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JULY 19, 1990
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Whittingham at
7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Steigerwalt,
Langhorst, Whittingham, Holberg, Miller. Absent:
Whitehouse, De Phillips.
Also present was Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Elliot
Knetsch, City Attorney; David Licht, Planning Consultant;
Jeff Oliver, Assistant City Engineer; David Krings, Building
Official; Daryl Morey, Assistant Community Development
Director; and John Hennen, Recording Secretary.
The minutes of the June 21, 1990 Planning Commission meeting
were approved as written.
Chairperson Whittingham informed the Committee and public
that agenda item number 11, regarding the consideration of
the final plat of Country Pond South would be tabled.
• David Krings presented a status update on the revocation of
a conditional use permit to allow outside sales and storage
of plants, shrubs and trees at 9200.- 202nd Street. Mr.
Krings informed the Committee that the majority of the
violet.ion-items which Mr. Tucker needed to address were
complied with at this time. He stated staff recommends the
remaining siding, painting and clean-up be completed by
August 2, 1990, an application to amend the .conditional use
permit to expand outside storage on the east side of the
property be completed by September 1, 1990, and the removal
of the planted trees on the east side of the site be
completed by November 15, 1990. Mr. Tucker asked if it
would be possible to leave some of the planted trees in the
ground for display purposes and design gardens... Mr. Licht
felt this was a premature request that could be looked at in
more detail when amending the conditional use permit.
Commssionmember Holberg asked if the August 2 and September
1, 1990 compliance dates could be combined into one meeting
and if the requirements were not met by August 2,.:1990,
could the Commission recommend revocation of the conditional
use permit. Robert Erickson stated that because of the
timeframe, the two compliance dates could not be combined
into one meeting. He further stated the Commission will
have the option of recommending revocation if the
requirements are not met by August 2, 1990.
JULY 19, 1990
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Commission member De Phillips. arrived at the. meeting during
the discussion.
90..126 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Stegerwalt to
continue the revocation of a conditional use permit to allow
outside sales and storage of plants, shrubs and trees at
9200 - 202nd Street West to August 2, 1990 subject to the
conditions in the memo from Jim Robinette, Community
Development Director, dated June 18, 1990.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Daryl Morey reviewed the request for extension of
Conditional Use Permits #89-07 and #89-15 issued to Trinity
Evangelical Free Church to allow a building expansion at
16165 Kenwood Trail. The church applied for and previously
had approved two conditional use permits to allow the church
expansion to occur. The City Council adopted a resolution
setting the expiration date for both conditional use permits
as September 5, 1990. Senior Pastor Donald Reigstad
recently informed-staff that construction of the church
addition had not yet begun due to financial reasons and.
construction probably would not begin until Spring, 1991.
Pastor Regstad is-requesting a one year extension. of the
conditional use-permits: Staff-recommended that the
conditional use permit deadline-be extended-to January 1,
1992 to allow adequate time for construction of the church
expansion. The Commission proceeded to discuss. the
90.127 Motion was made: by Langhorst, seconded by Miller to
recommend to the City Council approval of the extension to
January 1, 1992 of conditional use permits #89-07 and #89-15
issued to Trinity. Evangelical Free Church to allow a
building expansion at 16165 Kenwood Trail subject to Daryl
Morey~s report dated July 12, 1990.
Roll call of members was taken. Ayes: Unanimous..
The public hearing to consider the application of Meritor
Development. Corporation for the vacation of a portion of
existing drainage and utility easements located along Lot 1,
.Block 3 and Lot 1, Block 4, Chapel Hills was opened. The
City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly
published and .mailed.
JULY 19, 1990
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Daryl Morey informed the Commission that Meritor Development
Corporation is requesting the vacation of the easements as
part of their request to combine Lot 1, Block-3, Chapel
Hills with outlot B, Cedar Glen and Lat 1, Block 4, Chapel
Hills with Outlot C, Cedar Glen. Mr. Langhorst asked if the
easement vacation can be done administratively. Staff
informed the Cammission that a public hearing is required by
State statutes.
90.128 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Holberg to close the
public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
90.129 Motion was made by Stegerwalt, seconded by De Phillips to
recommend approval of the application of Meritor Development.
Corporation for the vacation of a portion of existing
drainage and utility easements located along Lot 1, Block 3
and Lot 1, Block 4, Chapel Hills subject to Daryl Morey's
report dated July 13, 1990.
• Roll call was taken on-the motion.. Ayes; Unanimous..
The public hearing to consider the application of Jeffrey
and Dorothy;Barr-for-the vacation-of a portion of Winston.
Street located. in the_Orchard Lake-subdivision was continued
from a previous meeting.
David Licht informed the Commission that Winston Street is
an access to the Walter Sternberg property but is not the
.major access. If the street is vacated, half of the
property would ga to the Barr property and the other half
would go to the adjoining property owned by Dakota County.
Daryl Morey informed the Commission that the Shoreland
Impact Plan was reviewed by the Natural Resources Committee
on July 17, 1990 but a motion to approve the Shoreland
Impact Plan was unanimously denied.
90.130 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by De Phillips to close
the public hearing to consider the application of Jeffrey
and Dorothy Barr for the vacation of a portion of Winston
Street located in the Orchard Lake subdivision.
Roil call was taken on the motion. Ayesr Unanimous.
Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Steigerwalt to
• approve the application of :Jeffrey and Dorothy Barr for the
vacation of a portion of Winston Street located in the
Orchard Lake subdivision.
JULY 19, 1990
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Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing to consider the application of Jeffrey
and Dorothy Barr for a building setback variance from the
ordinary high water mark of Kingsley Lake to allow the
construction of a new single family residential dwelling to
be located on the north side of Klamath Trail at 168th
Street was continued from a previous meeting.
David Licht reviewed the Barr variance request. He stated
the property is over one acre in size, however the proposed
house cannot meet the .setback requirements if the variance
is not granted. The property would be unbuldable for a
single family dwelling if this variance request is not
granted. Mr. Licht stated he believes this is a reasonable
request. and recommended approval.
Mr. Barr stated he was present at the Natural Resources
Committee meeting on July 17, 19.90 to address their
concerns. Mr. Barr informed the Commission that the
boathouse on the site would be taken down; the size of the
• driveway.would meet ordinance requirements; a double row of
silt fence would be placed on the property during
construction; the-landscaping on the property will match the
natural vegetation on-the site; and their plans are to
preserve asmany trees as possible on the property.
Mr. Knetsch informed the Commission that. reasonable uses of
the property should be allowed. This is only one
development. plan and other uses could be proposed for this
property. The Commission discussed the. access from the.
Sternberg property, the tree preservation plan and the
removal of trees when the sanitary sewer line is installed.
Jeff Oliver recommended that the sanitary sewer line be
placed underneath the driveway so-additional trees would not
have to be removed.
Commissionmember Holberg stated she was not comfortable with
approval of the variance due to the lack of a tree
preservation plan, the. types of soils on the property, and
the installation: of the-..sanitary-sewer line around the lake
which could destroy existing vegetation. Mr. Oliver
informed the Commission that this is the only feasible place
where sewer and water could be located due to the topography
of the surrounding area.- Bob Erickson recommended that a
reforestation p an-may be appropriate. Commssonmember
Steigerwalt felt the property could be better used as a
. park. Commissionmember Miller also stated that he felt the
variance request should be denied until Dakota County
decides to sell the abutting property. Mr. Erickson
mentioned that even if Dakota County-decided to sell the
JULY 19, 1990
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property, moving the house would not be environmentally
sound. Al Maas informed the Commission that. the proposed
.house is positioned in the best possible location on the
.site, given the existing features.
Motion was made by Steigerwalt, seconded by Whittingham to
close the public hearing to consider the application of
Jeffrey and Dorothy Barr for a building. setback variance
from the ordinary high water mark of Kingsley Lake to allow
the construction of a new single family residential dwelling
to be located on the north side of Klamath Trail. at 168th
Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
90.131 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Langhorst to-approve
the application of Jeffrey and Dorothy Barr for a building
setback variance from the ordinary high water mark of
Kingsley Lake to allow the construction of a new single
family residential dwelling to be located on the north side
of Klamath Trail.•at 168th-Street .subject to the planning
• reports dated June 13 and June 29, 1990, the engineering
report dated June 18, 1990, the Dakota-County Soil and Water
Conservation District report dated June 15, 1990, any other
staff recommendations, and the findings of .fact.
- Roll call was taken on the motion, Ayes: Steigerwalt,
Langhorst, Whittingham and De Phillips. Nays: Holberg,
Miller voted nay because the house would be located too
close to the ordinary high water mark, because..a precedent
would be seta. and because of the soil conditions on the
Holberg. voted nay because she felt the proposed driveway
location would be unsafe and because of the concerns of the
Natural Resources Committee.
The public hearing to consider the-application of Kenneth
and Roseann Johnson fora conditional use permit to allow
the construction of a single family residential dwelling on
a non-conforming lot located at 10647 - 202nd Street West
was opened. The City Attorney attested that all legal
notices had been duly published and mailed.
Daryl Morey informed the Commission that the Johnson's
• existing house is very old and in a rundown condition. The
Johnsons' would like to tear down the existing house and
JULY 19, 1990
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construct a new, somewhat larger house in its place. The
lot has its own private. well. and septic system and is
.non-conforming in terms of lot area, lot width and side yard
building setback for the existing house. The Zoning.
Ordinance allows single family residential dwellings to be
expanded to improve livability by conditional use permit
provided the non-conformity is not increased. Mr. Morey
stated that staff recommends approval of the conditional.use
permit request subject to the three stipulations listed in
the planning report dated July 13, 1990.
Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Steeples, neighbors of the Johnsans,
stated they had a problem with the survey. According to the
Johnson's survey, the property line is ten feet closer to
their house than originally stated on their own survey. Ray
Brandt, the surveyor of the Johnson property, was present at
the meeting and stated that there has, been a problem with
the accuracy of the surveys in that neighborhood. Mr.
Charles Bower of 10625 - 202nd Street was also present and
claimed that the Johnson. survey. was correct. Mr. Knetsch
informed the Commission that if this conditional use permit
was approved, it would not change the property line.
.90.13.2 Motion was made-by Miller, seconded by De-Phillips to close
the public-hearing o=consider the application of Kenneth
and Roseann Johnson for a conditional use permt'to allow
the construction of a single family residential dwelling on
a non-conforming lot located at 10647 - 202nd Street West.
Roll call .was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
90.133. Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Steigerwalt to
recommend approval of the application of Kenneth and Roseann
Johnson for a conditional use permit to allow the
.construction of a single family residential dwelling on a
non-conforming lot located at 10647 - 202nd Street West
subject to the Daryl Morey's report dated July 13, 1990 and
the findings of fact.
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing. to consider.. the application of David and
Deborah Frost for a conditional use permit to allow the
construction of a second garage on a single family
residential lot located at 98.80 - 199th Street West was
opened, The City Attorney attested that ail legal notices
had been duly published and mailed..
• _Daryl Morey stated that the Frosts' are requesting the
removal of an existing garage and the construction of a
JULY 19, 1990
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larger garage in its place on their single family
residential lot.. The Frosts own part of Lot 28 and all of
Lot 29, Block 12 in the Antlers Park subdivision. There is
a single family home and two garages currently located. on
the property.. The house. and smaller garage are
approximately 35 to 40 years old.
The larger garage is approximately 10 ..years old. The
applicant has demonstrated a need for the proposed second
garage, which will improve the livability of the property
when it is constructed in .place of the old garage, Mr.
Morey stated that staff recommends approval of this request
subject to the eight stipulations listed in the planning
report dated July 13, 1990.
Commission members discussed the conditional use permit
90.134 Motion was made by Steigerwalt,-seconded by Holberg to close
the public hearing-to consider the. application of David and.
..Deborah Frost_for a-conditional-use permit to allow the
• construction of a second garage on a single family
residential lot located at 988 0 - 199th Street.
.Roll call was taken on-:the..-motion.. Ayes:- Unanimous.
90.135 Motion was made by Miller, seconded'by Langhorst to
recommend approval of the application of David and Deborah
Frost for a conditional use permit to allow the construction
of a second garage on a single family residential lot
located at 9880 - 199th Street subject to Daryl Morey's
report dated July 13, 1990 and. the findings of fact.
Roll call was taken on the .motion. Ayes: Unanimous,
90.136 Motion was made by De Phillips, seconded by Whttingham to
continue the consideration of the final plat of Country Pond
South pending review by the Natural Resources Committee.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayesz Unanimous.
Daryl Morey distributed to the Commission a proposed
amendment to Section 12.4,8 of Ordinance 167 pertaining to
• curb cut accesses for single family residential uses. Mr.
Morey reviewed the draft amendment with. the Commission, Mr.
Licht stated he had a problem with a two curb cut driveway
because he felt it could change the character of the typical
JULY 19, 1990
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R-2 single family. residential lot. He was also concerned
over the storage of recreational vehicles and equipment on
the driveway. Staff and the Commission discussed;
driveway widths, setbacks, location on co3lector streets,
and need for conditional use permit approval.
90.137 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Langhorst to continue
the public hearing to consider the application of the City
of Lakeville for an amendment to Section 12.4.8 of Ordinance
167 pertaining to curb cut accesses for single family
residential uses.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
There was no new business.
90.138 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Holberg to
adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion.
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
hn Hen en, Recording Secretary
l 7
Jan ittngham, Chairman