MARCH 26, 1969
Meetint was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by chairman Jones.
A lenghhy discussion about the teen -age center concerning its usage
by the teen- agers. It was brought to the attention of the board
that the attendance at the center was such that Mr. Stoneberg felt
that it was an expense for the club to have him in attendance when
the turn out was poor.
It was then brought to the attention of the board that the bowling
alley proprietor is planning on installing a dance floor for the
summer and that there is a petition going around to stop this
action on their part.
Two of the teenagers were asked to come over to the meeting and
express their views on the center. They both felt that it was off
to a good start and that they had been informed that the council
had closed the center. However this was not the case and they were
so informed. Ways and means of attracting the teenagers to the
center were discussed and it was decided that they would take up
this matter with the student council and possibly bring it up at
an assembly.
Further discussion with the idea that the center could be used by
the senior citizens during the day and some evenings that the center
was not in use by the teenagers. This also brought about the fact
that there was a need for few tables was needed and one of the
teenagers said that he thought that perhaps he could get some and eas
advised to do so. These would be useful to anyone using the center.
It was suggested that the use of this center for both parties would
be advantages to them. It would keep the center in good use and the
council would possibly decide that if this wasn't going to be put
to good use that the area would be used for other things.
A letter to Mr Berger of Vern Donnay was signed and mailed requesting
his presence at our April 9th meeting.
Meeting was adjourned 9:50PM.
Respectfully submitted,