HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-18-09CITY OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting Minutes JUNE 18, 2009 The June 18, 2009 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Davis in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. Flag pledge and roll call of members: Present: Chair Davis Vice Chair Lillehei Secretary Pattee Commissioner Grenz Commissioner Adler Ex- officio Bussler Absent: Commissioner Drotning Commissioner Glad Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Zach Johnson, Assistant City Engineer; Andrea Poehler, Assistant City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary. ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: The June 4, 2009 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented. ITEM 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Morey stated that the following items were distributed to the Planning Commission at tonight's meeting: A. The June 17, 2009 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting motion regarding the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 3rd Addition final plat. B. E -mail from Commissioner Drotning regarding Agenda Item 6, Cedar Avenue Park and Ride. C. Regarding Agenda Item 6, Cedar Avenue Park and Ride, amended Findings of Fact for the CUP, Rezoning, and Variance requests reflecting the date of tonight's meeting. Mr. Morey commented that Agenda Item 7, Public Hearing for the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) will need to be continued at tonight's meeting so staff can perform additional analysis of the CIP prior to bringing it forward for formal action by the Planning Commission and City Council. ITEM 5. CONSENT AGENDA Planning Commission Meeting June 18, 2009 Page 2 09.29 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the June 18, 2009 Planning Commission Consent Agenda as follows: A. Approve the application of Tradition Development for a final plat of four single family lots to be known as Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 3rd Addition. Ayes: Adler, Lillehei, Davis, Pattee, Grenz. Nays: 0 ITEM 6. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL (METRO TRANSIT) (Tabled at the June 4, 2009 Planning Commission meeting) Chair Davis continued consideration of the applications of the Metropolitan Council for the following, located east of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and south of 179th Street; A. Preliminary and Final Plat of one lot to be known as Cedar Avenue Park and Ride; B. Zoning map amendment to rezone proposed Lot 1, Block 1, Cedar Avenue Park and Ride from RM -1, Medium Density Residential District to P -OS, Public Open Space District; C. Conditional Use Permit to allow an automobile parking lot as a principal use in the P -OS, Public Open Space District; D. Variance to allow a bus shelter to be set back less than 30 feet from the Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) right -of -way. Mr. Morey stated that at the June 4, 2009 Planning Commission meeting, the Commission tabled this agenda item and asked Metro Transit to look at design options to address concerns raised at the meeting concerning the location of the bus shelter, bus circulation, and user access and safety. Mr. Morey referred to a letter that was included in the Planning Commission packet dated June 11, 2009 from Tom Thorstenson, the Director of Engineering and Facilities at Metro Transit. He invited the Metro Transit representatives at tonight's meeting to present the findings of their site design review. Mr. Morey stated that staff's recommendation for approval of the planning actions for this proposed development stands. Pat Jones, Assistant Director for Engineering and Construction at Metro Transit, Craig Lamothe, the Urban Partnership Agreement (UPA) Project Manager, and Lindsey Sheppard from Metro Transit, presented an overview of their site design review given the comments made at the June 4th Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Jones and Ms. Sheppard reviewed the design of the proposed bus shelter and explained the bid process for the project. Ms. Sheppard explained that the proposed bus shelter location is well within Metro Transit's quarter mile walking Planning Commission Meeting June 18, 2009 Page 3 distance limit for user parking and the west side of the lot is the best location for the bus shelter so it can be incorporated into the future BRT design. She indicated that the handicapped parking could be relocated with a change order, but they would like the bus circulation lane to remain where it was originally designed and presented to the Planning Commission at the June 4th meeting. Mr. Lamothe thanked the Planning Commission and staff for their comments and their consideration of the project at the June 4, 2009 Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Jones asked the Planning Commission how they felt about initially building only the first phase (approximately 190 parking spaces) of the project compared to constructing the 392 parking spaces if they receive favorable bids. He explained that they would initially like to build only the number of parking spaces needed now. They would grade the rest of the site for the future parking lot expansion. Mr. Jones stated that there is a pool of funds that could be available when it is time to construct the additional parking spaces. Mr. Morey explained that this is not an appropriate question for the Planning Commission. This question should be addressed to the City Council as it is more of a policy decision. Chair Davis asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points were: Location of the bus shelter was discussed and how it will be incorporated into the future BRT station. The Planning Commission asked how and when the bus service will work. Mr. Lamothe explained that in September of 2009, express bus service will be available to this transit station using Cedar Avenue in mixed traffic. By 2012 there will be express buses which will be able to utilize an exclusive BRT lane. Until the BRT lane is ready in 2012, there will be bus service 24/ 7 but it will be a slower ride until the dedicated BRT lane is available. Mr. Jones explained that the bus shelter proposed to be built now will compliment the future BRT stations. The future BRT stations will be climate controlled, open on the side of the parking lot, and there will be real time signage that will let people know through the GPS system when the buses would be arriving so they can wait in their cars until their bus arrives. The proposed variance was discussed and the criteria the Planning Commission needs to consider in order to grant a variance. Discussion regarding the fact that the Zoning Ordinance does not currently address bus shelters. Mr. Morey indicated that bus shelters are not specifically listed in the Zoning Ordinance. The park and ride facilities have Planning Commission Meeting June 18, 2009 Page 4 been on a fast track due to the UPA funding time frames and the agreement between the City and Metro Transit and the Zoning Ordinance requirements have not had time to catch up. If the Planning Commission is comfortable with this, they can recommend the variance knowing that the Zoning Ordinance will be updated to include bus shelter standards. Some of the Commissioners felt that the current Zoning Ordinance is what we have to consider today for the variance request and felt there is no hardship in this case. It was discussed that the variance runs with the property so the variance would not be automatically removed from the property because of a Zoning Ordinance amendment addressing bus shelters. The Commission discussed the possibility of constructing everything except the bus shelter while the Zoning Ordinance is being amended to address bus shelters, and then building the bus shelter after the ordinance is amended. Because there is a 60 -90 day time frame for processing a Zoning Ordinance amendment, this possibility was not supported by the majority of the Commissioners. The Planning Commission voted on each planning action for this agenda item separately. 09.30 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the Cedar Avenue Park and Ride preliminary and final plat of one lot, subject to the following amended stipulations: 1. The site shall be developed according to the preliminary and final plat, conditional use permit and variance development plans approved by the City Council. 2. The bus shelter building exterior shall be constructed according to the plans approved by the City Council. All metal accents on the bus shelter shall be bronze in color. 3. Landscaping shall be maintained and free of dead materials. Any dead landscape material shall be replaced in compliance with the approved landscape plan and Zoning Ordinance requirements. 4. Provisions shall be made for regular litter control and an adequate number of trash receptacles shall be provided. 5. All signage shall meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and a sign permit shall be approved by the City approval prior to installation of any signs. Any freestanding sign shall be a monument sign. Ayes: Adler, Lillehei, Davis, Pattee, Grenz. Nays: 0 09.31 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the Cedar Avenue Park and Ride zoning map amendment to rezone proposed Lot 1, Block 1, Cedar Avenue Park and Ride from RM -1, Medium Density Residential District to P -OS, Public -Open Space District, subject to the amended stipulations listed in the June 18, 2009 Planning Commission minutes. Ayes: Lillehei, Davis, Pattee, Grenz, Adler. Nays: 0 09.32 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the Cedar Avenue Park and Ride conditional use permit to allow an automobile parking lot as a principal use in the P -OS, Public -Open Space District, subject to the amended stipulations listed in the June 18, 2009 Planning Commission minutes. Ayes: Davis, Pattee, Grenz, Adler, Lillehei. Nays: 0 09.33 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the Cedar Avenue Park and Ride variance to allow a bus shelter to be set back less than 30 feet from the Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) right -of -way, subject to the amended stipulations listed in the June 18, 2009 Planning Commission minutes. Ayes: Pattee, Adler, Davis. Nays: Grenz, Lillehei. Commissioners Grenz and Lillehei did not feel that this request met the hardship criteria necessary to grant a variance. ITEM 7. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Ayes: Adler, Lillehei, Davis, Pattee, Grenz. Nays: 0 Respectfully submitted, Planning Commission Meeting June 18, 2009 Page 5 Chair Davis asked for a motion to continue the public hearing for the 2009 -2013 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to a future Planning Commission meeting. 09.34 Motion was made and seconded to continue the public hearing for the 2009 -2013 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to a future Planning Commission meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:31 p.m. Penny Br Recording Se ary Dated 7 /0 9 ATTEST: Bart D. s, Chair Dated _74/7,a3 Planning Commission Meeting June 18, 2009 Page 6