HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-09 work sessionMeeting Notes Planning Commission Work Session Thursday, September 17, 2009 Marion Conference Room The Planning Commission work session commenced at 6:00 p.m. in the Marion Conference Room at City Hall. Commissioners Present: Chair Davis, Drotning, Glad, Grenz, Lillehei, Pattee, and ex- officio Bussler. Staff Present: Planning Director Daryl Morey, Associate Planners Allyn Kuennen and Frank Dempsey, and Planning Consultant Daniel Licht of NAC. 2009 Zoning Ordinance Update (Sections 23-37) Chair Davis opened the work session. Daniel Licht reviewed his September 11, 2009 memo. The Planning Commission made the following comments: 1. Under Section 11- 26 -9.G, add "public" in front of "park- and -ride shelters and walkways" as essential services that are exempt from the zoning district right -of -way setback requirements. 2. Under Section 11- 29- 3.D.9, change "WECS under two hundred feet (200')" to "WECS under one hundred seventy -five feet (175')" to be consistent with the maximum height allowed under Section 11- 29- 3.D.1.a(2). 3. Under Section 11-29-5.C.1.a the proposed height of the roof mounted solar energy system in relation to the pitch of the roof is too low for buildings in Minnesota. The proposed regulation would also require specific staff knowledge of solar energy system installation. Instead, the Planning Commission recommended that roof mounted solar energy systems be regulated only to not exceed the building height requirements for the respective zoning district. 4. Under Section 11- 30 -11: Accessory and Secondary Use Antennas, spell out "TVROs 5. Under Section 11- 30 -17, requested that City staff research adding more specific language defining the requirement that an applicant provide a "coverage /interference analysis and capacity analysis" to meet the spacing needs of the personal wireless service system to provide adequate coverage for the entire city. When considering applications for personal wireless antenna towers, the City should consider the potential impacts of fewer, taller towers versus more, shorter towers. 6. Under Section 11- 32 -7.L, eliminate the 15 foot guest parking vehicle setback requirement for home occupations and instead require that the guest parking vehicles not block any sidewalk or trail. Planning Commission Work Session September 17, 2009 The Planning Commission reconsidered staff's recommendation, discussed at the July 23, 2009 work session, to allow electronic changeable copy signs only for City and School District facilities in order to serve a community purpose. Chair Davis polled Planning Commission members on this recommendation (because she was unable to attend tonight's work session, Commissioner Adler e- mailed her position on this matter to staff prior to the work session). Five of the Planning Commission members supported allowing electronic changeable copy signs to serve a community purpose, however, two of the five Commission members are reluctant to extend that allowance to School District facilities citing concern that every school could potentially install an electronic changeable copy sign. Two Planning Commission members did not support only the City and School Districts being allowed electronic changeable copy signs if businesses were not given the same sign allowance. The work session was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. spectfully submitted, Daryl 'rey, Plannin 'rector