HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-06-90 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
DECEMBER 6, 1990
The meeting was called to order. by Chair Whittingham at 7:00
p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Roll call was taken. Present: Whitehouse, Miller, Holberg,
Whittingham, Steigerwalt and Langhorst.
Also present: Bob Erickson, City Administrator; Alan
Brixius, Planning Consultant; Roger Knutson, City Attorney;
Michael Sobota, Community and Economic Development Director;
Daryl Morey, Assistant Community and Economic Development
Director; Jeff Oliver, Assistant City Engineer; David
Krings, Building Official; and Mira Holliday, Recording
The minutes of the November 15, 1990 Planning Commission
meeting were .approved as written..
A brief overview of the findings of fact regarding the
revocation of a conditional use permit to allow outside
sales and storage of plants, shrubs, and trees at 9200 202nd
Street was given. by Daryl Morey. Mr. John Tucker was
present but had no comment.
90.180 Motion was made by Miller,. seconded by Whitehouse to receive
the Findings of Fact regarding the revocation of a
conditional use permit to allow outside sales and storage of
plants, shrubs, and trees at 9200 202nd Street and refer the
recommendation to the City Council.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing to consider the application of Paul Baker
for the vacation of an existing drainage (ditch) easement on
land located east of Holt Avenue between Upper 209th Street
and 210th Street was opened. The City Attorney attested
that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed.
Daryl Morey presented a review of the request. He stated
Mr. Baker is requesting the easement vacation in order to
clear the title to his. property so it can be sold. He went
on to state that the drainage easement was recorded in 1910
.and covers a vaguely defined strip of land through Block 1
for the purpose of establishing a ditch to carry storm
water. Mr. Morey further stated that the City Engineer had
reviewed this request and recommends approval in a report
S dated November 21, 1990. The City Attorney had also
reviewed the request and recommends approval. Mr. Morey
stated staff recommends approval of the vacation of the
entire drainage easement, not just the portion covering Mr.
Baker's lot.
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Mr. Baker was present and thanked Mr. Morey for his
assistance. He questioned the City Attorney as to why he
was required to pay the $300 fee to have the easement
vacated when it is no longer used. Mr. Knutson stated the
City would not have considered the vacation of the easement
had Mr. Baker not requested it. He stated it is City policy
that the person requesting such action pay the application
The Commission .held a brief discussion concerning the
possibility of drainage problems in the area. Jeff Oliver
addressed their concerns. Langhorst questioned if other
adjacent residents would also be charged the application
fee. Mr. Morey stated it was up to Mr. Baker to contact
adjacent property owners regarding sharing the cost of the
application fee. There was no public comment.
90.181 Motion was made by Whitehouse, seconded by Langhorst to
close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion... Ayes: Unanimous
90.182 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Steigerwalt to
recommend approval of the application of Paul Baker for the
vacation of an existing drainage (ditch) easement on land
located east of Holt Avenue between Upper 209th Street and
210th Street.
Roll call was taken on the. motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing to consider the application of Ralph
Trabant for the preliminary plat of 11 single family
residential lots to be known as Trabant Addition and for a
minor comprehensive plan amendment to include the property
in the 2000 Urban Service Area on land located at 175th
Street and Judicial Road was opened. The City Attorney
attested that all legal notices had been duly published and
Daryl Morey reviewed the proposed plat. He discussed the
following, as outlined in his report dated November 29,
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- Consistency of the plat with the Comprehensive Plan.
- Density. _
- Lots.
- Streets.
- Setbacks.
- Easements.
- Grading and storm water drainage.
- Parks.
Mr. Morey stated he received a revised plat this afternoon
which designates the triangular piece of property which lies
.north of Lot 1, Block i, west of the centerline of the
existing roadway for Judicial Road, and east of the proposed
Judicial Road right-of-way as an outlot. Staff is
recommending that an easement be granted across this outlot
for Ken Jensen, the abutting property owner to the north, so
as to provide him with reasonable driveway access to the new
Judicial Road alignment. Mr. Morey recommended approval of
• the proposed plat subject to the following stipulations
1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the
November 27, 1990 engineering report.
2. Implementation of the comments listed in the November
29, 1990 Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation
District report.
3. Submission of a tree preservation plan with the
submission of the final. plat.
4. Submission of a final grading and erosion control plan
for approval by the Dakota County Soil and Water
Conservation District and City staff.
Mr. Morey stated as an outcome from a meeting staff had with
Mr. Trabant earlier in the week, he was dropping stipulation
number 5 regarding dedication of the triangular piece of
property to the City.
Mr. Trabant was present and questioned when the storm sewer
assessments and park and trail fees would be due. The City
Attorney addressed the question. Mr. Jensen of Judicial
Road was present and expressed his concern over his driveway
access. Mr. Morey stated Mr. Trabant has a building on the
• proposed outlot and he has submitted a letter which
indicates he would like to use the building as a temporary
sales office for two years or until a substantial
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amount of his lots are sold. The letter also indicates he
would grant Mr. Jensen a driveway access easement over
Outlot A north of this building. Staff expressed concern
over whether the Outlot was of sufficient size to
accommodate both the building and the driveway.
The Commission held a discussion which included:
- Use of .the building as a temporary sales office.
- Mr. Jensen's driveway access.
- Tree preservation.
- Sidewalks on Judicial Road.
- Steep grades.
- Silt fences (sediment control).
- Snowmobile access to Orchard Lake..
There was no further public comment.
90.183 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Whitehouse to
• close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
90.184 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Steigerwalt to
recommend approval of the-application of--Ralph Trabant for.
the preliminary plat of 11 single family residential lots to
be known as Trabant Addition and for a minor comprehensive
plan. amendment to include the property in the 2000 Urban
Service Area on land located at 175th Street and Judicial
Road subject to the planning report of November 29, 1990, as
amended by staff, with the added stipulation that Lots i and
2, Block 1 be custom graded.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Whitehouse,
Holberg, Whittingham, Steigerwalt, Langhorst. Nay: Miller.
Miller voted nay because he felt the triangular piece of
property should be dedicated to the City instead of an
easement being granted.
The public hearing to consider the application of J.L.
Shiely Company for a conditional use permit to allow the
expansion of an existing gravel mine on land located on the
west side of I-35 at County Road 64 was continued from a
previous meeting.
• Alan Brixius stated the tabling of this item was brought
forth by a need for the applicant to address a number of
issues/recommendations noted at the October l8, 1990
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Planning Commission public hearing and within a NAC planning
report dated October 12, 1990. He stated that the Shiely
Company has submitted a letter which details intended
responses to the City's recommendations. Mr. Brixius
reviewed the following:
- County Road 64 improvement plans.
- Street access.
- Buffering plan.
- Truck traffic.
- Noise levels.
- Post mining topography plan.
- Reclamation plan submission.
- Mining and reclamation staging plan.
- Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District
Mr. Brixius stated if the City gives approval to the
conditional use permit, his office recommends the following:
• 1. To ensure accurate monitoring and enforcement of the
Lakeville. Gravel Mine Ordinance, the following information
should be attached to the conditional use permit:
a. Perimeter Buffering Plan
b. Concept A-Post Mining Grading and Land Use
c. Concept B-Post Mining Grading and Land Use
d. Concept C-Post Mining Grading and Land Use
e. Single Family Conceptual Section
f. Multi-Family Conceptual Section
g. Reclamation Plan
h. Mining and Reclamation Staging Plan.
i. Letter of Response (11/12/90)
Mr. Bob Bieraugel of Shiely Company was present and reviewed
the proposed slopes of the plan.
The Commission held a discussion which included:
- Inspection by the City (annually or bi-annually).
- Reclamation plan.
- 1000 seedlings planted yearly.
- Buffering plan.
The Commission commended Shiely Company for their response
to all the questions asked by staff and the public.
<< .
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Mr. Robert Clark of 205th Street stated he did not agree
with statements made by Mr. Bieraugel. He stated that he
felt. the traffic counts sited by Shiely Company were
incorrect; the trees planted on the site were not planted by
Shiely Company, but by Friedheim Company; there would be no
way to keep snowmobiles out of the area; there is no pit for
oil spills; and the City does not need a gravel pit in that
Jan Whittingham questioned the need for a settling pond.
Alan Brixius addressed the issue. Mr. Bieuraugel stated the
pond is dredged annually to remove fine sand at the bottom.
Mike Dunham, abutting property owner, stated he had no
problem with the slopes, as it will enhance his property.
He stated his only concern is if the gravel mine were to be
sold to another company that is not as reputable and
attentive to the effects of the gravel mine on surrounding
properties as the Shiely Company. The City Attorney stated
even if another company were to purchase the gravel mine,
the conditional use permit, along with any stipulations,
would still be in force.
90.185 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Miller to close
the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
90.186 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Miller to recommend
approval of the application of J.L. Shiely Company for a
conditional use permit to allow the expansion of an existing
gravel mine on land located on the west side of I-35 at
County Road 64 subject to the planning report of November..
26, 1990 with the addition of recommendation number six to
read "The Shiely Gravel Mine shall be subject to a bi-annual
inspection of the landscaping by the-City"; an amendment to
Exhibit G being a minimum of 1000 seedlings be planted until
reclamation is complete; and the letter from Shiely Company
dated November 12, 1990.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Bob Erickson, City Administrator asked the Commission to
reconsider the motion to recommend approval of the Trabant
Addition, and instead continue consideration of this item to
allow staff the opportunity to more thoroughly address the
issues raised at this meeting.
A 10 minute recess wascalled..
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90.187 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Steigerwalt to
reconsider agenda item number 6.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
90.188 Motion was made by Steigerwalt, seconded by Miller to
continue consideration of the application. of Ralph Trabant
for the preliminary plat of it single family residential
.lots to be known as Trabant Addition and for a minor
comprehensive plan amendment to include the property in the
2000 Urban Service Area on land located at 175th Street and
Judicial Road to the January 3, 1990 meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Steve Michaud, Parks and Recreation Director presented a
.detailed review of the five year update of the Park and Open
Space Systems Plan, discussing a Needs and Demands Analysis
from Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. dated October 19,
. 1990. A discussion was held with Commission members.
David Krings, Building Official, presented a proposed
amendment to Zoning Ordinance Sections 9.4 and 11.5 related
to accessory building setbacks and yard encroachments. A
discussion was-held. among Commission members and staff.
90.189 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Holberg, setting a
.public hearing date for January 3, 1990 to consider the
application of the City of Lakeville for an amendment to
Zoning Ordinance Sections 9.4 and 11.5 related to accessory
building setbacks and yard encroachments.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
There was no unfinished or new business.
90.190 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Steigerwalt to
adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion.
Time: 11:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Mira Holliday, Recording cretary
DECEMBER 6, 1990
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.Jan Wh' tingham, Chairman