HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-008 t CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date January 18, 2005 Resolution 05-08 Motion By Bellows Seconded By Wulf f RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2005 GENERAL FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, that the following General Fund Budget is hereby approved and amended for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005. 2005 2005 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES REVENUES General .property taxes $11,234,282 $ - $ 11,234,282 Licenses and permits 2,512,291 - 2,51.2,291 Intergovernmental revenue 686,965 - 686,965 Charges for services 1,832,409 - 1,832,409 Court fines 190,176 - 190,176 Miscellaneous 286,177 - 286,177 Interfund transfers 582,315 - 582,315 ® Total Revenues 17,324,615 - 17,324,615 EXPENDITURES Mayor and Council 108,245 - 108,245 Public Communications 154,850 - 154,850 City Administration 289,053. 710 289,763 City Clerk 92,818 - 92,818 Legal 89,515 - 89,515 Committees/Commissions .83,198 - 83,198 Community Development 683,638 2,220 685,858 Inspection 994,579 - 994,579 Generab Government Building 338,857 - 338,857 Finance 810,196 - 810,196 Human Resources 268,660 - 268,660 Insurance 190,301 - 190,301 Police 5,947,600 - 5,947,600. Fire 1,060,191 1,110 1,061,301 i (continued) RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2005 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2005 2005 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES EXPENDITURES (continued) Ambulance $ 23,393 $ - $ 23,393 Engineering 915,958 1,110 917,068 Streets 2,384,495 1,110 2,385,605 Parks 1,726,455. 1,110 1,727,565 Recreation 403,215 - 403,215 Arts Center 282,513 - 282,513 Other 473,054 (7,370) 465,684 Total `Expenditures 17,320,784 - 17,320,784 Net Increase/(Decrease) 3,831 - 3,831 Fund $alance, January 1 7,618,466 - 7,61.8,466 Fund Balance, December 31 $ 7,622,297 $ - $ 7,622,297 APPROVED AND AMENDED by the City Council. of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, this 18th day of January, 2005. CITY OF EVILLE BY: Robert D. Joh on, Mayor EST Charlene Friedges, City C er GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2005 2005 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES TAXES Property taxes -current $ 9,077,562 $ 9,077,562 Property taxes- delinquent 58,247 58,247 Market value homestead credit 750,374 750,374 fiscal disparities 1,249,684 1,249,684 Penalties and interest 7,500 Mobile home tax 44,000 44,000 Mobile home tax credit 20,600 20,600 Gravel tax 26,315 - 26,315 Total Taxes $11,234,282 $ - $ 11,226,782 :LICENSES AND PERMITS Trash removal $ 450 $ 450 Dog 14,700 14,700 Signs 5,500 5,500 On-sale liquor 46,800 46,800 Sunday liquor 2,800 2,800 Club special license 1,150 1,150 .Non-intoxicating liquor on 600 600 Non-intoxicating liquor off 750 750 Wine 500 500 Peddler 250 250 Tree removal 500 500 Arcade {amusement device) 1,455 1,455 Tattoo/piercing 900 900 Fireworks 800 800 Miscellaneous 825 - 825 Total Licenses 77,980 - 77,980 Plan review fees 700,628 700,628 Building 1,300,916 1,300,916 Plumbing 99,606 99,606 Water and sewer 65,648 65,648 Mechanical 102,338 102,338 Moving 100 100 Septic system 150 150 Street cutting 2,000 2,000 Grading/Filling 900. 900 Gravel 6,425 6,425 Driveway 750 750 Zoning 6,200 6,200 Right of Way 8,000 8,000 Fire burning 250 250. Electrical 140,000 140,000 Miscellaneous 400 - 400 Total-Permits 2,434,311 - 2,434,311 Total Licenses and Permits $ 2,512,291 $ - $ 2,512,291 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES • 2005 2005 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE State-aid police $ 274,400 $ 274,400 State-aid fire relief 242,780 242,780 State-aid streets 70,860 69,030 State-aid pensions 21,303 21,303 State POST Board grant 18,142 18,142 State Drug Task Force grant 7,026 7,026 E-911 tariff 32,754 32,754 Special. Operations Training grant 6,000 6,000 State Safe & Sober grant 10,900 10,900 Police protective vests grant 2,400 2,400 Other grants 400 - 400 Total Intergovernmental $ 686,965 $ - $ 685,135 CHARGES fOR SERVICES General Government Rezoning fees $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Platting fees 12,500 12,500 Variance fees 1,200 1,200 PUD application fees 1,500 1,500 CUP fees 4,500 4,500 Home occupation fees 900 900 Planner fees 30,479 30,479 Inspection fees 15,713 15,713 General government service charge 2,255 2,255 Tree escrow fund administration 7,500 7,500 Lodging tax fee 5,017 5,017 Investment management fees 23,631 23,631 Sale of maps/copies. 1,200 1,200 Sale of history/guidebook fees 6,000 6,000 Sale of printed material 200 200 finance charges 600 - 600 Total General Govemment 114,195 - 114,195 • GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2005 2005 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST $UDGET NOTES Public Safety Police department charges $ 32,121 $ 32,121 Police dispatching 169,020 169,020 SRO - ISD 194 contribution 123,880 123,880 Animal pickup 3,167 3,167 Animal storage 5,214 5,214 Animal rabies 2,645 2,645 Restitution 400 400 Forfeiture -sale of assets 12,000 12,000 Fire contracts 27,690 27.,690 Fire department charges 800 800 ALF -Administrative charge 40,072 - 40,072 Total Public Safety 417,009 - 417,009 Pubiic Works Engineering platting -preliminary 31,000 31,000 Engineering platting -final 9,000 9,000 Engineering plan review fees 15,000 15,000 Engineering drawing/base map prep 24,300 24,300 Engineering developer inspection fees 10,963 10,963 Engineering developer contract administration 297,000 297,000 Engineering improvement project construction inspecti 16,523 16,523 Engineering G.LS. fees 60,780 60,780 Special assessment admin charge 143,186 143,186 Special assessment searches 300 300 Document/map sales 1,660. 1,660 Bid plans/specs deposits 1,200 1,200 Street lights 410,620 410,620 Credit River -Judicial road maintenance 3,380 3,380 Developer street signs install 17,159 - 17,159 Total Public Works 1,042,071 - 1,042,071 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2005 2005 ADOPTED. .AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES Parks and Recreation Recreation activities Youth activities $ 39,388 $ 39,388 Youth activities donations 250 250 Youth special events 17,731 17,731 Youth special events donations 200 200. Adult activities 64,140 64,140 Puppet wagon donations 3,500 3,500 Safety Camp 2,375 2,375 Safety Camp donations 1,600 1.,600 Senior Center donations 400 400 Excursions 7,920 7,920 Tennis lessons 9,180 - 9,180 Total Recreation activities 146,684 - 146,684 Park rental/maintenance/tournament fees 15,000 15,000 Senior Centerrental 400 400 .Senior Center -newsletter reimbursement 1,433 - 1,433 Total Parks and Recreation 163,517 - 163,517 Arts Center Program fees 53,937 53,937 Facility rental 41,680 - 41,680 Total Arts Center 95,617 - 95,617 Total Charges for Services $ 1,832,409 $ - $ 1,832,409 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2005 2005 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET. NOTES COURT -FINES Court fines $ 190,176 $ - $ 190,176 MISCELLANEOUS Interest on investments $ 164,461 $ 164,461 Sale of assets 36,000 36,000 Donations 27,344 27,344 Rentals Dakota Heights water tower 58,372 - 58,372. Total Miscellaneous $ 286,177 $ - $ 286,177 fNTERFUND TRANSFERS -Cable TV Fund $ 90,300 $ 90,300 Surface Water Management Fund 72,167 72,167 Storm Sewer Fund (GIS} 30,920 30,920 Municipal Reserves Fund 37,212. 37,212 Liquor Fund 142,710 142,710 Utility Fund 209,006 - 209,006 Total Interfund Transfers $ 582,315 $ - $ 582,315 Total General :Fund $17,324,615 $ - $ 17,315,285 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDLTURES 2005. 2005 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES --Mayor and Council Personnel services $ 51,392 $ 51,392 Commodities 385 385 Other charges and services 56,468 - 56,468 Total 108,245 - 108,245 Public Communications Personnel services 112,055 112,055 Commodities 295 295 Other charges and services 41,867 41,867 Capital outlay 633 - 633 Total 154,850 - 154,850 City Administration Personnel services 271,071 271,071 Commodities 1,000 (400) 600 (1) Other charges and services 14,733 540 15,273 Capital outlay 2,249 570 2,819 (1) Total 289,053 710 289,763 • City Clerk Personnel services 78,131 78,131 Commodities 425 425 Other charges. and services 13,946 13,946 Capital outlay 316 - 316 Total 92,818 - 92,818 Legal 89,515 - 89,515 Committees/Commissions Personnel services 35,817 35,817 Commodities 1,330 1,330 Other charges and services 46,051 - 46,051 Total 83,198 - 83,198 Community Development Personnel services 600,004 800,004 Commodities 3,447 3,447 Other charges and services 72,740 1,080 73,820. Capital outlay 7,447 1,140 8,587 (1) Total 683,638 2,220 685,858 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES • 2005 2005 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES Inspection Personnel services $ 892,480 892,480 Commodities 17,223 17,223 Other charges and services 60,185 60,185 Capital outlay 24,691 - 24,691 Total 994,579 - 994,579 General Government Building Personnel services 90,353 90,353 Commodities 44,254 44,254 Other charges and services 199,857 199,857 Capital outlay 4,393 - 4,393 Total 338,857 - 338,857 Finance Personnel services 595,609 595,609 Commodities 14,299 14,299 Other charges and services 164,587 164,587 Capital outlay 35,701 - 35,701 Total 810,196 - 810,196 • Human-Resources Personnel services 200,858 200,858 Commodities 3,805 3,805 Other charges and services 63,048 - 63,048 .Capital outlay 949 - - Total 268,660 - 267,711 Insurance 190,301 - 190,301 Police Personnel services 4,996,891 4,996,891 Commodities 226,128 226,128 Other charges and services 722,081 722,081 Capital outlay 2,500 - - Total 5,947,600 - 5,945,100 Fire Personnel services 716,666 716,666 Commodities 113,613. 113,613 Other charges and services 229,912 540 230,452 Capital outlay - 570 - (1) Total 1,060,191 1,110 1,:060,731 . Ambulance Other charges and services 23,393 - 23,393 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES • 2005 2005 ADOPTED .AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES Engineering Personnel services $ 806,496 $ 806,496 Commodities 16,755 16,755 Other charges and services 53,550 540 ' 54,090 Capital outlay 39.,157 570 39,727 Total 915,958 1,110 917,068 Streets Personnel services 1,091,180 1,091,180 .Commodities 490,045 490,045 Other charges and services 703,120 540 703,660 Capital outlay 100,150 570 100,720 Total 2,384,495 1,110 2,385,605 Parks Personnel services 1,264,243 1,264,243 Commodities 180,176 180,176 Other charges and services 281,403 540 281,943 Capital outlay 633 570 1,203 ) Total 1,726,455 1,110 1,727,565 Recreation Personnel services 252,203 252,203 Commodities 28,935 28,935 Other charges and services 117,655 117,655 Capital outlay 4,422 - 4,422 Total 403.,215 - 403,215 Arts Center Personnel services 149,250 149,250 Commodities 11,561 11,561 Other charges and services 117,625 117,625 Capital outlay 4,077 - - Total 282,513 - 278,436 Other 473,054 (7,370) 465,684 {1) Total General Fund $17,320,784 $ - $ 17,312,688 A 2005 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT NOTES ADJUSTMENT {1) Increase capital outlay appropriations in the following departments with an offsetting reduction to the contingency account for the implementation of electronic personal desk assistant's (PDA's). The City Administrator's 2005 budget already provided $400 for this acquisition. Expenditures -Capital Outlay City Administration $ 710 Community Development 2,220 Fire 1,1.10 Engineering 1,110 Streets 1,110 Parks 1,110 Reduce 2005 Contingency Account $ 7,370 i •