HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-01-90 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 1, 1990 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Whittingham at 7:00 p.m. in the Airlake Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Whitehouse, Miller, Holberg, Whittingham, Langhorst and Steigerwalt. Also present was Elliott Knetsch, City Attorney; Alan Brixius, Consulting Planner; Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Jim Robinette, Community .Development Director; Daryl Morey, Assistant Community Development. Director; Keith Nelson, City Engineer and Jim Potz, Senior Project Coordinator. 90.36 Motion was made by Miller seconded by Whitehouse to approve the minutes of the February 15, 1990 Planning Commission minutes. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Whitehouse, Miller, Whittingham, Steigerwalt. Abstain: Langhorst and Holberg. • The public hearing to consider the application of Eva Development, Inc. for a preliminary plat of 28 single family lots to be known as Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition was continued from a previous meeting. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. There were approximately 30 residents present at the meeting. Chairman Whittingham gave a brief statement as to the order of the hearing. Alan Brixius gave a review of the preliminary plat which included: - The developer has eliminated one lot; 27 lots are proposed - The alignment and street ROW of Kettering Trail - Dedication of Outlots A and B -.Zoning - 70~ lot size reduction eligibility - Block length in excess of 1325 feet - Consolidation of Lot 1 and 2, Block i - Building pad elevation - Drainage and erosion control Mr. Brixius also discussed the driveway access of Lot 1, Block 2 which is a flag shaped lot with steep slopes and stated that the Commission must determine if this lot is .acceptable. He stated that a number of lots have a 15~ or • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 1, 1990 more grade. He stated that a tree preservation plan had been submitted in compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance. He recommended approval of the preliminary plat. subject to the 10 recommendations in the planning report of 2/21/90. Tom Simonsen of Eva Development made a slide presentation showing neighboring areas of the proposed Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition, which included Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd and 4th Additions and Orchard Lake Estates. The slides showed a variety of areas where the only trees that had been saved, were located at the rear of the lots. Doug .Blankenship of 177th Street stated he owned one of the houses shown and is appalled at the number of trees that were destroyed in the area. He stated he does not want to see the same thing. happen in the 6th Addition. Another resident spoke out saying that he owned one of the first houses built in Orchard Lake Estates and that specialized grading had been done to try and save the trees and some still died later due to compaction caused by the machinery used to develop the lot. Mr. Simonsen used an overhead projector to show an aerial view of the area in 1977 when the entire area was dense forest.. He then showed an aerial made in 1985 showing the clearing that was done to bring streets into Orchard Lake. Estates. He stated that every precaution will be taken to preserve as many trees in the area of the 6th Addition as possible. .Randy Hedlund of Hedlund Engineering gave a presentation stating he was pleased to see the concern over the preservation of trees. He stated that out of 27 lots, 12 would. require considerable grading and that it would be difficult to save many of the trees in the front yards due to the installtion of utilities and driveway construction. He stated .that some trees can be saved if careful preservation .measures are taken. He discussed the grading of three specific lots stating that they will require considerably more grading than the others. Sandra Evenson of Layton Path stated she owned 15 lots in Bracketts Estates and was concerned about the location of the driveway on Lot 1, Block 1 in relation to the Bracketts Estates ls~ts which it abuts. Kevin Sullivan stated he owns Lot 11 of Bracketts Estates and was concerned over the potential close proximity of. house to be located on Lot 1, Block 1. He was also 2 • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 1, 1990 concerned that his view may become obstructed. He presented to the Commission three options for development of Lot 1, Block 1 for their consideration. He stated he felt the investments of the neighboring residents should be protected. Doug Blankenship stated he was concerned over erosion from Lots 12 and 13, Block 2 and recommended that lots 13 through 16 not be built on. Sigrid Stone of Kodiak Court expressed her concern over the level of the pond adjacent to Lots 1 and 2, Block 3. The City Engineer stated that would be a matter the City would regulate. Mr. Steve Knude of Kunde Co. Forestry, the forestry. consultant for the developer, gave a presentation.. He stated he had looked at the development at the request of Hedlund Engineering and had met with City staff. He stated that it is very difficult to save trees in construction areas but many precautions can be taken. He pointed out designated protection areas and discussed the prevention of oak wilt. Doug Blankenship asked Mr. Kunde about the machinery used in compacting the dirt around tree areas. Mr. Kunde stated that the builder and home owner should point out the trees to be protected before grading begins and then certain protection measures could be taken. Russel 5treefland, developer of Orchard Lake Estates, discussed how he had attempted to save as many trees as possible during the construction of that. area. He stated that the developer is not an enemy and that the more trees that are saved the more money that can be made from the sale of the lots. Mr. Simonsen addressed Lot 1, Block 1 which backs up to Bracketts Estates. He stated that he is working with the DNR to avoid impacting the adjacent wetland. He stated that every attempt will be made to keep grading to a minimum. Dennis Gillespie of Kodiak Court made a presentation stating he was the appointed spokesperson for the residents group. He stated he represented the 86 petitioners who requested that an EAW be conducted. He stated that the group realized and accepted that development was going to take place and 3 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 1, 1990 that the environment is going to change. He stated they realized the rights of the developer and the responsibility of the City. He stated their goals were as follows: 1. Work together with the City and the developer to meet the needs of all concerned. 2. See the project is done right the first time. 3. Protection of the environment. 4. Change in grading plan. 5. Change in lot sizes. 6. Community participation (which is not an issue) 7. Accountability of developer/contractor 8. Intrinsic characteristics He stated that the residents group was dropping the request for an EAW after meeting with City staff and learning of all the in-depth review that has already been conducted. Mr. Gillespie went on to state that the two main issues of concern are lot size and grading. He provided handouts to • the Commission which showed a comparison of lots sizes. The handout also indicated proposed increases in the .size of certain lots. He stated they would like to see Outlot C combined with Lot 1, Block 3 and Lots 2 and 3, Block 3 combined. He stated they would also like to see mass • grading minimized. He thanked the Commission and City staff for their time and interest and also thanked Mr. Simonson for his consideration and patience with the residents group. Bob Erickson, City Administrator stated that City taff appreciated the amount of confidence the residents group has in the City and thanked them for the amount of information and input they had provided. He went on to say that he felt a financial requirement such as an escrow for tree preservation and customized grading should be made a part of the development contract. He stated it was not realistic. for the Building Official or engineering staff to regulate the preservation of trees on a lot to lot basis. He felt the developer's engineer and a forester should be involved in that respect. Mr. Erickson stated the City will try to work out the details of the contract to the satisfaction of the .residents, the developer and the City. Mr. Streefland responded to the concerns and proposals of the residents by stating they would not agree to eliminate and lots on Block 3. Mr. Simonsen stated they had already made many compromises and that the lot lines were laid out to preserve the existing trees. 4 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 1, 1990 Alan Brixius reviewed the lot size minimums as dictated by the Zoning Ordinance and stated that the Commission is not held to approve minimum lot sizes if they do not feel it is appropriate for the area. He stated they have the flexibility to use their own discretion. The Planning Commission held a discussion. Holberg expressed her concern over the Skogstad property, which appeared to be landlocked.. Mr. Simonson explained that he was purchasing that property. Langhorst stated that he felt the request by the residents - to reduce four lots is excessive. He stated he had no problem with the original plat. Steigerwalt expressed her concern over the elevations of the two ponds.. Keith Nelson addressed the issue. Steigerwalt stated that to eliminate four lots would be a hardship on the developer. She felt he had done the best job he could do. She asked about the dedication of the outlot adjacent to the. Bakken property. Mr. Streefland stated he was working with the City Attorney regarding this matter. Whitehouse complemented Mr. Sullivan who had submitted the three options for review. He stated he liked his ideas. .Whitehouse expressed his concern over Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 1. He also had concerns over the outlet in the pond on the south side of Kettering Trail. He stated he would like to have mareinformation. Whittingham was concerned over the flooding of Mrs. Carson's property on 175th Street.. Keith Nelson stated that Mrs. Carson's property abuts a wetland and that there is an outlet. Whittingham asked Mr. Simonson what his plans were in regard to mass and custom grading. Mr. Simonson stated that the grading depends upon the style of house to be put on the lot. Bob Erickson. discussed the widths of Lots 3,4,5, and 6 which border Lots 4 and 5 in Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition. He stated that some porches would probably be 'built to the sides of the houses rather than the rear, which along with a three car garage, would occupy the full width of the lot. He stated that it is difficult for the Planning Commission to ask a developer to eliminate lots. Several neighboring residents were concerned over the lots sizes decreasing the value of their property. 5 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 1, 1990 Whitehouse stated that he felt the public hearing should be continued due to issues that have not been resolved. Langhorst stated he felt the Commission needed further input from staff. -The Commission directed staff to address the following: - Lot area concern, the elimination of one or two lots in Block 2. - Drainage problems in .Block 3. - Lot 1, Block 1 setbacks. - Review outlet for the pond south of Kettering Trail to determine if it is adequate to control the water depth. - Work with the developer to formulate a draft development agreement. 90.37 Motion was made_by Langhorst, seconded by Holberg to continue the public hearing to consider the application of Eva Development, Inc. for a preliminary plat of 28 single family lots to be-known as Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition pending further review and recommendation by staff. Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Whitehouse, Holberg, Whittingham, Langhorst, Steigerwalt. Nays: Miller. The reason for Miller's nay was that he felt there had been ample discussion of the matter and that a $300,000 house could not be built on the proposed building pads. 90.38 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by .Miller to recommend to the City Council that no EAW be ordered. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing to consider the application of Eva Development, Inc. for the vacation of existing streets located in the Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition No. 1, Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition and Club Park Addition was continued from a previous meeting.. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. 6 R PLANNING COMMISSIQN MEETING MINUTES MARCH 1, 1990 90.39 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Whitehouse to continue the public hearing pending the approval of the preliminary plat of Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. There was no other business. 90.40 Motion was made by Whitehouse, seconded by Miller to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Time: 10:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Mira Holliday, ecordng S cretary ATTEST: Jan ittingham, Charger on 7