HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-15-90 . t , CITY tJF LAKEVILLE PLANNING GQMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NQVEMBER 15, 1990 The meeting was called to order by Chair Whittingham at-7:00 p,m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Roll call was taken, Present: Stegerwalt, Whittingham, Holberg, Miller and Whitehouse. Absent: Langhorst and DePhillips. Also present: B. Erickson, City Administrator; D. Licht, Planning Consultant; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development Director; D. Morey, Assistant Community & Economic Development Director; G. Lewis, City Attorney; C. Fredges, City Clerk. The minutes of the November 1, 1990, Planning Commission meeting were approved as written. 90.169 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Whitehouse to receive. a letter of withdrawal from Meritor Development Corporation dated October 24,:1990, and close the public hearing to consider rezoning from R-2, Single Family Residential District; to R-3, High Density Single Family Residential District, on a portion of 9utlot A in Chapel Hills. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. Mr. Morey introduced Mr, Faul Thomas, Meritor Development, and Wayne Tower, Pioneer .Engineering, who presented a revised. concept plan for the Comimssion's consideration and recommendations. It was explained that the.proposed plat is largely surrounded by R-3 zoned development. The developer wishes. to propose variances on .approximately 12 lots that do not meet R-2 standards or make application for an R-2 Planned Unit Development. The. commission members discussed the concept and voiced their. concern that good continuity of housing between the neighboring developments be maintained. They suggested some lot re-configuration should be accomplished between lots 12 through 16 to eliminate the smaller size lots. Tt was their recommendation that if the current layout could not be re-configured, a lot would have to be eliminated. Commission members Steigerwalt, Whittingham, Holberg and Miller expressed a willingness to consider a new formal proposal with some R-3 size lots if this re-configuration is accomplished..... The developer concurred with these recommendations and indicated these comments would be taken into consideration before a formal application is made to the City. The City ' ' PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1990 PAGE 2 staff members explained that once an application is made, a public hearing on the new proposal would be called and all abutting residents would. be duly notified. Commission member Whitehouse stated he preferred the lots to remain at an R-2 size. Chair Whittingham opened the continued public hearing to consider the revocation of a conditional use permit to allow outside sales and storage at 9200-210th Street. Mr. Morey explained that Mr. Tucker had been given until the 15th of November to bring the property into compliance with City ordinances. More specifically, outside sales and product display areas were to be confined to the area shown on the approved conditional use permit site plan, and planted trees on the east side of the property were to be completely removed. Mr. Morey explained that he inspected the property this afternoon and found that while Mr. Tucker is making some progress, the .property is still not in compliance with the approved conditional use permit. .Since his last inspection, Christmas .trees have now been displayed on the site. Mr. Morey read a letter from John Tucker to the Planning Commission, explaining that he could not attend this meeting and that he intends. to display the Christmas trees under the guidelines of the conditional use permit and does .not anticipate continuing his business after the Christmas season. 90.170 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Holberg to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. 90.171 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Steigerwalt to direct the City Attorney to prepare findings of fact. on the revocation of the conditional use permit to allow outside sales and: storage of plants, shrubs and trees at 9200-202nd Street, for the Commission's consideration and adoption at their December 6th meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion.. .Ayes, unanimous. Chair Whittingham opened the public hearing on the application of Eva Development, Inc. for the vacation of Outing Avenue and a portion of Mount Curve Boulevard located in Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition. The City Attorney attested that legal notices were duly published and mailed. ` PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1990 .PAGE 3 Mr. Morey explained that Eva Development is unable to record the .final plat of Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition without this street vacation. He explained that. Eva Development purchased the adjacent Skogstad property after preliminary plat approval and incorporated this land into the final plat. As a result, the streets currently being requested for vacation were not included in the original street vacation request because they were. outside the plat boundaries. There was no public comment. 90.172 Motion was made by Whitehouse, seconded by Miller to close. the public hearing. Roll call was .taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. 90.173 Motion was made by Whitehouse, seconded by Stegerwalt to recommend approval of the vacation of Outing Avenue and a portion of Mount Curve Boulevard located in Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition subject to the planning report. dated November 9, 1990. Roll call wastaken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. Commissioner Whitehouse.pointed out the high phosphorus content of Archard Lake {and other lakes in the Gty) and asked if residents have been kept apprised. Mr. Erickson explained that the J.M. Montgomery firm is preparing a Take quality. report, which will be forwarded to the City's Natural Resources Committee and the Lake Homeowners Associations. Chair Whittingham opened the public hearing to consider the application of Grist Mi11 Company for the vacation of existing drainage and utility easements and a portion of .Hayes Avenue. and 213th Street located in Airlake Industrial Park Second Addition. The Gty Attorney attested that legal notices were duly published and mailed.. Mr, Morey explained that Grist Mill currently has separate manufacturing and office buildings, with parking and drive areas, covering four of the ten lots they own in Airlake Industrial-Park. The company is proposing a five phase expansion, which. includes adding onto the existing manufacturing building and eventually connecting it with the existing office building. A separate research and development building w©uld be constructed south of the existing office building, and additional parking spaces and loading docks would also be constructed, all on the east side of Hayes Avenue. On the ' ' PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 199Q PAGE 4 • west side of Hayes Avenue, an 82,000 square foot warehouseJdistribution building would be constructed,.along with loading docks and a 580 stall parking lot. The first phase of expansion involves a 58,000 square foot expansion. to the existing manufacturing building.. Mr. Morey went on to explain that the vacation of existing drainage and utility easements and a portion of Hayes Avenue and 213th Street would allow unified site development. A cul-de-sac is proposed to be constructed at the end of Hayes Avenue after the street is vacated to accommodate car and truck turn-Grounds. A drainage channel that traverses the area will be relocated by Grist Mi11, according to Barr .Engineering's specifications. The City Engineer recommends approval of the vacation request subject to some minor modifications to the grading and drainage plan listed in his report dated November 2, 1990. Mr. Morey. further explained that the City Attorney recommends approval of the vacation request with some minor corrections in the easement wording for the final legal documents. Staff will make these changes prior to drafting the final documents. The Commission held a discussion which included: - .Timing of the expansion phases. - Combination of dots .(administrative subdivision). - Parking.. - Semi-truck circulation. - Cul-de-sac construction (turning radius).. There was no public comment. 90.174 Motion was made by Steigerwalt, seconded by Holberg to close the public hearing.. Roll call was taken on the motion, Ayes, unanimous.. 90.175 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Whitehouse to recommend approval. of the application of Grist. Mill Company for the vacation of existing: drainage and utility easements along and across Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Grist Mill Addition, and Outlot A and Lots 15 and 16, Block 4, Airlake Industrial Park Second Addition,. and for the vacation of a portion of Hayes Avenue and 213th Street located-in Airlake Industrial Park Second Addition, subject to the engineering report dated November 2, 1990. • Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1990 PAGE 5 Mr. Morey requested. the Planning Commission table the continued public hearing on the J.L. Shiely Company conditional use permit request for the expansion of an existing gravel mine until the. December 6th meeting.. He explained that staff did not have ample time to review the latest materials submitted by the applicant, 90.176 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Steigerwalt to table the continued public hearing on the J,L. Shiely conditional use permit request until the December 6th Planning Commission meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. Chair Whittngham opened the public hearing to consider a major comprehensive plan amendment to alter the boundaries of Lakeville's 2010 Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSAj. .The City Attorney attested that legal notices were duly published and mailed. Mr. Licht provided a brief background on the initial establishment of .the Metropolitan Urban Service Area in Lakeville. He explained that the City is requesting a major comprehensive plan amendment to bring 71 acres-of land inside the MUSA boundary. This amendment is necessary to accommodate construction of the proposed Highview Elementary School at the northwest corner of Hghview Avenue and Dodd Boulevard on the Clinton & Kathleen Zweber property. He explained that the Metropolitan Council must approve a MUSA line change in excess of 40 acres as a major comprehensive plan amendment. Mr. Licht went on to explain that the City is proposing a land trade with the Metropolitan Council, whereby .the City would trade approximately 49.5 acres in North Park. and 41..9 acres (Outlot B)-in Homestead Creek 3rd Addition for the 71 acre Zweber property. Both .parcels are currently inside the. MUSA but will not be developed within the service area and will not need sanitary sewer service. Mr, Licht further explained that in order to accommodate construction of the Highvew Elementary School, 175th Street would need to be extended, along with sewer and water lines, east to Highview Avenue. .All property owners involved have petitioned for the improvements, and the project is being coordinated between School District 194, the Zwebers and Good Value Homes, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ' NOVEMBER 15, 1990 PAGE 6 • The Commission briefly discussed the timing of the 175th Street extension and the location of the MUSA line east of Highview Avenue. Mr. Ron Gerk, 9935 175th Street, questioned the need for the 175th Street extension at this time, as it was stated that the proposed school could face either Hghview Avenue or 175th Street. Mr. Erickson. explained that after thorough analysis, the 175th Street position has been judged as the most logical. Mr. Jim Larson, a property owner on the east side of Highview Avenue, questioned whether his land could be included within the MUSA boundary in a future amendment. Mr. Licht explained that the Metropolitan Council will not approve a MUSA boundary amendment .for land that cannot be served by a gravity sewer system. Mr. Carson's land,. based on the City Engineer's preliminary findings, cannot be served without a lift station. 90.177 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Holberg to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. 90.178 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Steigerwalt to recommend approval of a major comprehensive plan amendment to alter the boundaries of Lakeville's 201Q Metropolitan Urban Service Area, as outlined in the planning consultant's report dated November 13, 1990.. Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Mr. Erickson provided a status update on the Goff lawsuit matter, He explained that the City will acquire 10 acres of property-from Mr. Goff for the future relocation of the Valley Lake beach and parking lot. As a result, Mr. Goff has dropped the lawsuit against the City for down-zoning this property and has agreed to accept R-4 zoning on the remaining property he owns. Other unfinished business discussed by the Commission related to lighting at the SuperAmerica Station on Cedar Avenue, a .status update on the Belzer-Dodge Car Dealership and signage for Performance Dance Works. There was no new business. 90.279 Motion was made by Whitehouse, seconded by Miller to adjourn the meeting. voice vote was taken on the motion.. t ' PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1990 PAGE 7 • Time: 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Charlene Friedges, City Cierk d~ c Jan httingham, Chair rson