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MAY 3, 1990
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Whittingham
at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Chairperson Whittingham introduced and welcomed Milo De
Phillips to the Planning Commission.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Whitehouse,
Miller, Holberg, Whittingham, Langhorst, De Phillips.
Absent: Steigerwalt.
Also present was David Licht, Consultant Planner; Elliott
Knetsch, City Attorney; Jim Robinette, Community Development
Director; Daryl Morey, Assistant Community Development
Director and Mira Holliday, Recording Secretary.
90.73 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Holberg to approve
the minutes of the April 19, 1990 Planning Commission
• Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Whitehouse,
Miller, Holberg, Whittingham. Abstain: Langhorst, De
The public hearing to consider the application of Flagstaff
Development, Inc. for the preliminary plat of 212 single
family lots to be known as Country Pond South was continued
from the April 19, 1990 meeting. Staff requested that this
item be tabled until the June 7th meeting pending completion
of the traffic study requested by Commission members at the
April 19th meeting.
90.74 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Holberg to
.continue the public hearing to consider the application of
Flagstaff Development, Inc. for the preliminary plat of 212
single family lots. to be known as Country Pond South until
the June 7, 1990 meeting.
Roll .call was taken on the motion. Ayes: .Unanimous.
The public hearing to consider the application of Fred
Fredrickson for a rezoning from R-2, Single Family
Residential District to PUD, Planned Unit Development for
property located at 8777 215th Street West was continued
from the April 19, 1990 meeting.
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MAY 3, 1990
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David Licht reviewed the revised site plan submitted by the
applicant and the planning report addendum of May 1, 1990.
He reviewed the nine conditions listed in the report.
He stated that the subdivision would require the dedication
of additional street right-of-way for both Holyoke Avenue
and 215th Street. He stated the City's Transportation Plan
classifies these roadways as arterial streets which require
100 feet of right-of-way width. Mr. Licht stated he had
talked with David Zech of the County Highway Department and
it was indicated that 75 feet of right-of-way to the center
line would be desired for County Road 70. Mr. Zech had
indicated that the increased width would be necessary to
accommodate a four lane, divided roadway. Mr. Licht stated:
that the City would have to determine the right-of-way
dedication that should be required. He stated this
determination should be based upon the foreseen need of road
improvements to accommodate future. traffic volumes and the
resultant impacts upon adjacent properties and uses. He
suggested that the matter be tabled pending a meeting
• between the County, the City and Mr. Fredrickson to resolve
the situation.
Mr. Licht went on to state that many positive changes had
been made to the revised Fredrickson site plan and
subdivision and if only a 50 foot right-of-way is required,
then the rezoning, subdivision,. and site plan may be
acceptable provided the. conditions listed in the planning.
report. are satisfied.
Mr. Fredrickson was present and stated that if he has to
comply with the-75 right-of-way requirement, he will not be
able to get his equipment into the building and would
possibly have to move his business. He presented pictures
to the Commission showing the type. of berm he is planning_to
There was no public comment. The Commission held a
discussion whichincluded:
- ..Restrictions on the 55 gallon barrels on the property.
- Hard surfacing of parking area.
- Sufficient number of parking spaces.
- Flans for County Road 70.
- Right-of-way requirements.
` ,
MAY 3, 1990
Page 3
- Whitehouse requested that City staff request an
estimated time frame for the County Road 70 upgrade from
the County staff.
It was. the general feeling of the Commission that the matter
should be tabled pending a meeting .between the County, City
.staff and Mr. Fredrickson, Mr. Fredrickson was in
90..75 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by De Phillips to
continue the public hearing to consider the application of
Fred Fredrickson for a rezoning from R-2, Single Family
Residential District to PUD, Planned Unit Development for
property located at 8777 215th Street West pending further
review by staff.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing to consider the application of Render
Development for a building setback variance from the
ordinary high water mark of Lee Lake to allow the
construction of a new single family residential dwelling on
Lot 6, Block 1, Kenwood Oaks was opened. The City Attorney
attested that all legal notices had been duly published and
David Licht gave a review of the application and planning
report. of April 24, 1990. He stated that one of the
recommendations listed in the report is that the applicant.
submit a Shoreland Impact Plan which details all proposed
eland alterations. to the subject site. He went on to state
that the plan had been submitted but the Natural Resources
Committee (NRC) has not completed their review. He
recommended tabling the matter until a recommendation is
made by the NRC.
Mr. Render was present and gave a brief explanation of why
he is requesting the variance at this time. The Commission
held a discussion which included:
- Future recourse against the City.
- Width of the lot.
- Grading and drainage.
- Retaining wall.
Whitehouse. stated he was. not. in favor of the variance and
. would like to see the lot in question merged with the lots
on each side.
MAY 3, 1990
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90.76 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by De Phillips to
continue the public hearing to consider the application of
Render Development for a building setback variance from the
ordinary high water mark of .Lee Lake to allow the
construction of a new single family residential dwelling on
Lot 6, Block 1, Kenwood Oaks.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Whitehouse,
Miller, Holberg, Whittingham, De Phillips. Nay: Langhorst.
The reason for Langhorst's nay .was that he felt the
Commission had enough information to make a decision.
The public hearing to consider the application of Terry &
Marlys Johnson for a conditional use permit to allow a
second driveway curb cut access for property located at
10243 Upper 178th Street West was opened. The City Attorney
attested that all legal notices had been duly published and.
• Daryl Morey gave a review of the application and planning
report of April 27, 1990. He stated that the Johnsons' have
requested the second driveway curb cut access for
convenience, landscaping and property enhancement. He
stated the site plan indicates that the circular driveway
will be 12-16 feet in width and set back 10 feet from each
side property line. These figures meet Zoning Ordinance
requirements. Mr. Morey went on to state that while the
Johnson lot is slightly wider than a typical interior single
family residential lot,. it is narrower than the two single
family residential lots previously granted conditional use
permit approval for circular driveways. He stated that the
.proposed circular driveway can-exist comfortably on their
lot and meet ordinance setback requirements. He recommended
approval of the request subject to the following conditions:
1. The driveway be surfaced with asphalt, concrete,
cobblestone or paving brick.
2. The driveway be constructed in accordance with the
approved site plan (Exhibit D of the April 27, 1990
planning report).
Mr. Johnson was present and stated he would like to have
permission to proceed with the installation of his driveway
• prior to City Council approval due to the safety of his
children. Chairman Whttingham explained that the Planning
Commission is an advisory commission and such permission.
must be granted by the City Council. Mr. Johnson went on to
express his concern over the fee of $100 for this
MAY 3, 1990
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conditional use permit. He stated that he knew of other
residents in Lakeville who had installed the same type of
driveway without a conditional use permit. He stated he
felt it was unfair for him to have to go through proper
channels and pay the $100 fee when no charges had been
brought against other residents who had not complied.
Staff explained that a resident who installs such a driveway
without a conditional use permit runs the risk of being
ordered by the City to have it removed. It was also
explained that such driveways are at times used for storage
and a conditional use permit can regulate this use.
Mr. Johnson continued to express his objections over the fee
and processing time. Langhorst stated that. the public
hearing before the Planning Commission was not the proper
place for this type of complaint to be discussed. He
advised Mr. Johnson to bring. his complaints to City Hall
during regular business hours.
There was no public comment.
The Planning. Commission held a discussion which included:
- Driveway width at the curb.
- Distance between curb cuts on residential driveways.
- Possibility of storage on driveway.
90.77 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Langhorst to close
the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
90.78 Motion was made by Whitehouse, seconded by Langhorst to
recommend approval of the application of Terry & Marlys
Johnson for a conditional use .permit to allow a second
driveway curb cut access for property located at 10243 Upper
178th Street West subject to the planning report of April
27, 1990 with the additional stipulation that the driveway
not be used for storage of non-motor vehicles or inoperable.
motor vehicles.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Whitehouse,
Langhorst, Whittingham, De Phillips. Nays: Miller, Holberg.
The reason for Miller's nay was that he felt the lot was too
• small for a circular driveway.
The reason for Holberg's nay was she felt the lot was too
small and the circular driveway would not be in concert with
the area.
MAY 3, 1990
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The public hearing to consider the application of Curt and
Patti Kaler for a building setback variance from the
ordinary height water mark (OHWM) of Orchard Lake to allow
the construction of a new single family residential dwelling
on Lots 1-4, Block 20, Orchard Lake was opened. The City
Attorney attested that ali legal notices had been duly
published and mailed.
Daryl Morey gave a review of the application and planning
report of April 27, 1990. He stated the Kaler property is
considered a buildable lot by ordinance, however given the
limited depth of the property, it is impossible for the
Kalers to construct a single family house and meet the 75
foot OHWM building setback requirement He stated that the
house next door does not meet the 75 foot OHWM building
setback requirement. He reviewed Section 47.9 of the Zoning
Ordinance which regulates variance requests in the Shoreland
Overlay District. He stated that the Kaler variance xequest
appears to .meet those provisions. He went on to state that
strict enforcement of the Ordinance requirements would cause
• undue hardship because of circumstances unique to .the..
subject property under consideration. He stated that it is
staff's opinion that the narrow depth of the lot creates an
undue hardship restricting the property owner from utilizing
the property for its intended use. He recommended approval
of the request subject to the following recommendations:..
1. .Natural Resources Committee approval of the Shoreland
Impact Plan and implementation of the Shoreland Impact
Plan by the applicant.
2. The house is constructed in the manner and location
shown on the Certificate of Survey dated March 20 , 1990.
Mr. Morey stated that the Natural Resources Committee had.
reviewed and approved .the Shoreland Impact Plan on May 1,
1990. He also stated that the City has plans to re-align
168th Street at Klamath Trail. These plans call for an
at-grade crossing of the existing railroad tracks by 168th
Street. The existing 168th Street railroad viaduct would be
eliminated. These plans have been discussed with Mr. Kaler.
Mr. Kaler was present and stated he had worked closely .with
City staff to develop a house to fit properly on the lot.
He stated that there are other houses on 178th Street that
. do not meet the OHWM setback requirements.
Mr. Walt Sternberg stated his objection to the realignment
of 168th Street, but stated he had no objection to the
variance request.
MAY 3, 1990
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The Planning Commission held a discussion which included:.
- Driveway location. (safety factors)
- Percent of grade to OHWM
- Setbacks
90.79. Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Whitehouse to close
the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
90.80 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Miller to
recommend approval of the application of Curt and Patti
Kaler for a building setback variance from the ordinary high
water mark of Orchard Lake to allow the construction of a
new single family residential dwelling on Lots i-4, Block
20, Orchard Lake subject to the planning report of April 27,
1990 with the addition of recommendation number 3 being the
driveway shall be constructed to include a paved vehicle
turn around area to be located along the side of the
• driveway.
• Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
David Licht gave a review of the final plat of Meadow Brook
1st Addition, outlining the planning report of March 29,
1990. He stated that approvals of the floodplain amendment
and the subsequent building elevation requirements imposed
for those areas must be received from FEMA prior to the
issuance of any grading permits. He recommended approval of
the. final plat subject to the recommendations listed in the.
planning report.
Warren Israelson, the developer, was present and stated that
he had received the approval from FEMA. The Planning
Commission held a brief discussion,
90.81 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Miller to recommend
approval of the final plat of Meadow Brook 1st Addition
subject to the planning report of March 29, 1990 and the
engineering report of April 26, 1990.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
• David Licht gave a review of the final plat of Homestead
Creek 3rd Addition, outlining the planning report. of April
27, 1990. He recommended approval subject to the eight
recommendations listed in the planning report.
MAY 3, 1990
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John Peterson of Good Value Homes was present to answer
questions. The Commission held a brief discussion which
- Non-buildable lots.
- Berming.
- Outlot B deeded to the City,
- Park dedication.
90.82 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by De Phillips to
recommend approval of the final plat of Homestead Creek 3rd
Addition subject to the planning report of April 27,.1990
.and the stipulation that if the Park and Recreation
- Committee does not accept the dedication of Outlot C, the.
final plat will come back to the Planning Commission for
further review..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
. David Licht reviewed the final plat of Cedar Glen 2nd
Addition, outlining the planning report of March 28, 1990.
He recommended approval of the final plat subject to the
five recommendations outlined in the report.
Steve Fitterman, the developer,-was present to answer
questions.. The Commission held abrief discussion.
90.83 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Whitehouse to
recommend approval of the final plat of Cedar Glen 2nd
Addition subject to the planning report of March 28, 1990,
the engineering report of April 18, 1990 and a letter from
Steve Michaud, Park and Recreation Director dated May 3,
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
90.84 Motion was made by De Phillips, seconded by Langhorst to
adjourn .the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion.
Time: 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted::
Mira Holliday, cording ecretary
MAY 3, 1990
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Ja Whittingham, Cha' person