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JANUARY 18, 1990
' The meeting was called to order by Chairman Whittingham at
7:00 p.m. in the Airlake Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Whitehouse,
Holberg, Whittingham, Langhorst, Steigerwalt. Absent:
Also present was Alan Brixius, Consulting Planner, Elliott
Knestch, City Attorney, Bob Erickson, City Administrator,
Daryl Morey, Assistant Community Development Director, Dave
Krings, Building Official, John Hennen, Planning Assistant
and Mira Holliday, Recording Secretary.
90.14 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Whitehouse to
approve the minutes of the January 4, 1990 Planning
Commission meeting as amended.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Alan Brixius gave a review of the final plat of Viking Square
Third Addition, outlining the planning report of 1/11/90. He
recommended approval subject to the recommendations in the
report. Mr. Tillges, the developer, was present to answer
any questions. The Commission held a brief discussion.
90.15 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Steigerwalt to
recommend approval of the final plat of Viking Square Third
Addition subject to the planning reports of 1/11/90, 11/6/89
and the engineering report of 1/9/90.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing to consider the application of Don Korba
for a conditional use permit to operate an auto body repair
business to be located at 9300 202nd Street West was
continued from a previous meeting.
Daryl Morey gave a review of .the planning report dated
1/12/90. He stated Mr. Korba's request is related to the PUD
rezoning approved for John Friedges, owner. of the property,
in August of 1989. He discussed stipulations of the PUD.
rezoning that remain outstanding, which include building roof
loading and parking lot paving and striping. He stated that
Mr. Friedges has applied for an administrative subdivision
which would split off a parcel containing the new retail
building from the rest of Mr. Friedges' property (which
includes his house and landscaping business). He provided
pictures taken that afternoon which show the current
situation on the site. The pictures showed a large number of
U-Haul rental trucks and trailers parked on the site. Mr.
JANUARY 18, 1990
Morey stated that outdoor storage requires a conditional use
permit at this location for which Mr. Friedges has not made
application. The pictures also showed Friedges Landscaping
equipment and materials stored on the site. Mr. Morey stated
that the base for a freestanding sign had been installed
without a sign permit and that trucks from the Friedges
Landscaping business were accessing their site via the new
retail business' parking lot.
Mr. Morey discussed specific items contained in the planning
report including:
- Building materials and roof loading
- Landscaping
- Equipment storage
Curbing and surfacing
- Grading & drainage plans
. - Lot width and setback conformance
- Signage
- Lighting
-Trash receptacles (screening of)
- Business hours
- Paint booth
- Outdoor storage of vehicles
- Parking
Mr. Morey stated that staff recommends approval of the
conditional use permit subject to the 12 conditions listed in
the planning report of 1/12/90.
Mr. Korba was present and stated he would meet all
requirements before he would open for business. Mr. Friedges
was also present. He had many concerns regarding the
recommendations in the report. He was not happy because he
felt that staff had not fully informed him of all the
recommendations outlined in the planning report. He also
expressed concern over neighboring property owners being able.
to store items. on their property that he will not be allowed
to store on his property. He stated that he had cancelled
the U-Haul trucks and would no longer be conducting the
rental business..
Mr. Morey responded to Mr. Friedges' concerns by stating .that
staff had not become aware of the storage of U-Haul trucks
and trailers on the site until shortly before the meeting.
He stated that Mr. Friedges had been very cooperative in the
past and he was sure that cooperation would continue in the
future .
JANUARY 18, 1990
The Commission held a discussion which included:
- Snow load reinforcement for the roof of the building
- Business hours for the auto repair business.
-Disposal of waste
- Neighboring properties
- U-Haul truck rental business
- Administrative subdivision of the Friedges property.
- Storage inside the building
Alan Brixius commented on the background of the subdivision
of the property.
Bob Erickson, City Administrator stated that Mr. Friedges and
the City have worked together in a professional manner and
that other auto repair businesses had to follow the same.
rules when they applied for a conditional use permit. He
stated the U-Haul rental business would provide a valuable
service to the. community and encouraged Mr. Friedges to
pursue a conditional use permit for outdoor storage of the
U-Haul equipment. He suggested that a U-Haul sign be
incorporated as a part of the freestanding sign intended to
be displayed at the front of the property. He also made
suggestions regarding the issuance of a sign permit.
The .Commission held a discussion which included:
- The paint booth
- Outside storage
- Access to the Friedges Landscaping business
- Freestanding sign location
Mr. Erickson stated that the signage and administrative
subdivision issues must be cleared up before this request
goes to the City Council.
90.16 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Holberg to close
the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
' 90.17 Motion was made by Steigerwalt, seconded by Whitehouse to
recommend approval of the application of Don Korba for a
conditional use permit to operate an auto body repair
business to be located at 9300 202nd St. West subject to the
planning report of 1/12/90 and any other comments of staff.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
JANUARY 18, 1990
Under other business, Bob Erickson mentioned that the Council
approved the Lake Vi11a Golf Estates 5th Addition final plat
and denied the ordinance amendment concerning gasoline sales
in a B-2 District. He also mentioned that findings of fact
are essential for variances and conditional use permits but
caution. should be displayed when considering findings of fact
for ordinance amendments because the amendments typically
affect more than one piece of property and what is applicable
in one area may not be applicable in another.
Whitehouse was concerned with the safety of buildings with
multiple tenants (i.e. storage of hazardous materials). Dave
Krings, Building Official, stated that businesses must submit
to the City, a .list of the products which they will store on
the site.
90.18 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Steigerwalt to
adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion.
Time: 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
. Mira Holliday, Recor `ng Secretary.
ATT T: j
Jan Whittingham Chair arson