HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-22-08 WSIn attendance:
City of Lakeville Council Work Session
September 22, 2008
Mayor Holly Dahl
Council Member Laurie Rieb
Council Member Mark Bellows
Council Member Wendy Wulff
Council Member Kerrin Swecker
Staff: Steve Mielke, City Administrator
Brian Anderson, Assistant to City Administrator
Keith Nelson, City Engineer
Dave Olson, Community and Economic Development Director
Daryl Morey, Planning Director
Dennis Feller, Finance Director
Guests: Scott McBride, SEH
Kristine Elwood, Dakota County
Samantha O'Connell, Dakota County
Dave Aarons, Bonestroo
Lindsay Sheppard, Metro Transit Engineer
Carl Schneeman, Walker Parking Consultants
Tom Thorstenson, Metro Transit
The meeting was called to order at 5:3o p.m.
Item 1. Cedar Avenue Improvements
a. Noise walls survey results
Mr. Olson stated that at its July 28, 2008 Work Session, the City Council was presented with the
results of a noise analysis completed as part of the Environmental Assessment prepared for the
Cedar Avenue BRT project. Although this project is exempt from State noise standards, Federal
standards do apply due to Federal funding for the project. Five locations along Cedar Avenue in
Lakeville exceed federal noise standards. Two of the five locations are considered economically
feasible and are eligible for federal financing including:
North of 170th Street, west of Cedar Avenue
North of Griffon Trail, west of Cedar Avenue
To construct noise barriers, a 10 foot maintenance easement will be required from adjacent
properties, and the wall would be built off County right of way. The walls could be 10 -20 feet in
height. Municipal support is required prior for the construction to be accomplished. The walls
are not required if there is no municipal support. Options to the sound walls could be to replace
the existing fences, berming and /or landscaping. A survey done by the County indicated more
people opposed to the noise walls than in favor. The City Council indicated support for a
uniform treatment along the corridor and would like to review the option of having a 6 -8'
privacy fence installed along Cedar Ave along with berming and landscaping, which would look
more consistent and benefit more residents living along the corridor.
b. BRT Station Site Selection Update
Mr. Olson provided the Council with an update on the status of the sighting of the Bus Rapid
Transit station on Cedar Avenue. The two concept plans for each of the two sites that are still
being considered as station location sites along with a map showing the possible access points
along Cedar Avenue between 179th Street and 185th Street. City and County staff will be
discussing the access location issue with the Dakota county Plat Commission on September 29.
No direction was needed by the Council.
Item 2. I -35 Park and Ride Preliminary Design
Mr. Morey, along with Metro Transit representatives and project architects and engineers
presented a preliminary design and concept plan for the proposed park and ride facility at the
old MNDOT weigh station site on the east side of I -35. The preliminary design proposes an
initial 500+ space, three level (two- story) parking ramp with future expansion for an additional
25o spaces. The proposed parking stall size is 8 1 /2 feet by 18 feet and the drive aisle width is
four feet. Bus pick up would be on the northwest corner of the building, which would be
enclosed in glass, and would be accessed by buses using a slip ramp off the freeway. The exterior
skin of the building is proposed to be a metal, lattice work design. The top level of the ramp will
utilize a wire cable to prevent vehicles from driving over the edge. City Council made it clear
that safety and lighting were top priorities and that they would like to view alternative designs as
apposed to the metal, lattice exterior skin design.
Item 3. 2009 -13 County CIP
Mr. Nelson reviewed the Dakota County 2009 -2013 Capital Improvement Program. After some
discussion, the City Council directed staff to prepare a resolution stating that the City of
Lakeville supports their projects but requests that the following projects be included in the
Dakota County 2009 -2013 Transportation CIP for construction in the year indicated and
financed as follows:
CSAH 9 projects in accordance with current applicable county cost sharing policies
including city participation,
CSAH 5o and 6o projects with county, state or federal funding sources,
CSAH 23 projects with county, state or federal funding sources.
Item 4. Annexation Petition
Mr. Olson stated that the City received a letter dated August 14th from Richard Hocking,
Attorney for Joe Miller formally petitioning to annex land owned by Joe Miller located at 22222
Dodd Boulevard. This property comprises approximately 35.7 acres on three parcels and that
includes Joe Miller's homestead, another house that is currently rented out and several metal
buildings used for storage of personal items, farm equipment and an auto racing business. This
property is adjacent and immediately south of First Park Lakeville that is currently being
developed by First Industrial.
Mr. Miller's attorney is petitioning to annex the property under the same provision in Minnesota
Statutes that allowed Hat Trick Investments to annex property on the east side of Cedar Avenue.
Mr. Miller's attorney has provided a copy of this request to Eureka Township. To date the City
has not been contacted by the Township on this issue.
Based on a review of this request by the City Attorney's office, the City Council has the option to
wait to see if the Township objects to the petition within 90 days pursuant to M.S. 414.033 Subd.
5. If there is no objection from the Township, the Council may act, or choose not to act on the
request with or without a public hearing. If the Township objects, the City Council would have to
schedule a public hearing with a 30 day certified mailed notice to the Township and abutting
property owners if council wishes to consider this annexation request. City Council directed
staff to wait for the Township's response before responding to the petition.
Item 5. Scott County Comp Plan Review
Mr. Morey stated as required by the Metropolitan Land Planning Act all local jurisdictions
within the seven county Metropolitan area must update their comprehensive land use plans
every 10 years. As part of that update the draft plans must be sent to all adjacent jurisdictions
for a six month review to insure regional consistency and coordination of land uses, roadway
networks and availability of services.
Staff has reviewed plans from the cities of Farmington, Burnsville and Rosemount and from
Empire Township and the 16 small and rural communities that make up the Dakota County
Collaborative. The plans submitted by these jurisdictions were consistent with Lakeville's draft
Comprehensive Land Use Plan with only minor comments being sent to the jurisdictions for
their consideration. Dakota and Scott Counties have also submitted their draft Comprehensive
Plans to Lakeville for review. Staff has completed a review of the Scott County Comprehensive
Plan and had significant issues pertaining to their transportation, land use, and parks and
recreation plans. City Council concurred with staffs recommendation and directed them to
respond to Scott County's Comprehensive Plan in the form of a letter.
Item 6. SW Industrial Area Zoning Violations Enforcement
Mr. Morey stated at their September 4, 2008 meeting the Planning Commission directed staff to
do a compliance check on industrially zoned properties located east of I -35 and south of CSAH
70 to the 215th Street /CSAH 70 (Juniper Way) intersection. Following the Planning Commission
meeting, Planning Department staff conducted a preliminary inspection of properties in the
study area and presented their findings at the September 18, 2008 Planning Commission
meeting. The Planning Commission is requesting City Council consideration of enforcement
action against those properties not in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements or
approved conditional use permit stipulations. This request is an outcome of Planning
Commission members inspecting a property in the area with a current conditional use permit
application for outdoor storage. City Council directed staff to conduct more detailed inspections
of the properties in the study area and work with the City Attorney's office to determine whether
certain properties are legal non conforming or illegal non conforming and report back to the
City Council at a future work session in order to determine more precisely the extent of the
enforcement action that would be involved in the study area.
Item 7. 2009 Budget Discussion
Mr. Feller provided additional materials on the 2009 budget and tax levy. Mr. Feller asked if
there was additional information desired by the City Council or if the Council wished to consider
additional cuts to the budget or tax levy. Following discussion, the Council asked that staff
prepare information for Council consideration on possible reductions up to a zero tax levy
increase. Staff indicated that they would prepare materials for a future work session.
Council Member Wulff inquired about the HiPP Greening Initiative with respects to their
position on climate change as presented at a January meeting. Mayor Dahl informed the
Council that HiPP is no longer pursuing the climate change initiative as a group. However, the
cities are pursuing energy conservation alternatives that would be pursued independently being
there are no apparent benefits of pursuing this as a group.
Council Member Swecker requested there be a way to review issues that are discussed at the
various advisory committees that involve City Council Members or staff. Mr. Mielke stated that
he would create a way to obtain and disseminate such information to each Council Member.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian J. Anderson
Assistant to City Administrator