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"i Inde hof Plannuig 'commission Agenda H ,terns 5 of �raF Date o u Yoo Aircraft Resource Center CUP 06 -13 06/15/2006 All Saints Catholic Church CUP amendment CUP 06 -14 07/06/2006 Argonne Farms subdivision easement vacation, 17248 Joy Court 07/20/2006 Argonne Village Third Addition prel /final plat, easement vacation 11/02/2006 Bellante Second Addition (continued to the 4/20/2006 meeting) 04/20/2006 Bellante Second Addition preliminary and final plat 04/20/2006 Blue Chip Sports Academy (see Chadwick Commercial 2nd Addition) 8/17/2006 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) 2006 -2010 07/06/2006 Celebration Church CUP amendment day care CUP 06 -08 05/18/2006 Chadwick Commercial (Northfield Clinic) prel /final plat, CUP 06 -20, easement vacation 8/17/2006 Chadwick Commercial 2nd Addition (Blue Chip Sports Academy) final plat, CUP 06 -21 to exceed 25% impervious surface, allow indoor limited retail sales in the CC district, and to exceed building height. 8/17/2006 Chadwick Farm 3 Addition CUP, placement of fill CUP 06 -07 05/18/2006 City of Lakeville /ISD 194 ordinance amend. To create P -OS District, rezoning and CUP 06 -22 to allow an ice arena in a P -OS district. 10/05/2006 Clatterbuck, Krista Special Home Occupation Permit personal trainer 11/02/2006 Comprehensive Park, Trail and Open Space System Plan 05/18/2006 Cram, Eric Special Home Occupation permit 3 year extension 11/02/2006 Crescent Ridge Second Addition Comp. Plan Amend./ Zoning Map amendment, Final plat 06/15/2006 Crescent Ridge Second Addition preliminary plat 04/06/2006 Cross Landing Preliminary plat, Zoning Map amendment, vacation 07/20/2006 Cross Landing Final Plat 10/05/2006 Crossroads (Cub Foods) PUD amend. For garden center 04/20/2006 Cub Foods PUD Amendment (Garden Center) 04/20/2006 Curren Addition final plat 08/03/2006 Curren Addition Preliminary plat and vacation 06/15/2006 Dance Works Performing Arts Center(Proudfoot) /New Horizon Day Care Preliminary and final plat CUP 06 -19 for day care facility and CUP 06 -18 for joint parking facilities 07/06/2006 Donnelly Farm 2 Addition final plat 03/09/2006 Double E Crossings 2 Addition final plat of one lot 12/07/2006 Edmonson, Jeremy and Lainie vacation of a 20 ft. wide D U easement 05/18/2006 Elliot, Lisa, 17071 Everest Path Special Home Occupation Permit extension 03/09/2006 Emerald Professional Center final plat 03/09/2006 Fieldstone Creek 1 Addition Final Plat 05/02/2006 Fieldstone Creek 2 Addition prel. Plat of 13 lots, final plat of 6 lots 10/05/2006 Index of PC Agenda Items 2006 H: \penny\FILES \WORD\Planning Commission\Index of PC Agenda Items 2006.doc e 7rp Date Fieldstone Creek preliminary plat 02/02/2006 Finholt/Sellers Easement Vacation, 16394 Klamath Trail 04/06/2006 Ghostriders, Inc., 16350 Kenrick Loop CUP 06 -01 03/09/2006 Heritage Commons 3 Addition (Cub Foods) 12/21/2006 Huls, Wayne variance request discussion at a P.C. work session 10/19/2006 Huls, Wayne CUP for house addition, 10046 199 Street 12/07/2006 Jamesdale Estates preliminary plat, zoning map amendment, vacation 06/15/2006 Jamesdale Estates final plat of 12 s.£ lots 11/02/2006 Jelen, Paige, 17360 Foliage Ave. Special Home Occ. Permit extension 02/02/2006 Kenyon Woods Prel /final plat, CUP 06 -23, and variance 8/17/2006 Kewley, Susan, 10150 205 Court West Special Home Occupation Permit request 03/09/2006 King Creek Greenway D U Easement (Life Time Fitness) 12/07/2006 Korba's Auto Body amendment to Dick's Sanitation PUD Agrmt. 09/07/2006 Krook and Machaj easement vacation 17465 and 17489 Kodiak Ave. 09/07/2006 Lakeville Medical Addition preliminary and final plat and CUP 10/05/2006 Lakeville South High School, 21135 Jacquard Avenue CUP 06 -02 Accessory Building 03/09/2006 Larson, Shelly Special Home Occupation Permit 3 year extension 11/02/2006 Life Time Fitness (see King Creek Greenway Addition) 05/18/2006 Lord of Life Lutheran Church Addition preliminary and final plat and CUP 06 -10 06/01/2006 Marsh View Rezoning and final plat 05/18/2006 Marsh View preliminary plat 04/20/2006 McGuire Middle School CUP amendment (tennis courts) CUP 06 -11 06/15/2006 McGuire Middle School easement vacation 09/07/2006 Meyer, Kirk, 18803 Orchard Trail CUP 06 -04 03/23/2006 Minnesota School of Beauty CUP 06 -16 (amendment to 03 -12) 07/20/2006 Morgan Square Third Addition Preliminary Plat 08/03/2006 Northfield Clinic (see Chadwick Commercial) 8/17/2006 Pecha, Dan and Heidi, 10647 202 Street CUP 06 -17 (amend. To 90 -14) 08/03/2006 Piekarski, Roger Diane CUP 06 -06, detached accessory building 05/18/2006 Pine Grove Second Addition easement vacation and final plat 03/23/2006 Prairie Lake, D U easement vacation (18344 and 18360 Lafayette) 10/05/2006 Quail Ridge 2 Addition final plat 06/01/2006 Quail Ridge Second Addition preliminary plat 02/02/2006 Schoeben's Frank Work Session regarding condo. Development east of Chart House 02/02/2006 Seaburg, Steve Special Home Occupation Permit (massage) 06/15/2006 Shady Oak Grove Second Addition Prel /final plat and easement vacation 8/17/2006 Sign Ordinance Amendment discussion at P.C. work session 10/19/2006 Sign Ordinance Amendment recommendation 12/07/2006 H: \penny\FILES \WORD\Planning Commission\Index of PC Agenda Items 2006.doc Plannin Commission Agenda Items Date Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 3rd Addition preliminary plat and development stage planned unit development 05/18/2006 Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 3 Addition final plat 10/05/2006 Spirit of Brandtjen Farm amendment 01/05/2006 Spirit of Joy Church CUP amend. (Montessouri day care) CUP 06 -12 06/01/2006 Spring Hill Addition Johnson, Hunhoff, Hendel, Snyder, and Tornell Fence Variance for 18620, 18616, 18612, 18608 and 18604 Irvine Trail 06/15/2006 St. John's First Addition final plat 06/01/2006 St. John's Lutheran Church Comp. Plan amendment, Preliminary plat, CUP 06 -03and Easement Vacation 03/09/2006 Stone Borough Drainage Utility Easements on Lot 13, Block 2 01/05/2006 Subdivision Ordinance amendment concerning buildable land 11/02/2006 TimberCrest at Lakeville Fourth Addition Prel /final plat, vacation, and Development and final stage planned unit development 8/17/2006 T- Mobile CUP (cell tower) CUP 06 -09 05/02/2006 Trinity Evangelical Free Church Comp. Plan amendment, Rezoning, preliminary plat, CUP 06 -05 03/23/2006 Trinity Evangelical Free Church Final plat 06/15/2006 Tullamore preliminary plat and easement vacation 06/01/2006 Valley Lake 1 Addition (Liquor Store #3) 09/07/2006 YMCA Camp Streefland variance 06 -02 08/03/2006 Zoning Ordinance Amendment concerning non conformities 12/07/2006 3 H: \penny\FILES \WORD\Planning Commission\Index of PC Agenda Items 2006.doc