg Avenue (Lot 1, Block 1, Imperial First Addition). 7. .Lakeville Ninth Elementary School: Preliminary and Final Plat/Conditional Use Permit A. Public Hearing: Preliminary and Final Plat - consideration of the application of Independent School District 194 for a preliminary and final plat of one institutional lot to be known as Lakeville Ninth Elementary School on property located. on the west side of Highview Avenue, south of Griffon Trail. and north of Messiah Lutheran Church. B. Public Hearing: Conditional Use Permit -~3 - consideration of the application of Independent School District 194 for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a two-phase 700-student capacity public elementary school in the R 2, Single Family Residential District on Lot 1, Block 1, Lakeville Ninth Elementary School 07/0819812:54 PM Planning Commission Meeting Agenda July 16, 1998 a 8. Monroe. Trucking: Conditional Use Permit A. Public Hearing: Conditional Use Permit ~~'°a`~ - consideration of the application of Monroe Equipment for a conditional use permit to allow the. construction of a new building with total impervious surtace urea greater than 25 percent in the Shoreland Overlay District on property located at 21470 Grenada Avenue (Lot 1, Block 1, Airlake Development Second Addition). 9. Dennis. Dunham Proposed Golf Driving Range: Conditional Use Permit A. Public Hearing: Conditional Use Permit 98-a ~ - consideration of the application of Dennis Dunham for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a commercial recreation facility (golf driving range) on property located east of Kenrick Avenue (County Road 5) and north of 215th Street West. 10. Park Terrace 4th Addition: Preliminary and Final Plat/Conditional Use Permit A. Public Hearing:. Preliminary and Final. Plat - consideration of the application of Felix Tillges for a preliminary and final plat of two. single family residential lots to be known as Park Terrace 4th Addition on property located on the south side of 208th Street, east of Holiday Avenue. B. -Public Hearing: Rezoninct consideration of the application of Felix Tillges for a rezoning from R-2, Single Family Residential District to R-3, High Density Single Family Residential .District for the purpose of constructing two new single family detached homes. 11. New Business A. The Future Is Now: Putting a Stop to the High Cost of Urban Sprawl, A Production of the Builders Association of 'the Twin Cities - Udeo presentation relating the findings of a recent study conducted by the Builders Association of the Twin Cities regarding .housing and their recommendations for abatement of potential future housing and land shortages in the Twin Cities area.. 6. Future and Continued Planning Commission Agenda Items C. Summary of City Council Actions on Planning Commission Agenda Items 12. Staff Notices A. The City Council Meeting at which the above items may be considered will be held. on August 3. 1998. B. The next regular Planning Commission Meeting will be held on August 6. 1998. 13. Adjourn 07108/9812:54 PM