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OCTOBER 18, 1990
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Whittingham
at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Whitehouse,
Miller, Holberg, Whittingham, Steigerwalt. Absent:
Langhorst, De Phillips.
Also present was Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Alan Brixius,
Consulting Planner; and Mira Holliday, Recording Secretary.
The minutes of the October 4,.1990 Planning Commission
meeting were approved as written.
.The public hearing to consider the application of William
Clifford for a conditional use permit to allow the
construction of a second accessory building and to allow the
floor area of the combined accessory buildings. and garages
to exceed 2,000 square feet located at 12295 205th Street
West was opened. The City Attorney attested that all legal
notices had been duly published and mailed.
S Alan Brixius presented an overview of the planning report of
October 9, 1990. He stated that Mr. Clifford planned to use
the .proposed buildings primarily for the storage of horses.
Mr. Brixius went on to discuss the following:
- Proposed action is consistent with the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan.
- The proposed use is compatible with present and future
land uses in the area.
- The proposed use conforms with all performance standards
contained within the Ordinance.
- Description of building appearance.
- Proposed use will not depreciate the proposed area.
- Proposed use can be accommodated with existing public
services and will not overburden the City's service
- Traffic generation.
Mr. Brixius recommend approval of the the conditional use
permit subject to the following recommendations:
1. The proposed storage structure is of similar color
(earth tone) and, at a minimum, similar in quality to
the site's existing accessory structure.
• ~4 1
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2. No animals are to be allowed within 100 feet. of any
neighboring residential dwelling.
3. The Cliffords obtain a building permit for the accessory
Mr. Clifford was present to answer questions of the
Commission and public.
Mr. Robert Clark questioned when the City began requiring a
permit for accessory buildings on a farm. Alan Brixius
The Commission held a brief discussion. Whitehouse
questioned the possible future commercial use of the
property. Mr. Brixius stated that the applicant plans to
use the accessory building for storage of his personal
horses only. The Commission requested that an additional
stipulation be added in addition to those listed in the
planning report stating no commercial or home occupation
activities are conducted on the property.
90.158 Motion was made by Whitehouse, seconded by Miller to close
. the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
90.159 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Steigerwalt to
recommend approval of the application of William Clifford
for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a
second accessory building and to allow the floor area of the
combined accessory buildings and garages to exceed 2,000
square feet subject to the planning report of October 9,
1990 with the addition of recommendation number four being
no commercial or home occupation activities are conducted on
the property.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing to consider the application of Jerry and
Martha Erickson for a side yard building setback variance
for property abutting Lake Marion to allow the construction.
of a new single family residential dwelling. located at
Jersey Avenue and Java Path was opened. The City Attorney
attested that all legal notices had been duly published and
OCTOBER 18, 1990
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Alan Brixius presented an overview of the planning report of
October 9, 1990. He stated the applicant is requesting a
reconfiguration of the three and one-half existing.
non-conforming lots with three structures to two conforming
lots with one structure on each, provided a variance is
approved to construct a new single family dwelling with 10
foot side yard setbacks on the southern. lot.
He also reviewed in detail conditions which establish the
presence of undue hardship and supporting circumstances for
variance approval. He stated the applicant's hardship is
caused by the long and narrow shape of the lots, existing
mature trees, and subsequent drainage issues. He reviewed
some of the issues of the Lake Area Development Plan for the
Lake Marion area. Mr. Brixius recommended approval of the
variance subject to the following contingencies:
1. The applicant file for an administrative subdivision that
would consolidate the .lots in a manner consistent with
Exhibit B of the planning report..
2. Upon development of the new home, the existing outdoor
• storage be removed.
3. The applicant satisfy any recommendations with regards to
the submitted shoreland impact plan.
4. The house and all other structures shall be constructed at
least three feet above the OHWL of Lake Marion (983.1
feet) .
Mr. and Mrs. Erickson were present and described their plans
for the property.
Dick Brannas, an adjoining property owner stated he was in
favor of the variance, as it would be a betterment for the
The Commission held a discussion which included:
- Subdivision of lots.
- Vegetation replacement.
- Structures to be removed.
- Utility and drainage easement.
90.160 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Steigerwalt to close
the public hearing.
• Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
OCTOBER 18, 1990
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90.161 Motion was made by Steigerwalt, seconded by Miller to
recommend approval of the application of .Jerry and Martha
Erickson for a building setback variance for both side yards
for property abutting Lake Marion to allow the construction
of a new single family residential dwelling located at
Jersey Avenue and Java Path subject to the planning report
of October 9, 1990 and the findings of fact.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing to consider the application of Paul
Anderson for a conditional. use permit and a variance to
allow the installation of a satellite dish with a height in
excess of 15 feet and a building setback of less than 10
feet located at 18698 Kanabec Court was opened. The City
Attorney attested that all legal notices had. been duly
published and mailed.
Alan Brixius presented an overview of the planning report
dated October 8, 1990 . He discussed in detail the.
• - The setback variance.
- Mounting requirements.
- Lightening Protection.
- Compatibility/Visibility.
Mr. Brixius recommended. approval of the conditional use.
permit and variance request contingent upon the fulfillment
of the following:
1. The applicant furnish the City Building Official with
building plans. displaying the means by which the
satellite dish is to be partially secured to the roof of
the site's principal building. The plans shall be
subject to review and comment by the City Building
2. The proposed satellite dish is ground to protect it
against lightening strikes in conformance with the
National Electrical Code as adopted by the City of
3. The proposed satellite be of a color similar or
complementary to that of the adjacent structure's roof.
Mr. Anderson was unable to be present at the meeting.
• Paul Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fitter and Mr. and Mrs. Jon
Alhberg of Kanabec Trail expressed their opposition to the
requested conditional use permit and variance. They listed
the following concerns:
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- Compatibility to the area.
- Visibility to homes on Orchard Trail.
- Visibility to their homes on Kanabec Trail.
- Great Oak Shores covenant which prohibits satellite
- Depreciation of area property value.
- Safety against lightening.
- Accessibility of cable television within one year.
- Lack of information from the applicant (does not warrant
- Criteria for conditional use permit and variance not
- Concern over check used by Mr. Anderson for payment of
application. (Jomax Distributing Company, Inc. rather
than his personal check).
Mr. Brixius further discussed the location of the satellite
dish and the visibility to the neighbors. He stated that if
the applicant complies with the standards of the City Code,
the City cannot deny the installation of a satellite dish.
Roger Knutson explained that it is not within the City's
jurisdiction to enforce the neighborhood covenant. He
• stated that would be a matter for the residents to .take up
in district court.
The Commission discussed the following:
- Size and color of the satellite dish.
- Visibility to surrounding area.
- Safety features (against lightening).
- Structural support.
- Screening.
- Depreciation of property value.
The Commission stated they would like further information on
all of the above listed items plus pictures of the proposed
satellite dish and an exact date of when cable television
will be available in that area.
Roger Knutson stated it is very difficult to make a
determination on property depreciation in a case such as
Mr. Ahlberg stated he.would like to submit to Mr. Brixius a
list of questions to be complied by the area residents that
would be answered by Mr. Anderson.
90.162 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Steigerwalt to
continue the public hearing to provide the applicant the
opportunity to respond to the questions/issues raised at
tonight's meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
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The public hearing to consider the application of J.L.
Shiely Company for a conditional use permit to allow the
expansion of an existing gravel mine on land located on the
west side of I-35 at County Road 66 was opened. The City
Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly
published and mailed.
Alan Brixius presented an overview of the planning report
dated October 12, 1990. He reviewed in detail the
- Land use compatibility.
1. Dunham farm.
2. Adjoining properties to the west, south, north,
and east.
- Perimeter buffering plan.
- Traffic.
- Noise.
- Natural environment of the area.
- Setbacks.
- Screening.
- Site clean up.
Reclamation process.
- Post mining development.
Mr. Brixius stated. the City must determine whether the
expansion of the gravel mine is consistent with the existing
land use and future development objectives for this .area of
the City. If approval is recommended, he suggested the
conditional use permit include the following conditions:
1. The Post Mining Development Plan show the alternative
access routes into the site and demonstrate that
finished grades can accommodate the alternative street
access points.
2. The Perimeter Buffering Plan be extended to include
berming and landscaping along County Road 64 east. of the
Dunham farm.
3. Land reclamation efforts along the gravel mine's east
property line will include extensive landscape plantings
to provide an aesthetic distraction from the balance of
the gravel mining operation.
4. The gravel mine's truck traffic follow the travel routes
identified in the haul routes map to .avoid traffic
conflicts in the Lakeville Commercial Center or nearby
residential areas.
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5. The gravel operation must maintain noise levels in
compliance with State standards at the site's
boundaries. Any noise complaints resulting from the
gravel mine expansion may result in the City limiting
operational hours.
6. Compliance with the Dakota County Soil and Water
Conservation District recommendations.
7. The Post Mining Topography Plan be revised to reduce the
finished depth of the gravel mine by 10 plus feet.
8. All finished grading shall not exceed a 3 to 1 slope.
9. A detailed reclamation plan be submitted with the
following information:
a. Grading and replacement of top soil.
b. Erosion control measures.
c. Slope stabilization measures.
d. Landscaping elements.
e. Landscaping maintenance.
• 10. To ensure accurate monitoring and enforcement of the
Lakeville Gravel Mine Ordinance, the following items
must be attached to the conditional use permit:
a. The Perimeter Buffering Plan.
b. The Mining and Reclamation Staging Plan.
c. Detailed Reclamation Process.
d. Revised Post Mining Topography Plan.
e. Post Mining Development Concepts.
11. The Shiely gravel mine shall be subject to annual gravel
permits and inspection.
Bob Bieraugel was present representing J.L. Shiely Company.
He reviewed the following:
- Storage and recycling of abandoned machinery and
- Noise.
- Surface water runoff.
- Reclamation plan.
- topography.
- Future development.
• A letter addressed to Mayor Zaun from Mr. Mike Dunhan,
adjoining property owner, was distributed listing several
questions. Mr. Bieraugel addressed each question. Mr.
OCTOBER 18, 1990
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.Dunham also questioned the 50 foot setback from his
property. Mr. Brixus responded. Mr. Dunham stated. he had
no problem with the plans of J.L. Shiely Company.
Mr. Robert Clark, adjoining property owner, expressed his
opposition. to the conditional use permit stating he felt the
project would ruin his property.
Robert Erickson, City Administrator arrived. at the meeting.
The Commission held a discussion which included:
- Upgrading of County Road 64 (additional right of way).
- Excavation process.
- Elevation.
- Berming along easement (Frontage Road).
- Longevity of mine.
- Truck trips per day.
- Slopes along County Road 64.
- NRC recommendation.
- Consistency with Comprehensive Plan.
- Access to the subject property.
• _ Future mining to the west.
- Reclamation plan.
- Topography.
- NSP easement along the frontage road.
Mr. Robert Clark stated he was in disagreement with many of
the facts presented by Mr. Bieraugel. He stated the
Commission should consider the tax base and the fact that
County Road 64 could become a four lane road.
The Commission directed staff to contact Dakota County
Highway Department to discuss their plans for County Road
Robert Erickson stated the Natural Resources Committee had
recommended approval of the conditional use permit with an
elevation 10 feet above what is shown on the plans.
Whitehouse stated he would like to see the plans updated
before a recommendation is made.
90.163 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Whitehouse to
continue the public hearing to consider the application of
J.L. Shiely Company for a conditional use permit to allow
the expansion of an existing gravel mine on land located on
. the west side of I-35 at County Road 64.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
~ '
OCTOBER 18, 1990
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Alan Brixius reviewed the request of Independent School
District 194 for the extension of Conditional Use Permit No.
90-05 from April 16, 1993 to August 16, 1993. He stated the
three year expiration schedule will terminate the
conditional use permit within a school year and the school
district prefers the school year not be interrupted. A
brief discussion was held.
90.164 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Holberg to recommend
approval of the extension of Conditional use Permit No.
90-05 for ISD 194 from April 16, 1993 to August 16, 1993..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Under unfinished business, Robert Erickson presented an
update on the new elementary school proposed to be located
at 175th Street West and Highview Avenue including the
possible extension of 175th Street. He also discussed the
Judicial Road project.. Commission members asked about 168th
Street. He stated he would invite .Keith Nelson, City
.Engineer to the next meeting to explain this .project. He
further stated that Steve Michaud,,Parks°and-Recreation
• Director would be-attending a Planning Commission meeting in
the near future to present the Parks and Open Space System
90.165. Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Steigerwalt to
adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion.
Time: 11:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Mira Holliday, R cording Se etary
Jana ittingham, Chairperson