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City of Lakeville
AUGUST 20, 1998 - 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Minutes of the August 6, 1998 Planning Commission Meeting
4. Announcements
A. Additions/Con'ections to Meeting Agenda
5. Consent Agenda
A. COnSlderatlOn Of the final plat Of BOULDER VILLAGE 2ND ADDITION
6. Nancy Guenther: Special Home Occupation Permit
A. Public Hearing: Special Home Occupation Permit
- consideration of the application of Nancy Guenther for a Special Home
Occupation Permit t0 allow the operation of a hair salon business in a single
family residence located at 1.7091 Fairhill Avenue (Lot 5, Block 2, QUAIL
• 7. Lakeville Land Ltd.: Easement Vacation
A. Public Hearing: Drainage and Utility Easement Vacation
- consideration of the application of Lakeville Land Ltd. to vacate a portion of
the boundary drainage and utility easement located on Lot 3, Block 1,
LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER generally IOeated On the east Slde Of Keokuk
Avenue, north of 215th Street {C.S.A.H. 70).
8. Cynthia Lynn Konich: Special Home Occupation. Permit
A. Public Hearing: Special Home Occupation Permit
- consideration of the application of Cynthia Lynn Konich for a Special Home
Occupation Permit to allow the operation of a massage therapy business in a
single family residence located at 17217 Idlewood Way (Lot 5, Block 2,
9. Kurt Weber: Conditional Use Permit
A. Public Hearing: Conditional Use Permit
- consideration of the application of Kurt Weber for a conditional use permit to
allow the expansion of an existing non-conforming single family dwelling for
the construction of a detached accessory building in the Shoreland Overlay
District of Lake Marion on property located at 9990 199th Street West (Lot 18,
Block 12,~ANTLERS PARK).
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08/13/98 9:46 AM
Planning Commission
Meeting Agenda
August 20, 1998
10. New Business
A. Residential Zoning/Performance Zoning Study Discussion:
Presentation by Northwest Associated Consultants
B. Future and Continued Planning Commission Agenda Items
C. Summary of City Council Actions on Planning Commission Agenda Items
11. Staff Notices
A. The Gity Council Meeting at which the above items may be considered will be
held on September 7, 1998.
B. The next regular Planning Commission Meeting will be held on September 3.
12. Adjourn
08/13!98 9:46 AM