HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-10-98 Agenda
City of Lakeville
• Plannin Commission Meetin
g g
December 10,1998 - 6:00 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Minutes of the November 19, 1998 Planning Commission Meeting
4. Announcements
A. Additions/Corrections to Meeting Agenda
5. Public Hearing: James D. Flint Special Home Occupation Permit
- consideration of the application of James D. Flint for a Special Home Occupation
Permit to allow the operation of a photography studio in a townhouse residence
located at 16320 Javari Court, legally described as Lot 5, Block 1, Town and
Country Estates.
6. Public Hearing: Ames Civic. Arena Expansion/Lakeville Elementary 2"d Addition
• A. Easement Vacation
- consideration of the application of the City of Lakeville for the vacation of
boundary drainage and utility easements located along the east line of Lot 2,
Block 1, Lakeville High School Addition and along the west line of Lot 1, Block
1, Lakeville Elementary Addition with said property generally located east of
Ipava Avenue and north of Kenwood Trail (C.S.A.H. 50).
B. Lakeville Elementary 2"d Addition Preliminary and Final Plat
- consideration of the application of the City of Lakeville and Independent
School District 194 for the preliminary and final plat of Lakeville Elementary
2nd Addition.
C. Conditional Use Permit Amendment
- consideration of the application of the City of Lakeville and Independent
School District No. 194 for an amendment to a conditional use permit to allow
an expansion of the Ames Civic Arena located at 19900 Ipava Avenue on
property located east of Ipava Avenue and north of Kenwood Trail (C.S.A.H.
50) and legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Lakeville Elementary 2"d Addition.
12/03/98 3:21 PM
h:lfiles\wortl\plancomlagendaldecl 0-98.doc
Planning Commission
Meeting Agenda
December 10, 1998
7. Public Hearing: Comprehensive Guide Plan Update
A. Consideration of the 1998 update to the Lakeville Comprehensive Plan.
1. Planning Tactics - A summary of community issues
2. Inventory - A summary of City information
3. Development Framework -The plan for the community to include the,
a. Issue Summary
b. Policy Plan
c. Land Use Plan -Map and Text
d. Transportation Plan
e. Community Facilities Plan
f. Administration Plan
g. Implementation - A summary of ongoing projects to implement the plan
4. Receive correspondence from the following:
a. Charles E. Mertensotto, Rowland & Mertensotto, P.A. representing J.H.
and Suji Lee property;
b. Daniel J. Beeson, Levander, Gillen & Miller, P.A., representing George
Warweg properties,
c. Daniel J. Beeson, Levander, Gillen & Miller, P.A., representing Bruce
Hansen properties; and
d. Jim Render, regarding Jim Render property.
8. Unfinished Business (None)
9. New Business
A. 1998 Strategic Growth Management Task Force: Presentation of report and
B. Future and Continued Planning Commission Agenda Items
C. Summary of City Council Actions on Planning Commission Agenda Items
10. Staff Notices
A. The City Council Meeting at which the above items may be considered will be
held on December 21. 1998.
B. The next meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on January 7, 1999.
11. Adjourn
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