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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
DECEMBER 17, 2009
The December 17, 2009 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair
Davis in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.
Flag pledge and roll call of members:
Present: Chair Bart Davis
Vice Chair Brooks Lillehei
Commissioner Karl Drotning
Commissioner Gerald Grenz
Commissioner Jason Glad
Commissioner Genevieve Adler
Ex- officio Rick Bussler
Absent: Secretary Steven Pattee
Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner,
Zach Johnson, Assistant City Engineer; Tom Scott, Assistant City
Attorney; and Judi Hawkins, Recording Secretary.
A. The November 12, 2009 Planning Commission Work Session notes were
approved as presented.
B. The November 19, 2009 Planning Commission meeting minutes were
approved as presented.
C. The December 3, 2009 Planning Commission Work Session notes were
approved as presented.
Chair Davis welcomed the members of Boy Scout Troop 269, who were earning a
badge by attending the meeting. Mr. Morey stated that the following items were
distributed to the Planning Commission at tonight's meeting:
A. The December 16, 2009 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee
meeting motion regarding the Clemmer Second Addition preliminary and
final plat.
B. Revised page 2 of the McStop PUD Amendment planning report.
C. Mr. Morey noted a correction under Item 8.a. on tonight's agenda: Since
January 18th is a holiday, the dates when the Council would consider tonight's
recommendations would be January 4th or 19th.
Chair Davis opened the Public Hearing to consider the application of Gary Thorson
for an amendment to the McStop Planned Unit Development to allow the installation
and operation of a truck scale at the Holiday Station Store located at 21100 Kenrick
Avenue. The Recording Secretary attested that the legal notice had been duly
published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code.
Mr. Thorson presented an overview of his request.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. The property is
currently zoned C -3, General Commercial District. The truck scale is proposed to be
located on the south side of the property. The applicant is also considering the future
construction of a car wash on the site. The location being considered for the car wash
will not interfere with the truck scale. The truck scale is proposed to be 21 feet by 104
feet with a 13 -foot entrance lane. The signage proposed over the entrance to the scale
is 100 square feet. The McStop PUD does not currently allow this sign. Staff
recommends a reduced sign size of 40 square feet be allowed with this PUD
amendment. In addition, the applicant must bring the outside storage of trash
containers into compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements.
Mr. Dempsey stated that Planning Department staff recommends approval of the
amendment to the McStop Planned Unit Development, subject to the eight (8)
stipulations listed in the December 11, 2009 planning report.
Chair Davis opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
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December 17, 2009
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09.50 Motion was made and seconded to close the public hearing at 6:14 p.m.
Ayes: Adler, Lillehei, Davis, Glad, Grenz, Drotning.
Nays: 0
Chair Davis asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points
How much truck traffic is the truck scale expected to generate? The applicant
anticipates two to three trucks per hour.
If three or more trucks are in queue to use the scale, will there be adequate
stacking space? It takes 60 seconds each to weigh the trucks, so with space for two
trucks to line up, there shouldn't be a problem. Commissioner Glad would like to
add a stipulation that queuing for the truck scale not occur on City streets.
In the event of a snowstorm when trucks are pulling off the freeway, will there
be adequate short -term parking within the site?
Ayes: Lillehei, Davis, Glad, Grenz, Drotning, Adler.
Nays: 0
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December 17, 2009
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Is the proposed size of the truck scale sign consistent with similar truck scales?
The applicant estimated 95% of truck scales have similar signs. Commissioners feel
the scale needs to be easily identified and accessible for truck and motor -home
drivers who might not be familiar with the area; as such, a signage exception
as part of the PUD amendment might be appropriate. A compromise of a
4 -foot by 18 -foot (72 square feet) sign was proposed.
Commissioners recommended an additional stipulation requiring striping or
signage to insure that trucks waiting to use the scale would queue within the
site, and not on the public right of way. Mr. Morey stated that if truck
queuing becomes a problem the City Council has the option to designate "no
parking" on Kenrick Ave.
09.51 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of McStop
Planned Unit Development amendment, subject to the following stipulations, as
amended from the December 11, 2009 planning report:
1. The PUD approved June 4, 1984 and subsequent amendments remain in full
force and effect unless specifically modified.
2. The semi truck scale shall be constructed consistent with the plans approved
by the City Council and shall be set back at least five feet (5') from the south
property line.
3. The sign related to the scale facility shall not exceed 72 square feet and 21 feet
in height.
4. A photometric lighting plan shall be submitted if any modifications to
existing exterior lighting are proposed, subject to approval by City staff.
5. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues shall be subject to review
and approval of the City Engineer.
6. Semi truck /trailer and /or cargo storage for overweight loads shall not be
allowed within the McStop PUD.
7. The existing trash enclosure must be enlarged or a new trash enclosure
constructed to provide for storage of all trash containers as required by
Section 11 -18 -11 of the Zoning Ordinance.
8. Construction of a car wash facility as part of the Holiday convenience store
use will require future application for a PUD amendment and compliance
with applicable performance standards for car washes within the C -3 District.
9. Queuing for the truck scale shall occur entirely within the subject site and
shall not occur on public streets.
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December 17, 2009
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Chair Davis opened the Public Hearing to consider the application of Richard and
Mary Ann Clemmer for the following, located at 8984 215th Street (CSAH 70):
A. Preliminary and Final Plat of one lot to be known as Clemmer Second
B. Vacation of drainage and utility easements;
C. Rezoning of approximately 3.4 acres of land from I -1, Limited Industrial
District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District; and
D. Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development for Clemmer Second
The Recording Secretary attested that the legal notice had been duly published in
accordance with State Statutes and City Code.
Brett Anderson, an employee of Dick's Sanitation, presented an overview of the
request. The Clemmers are proposing to purchase and incorporate 3.4 acres of
property from Outlot A of the First Industrial plat into Clemmer Second Addition in
order to expand the operations site of Dick's Sanitation. The property is located
south of County Road 70, east of Dodd Blvd. and west of Holyoke Avenue.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that a cash escrow was previously submitted for the future construction of
Humboldt Road. At the time that First Park Lakeville to the west develops and
Humboldt Road is built, the existing driveway on CSAH 70 will be removed. The
property is located within State Safety Zone B of the Runway Protection Zone (RPZ)
of Airlake Airport. The proposed site to building area ratio is 11:1 which is within
the State guidelines. Planning Department staff recommends approval of the
preliminary and final plat, easement vacations, Rezoning, and Development and
Final Stage Planned Unit Development, subject to the 13 stipulations listed in the
December 11, 2009 planning report.
Chair Davis opened the hearing to the public for comment.
Ben Saxton, 17881 Impala Path, asked why the Airport designates Safety Zones.
Mr. Dempsey stated that Safety Zones are established to restrict areas on either side
of airports to low intensity uses for minimal impact in the event of an emergency
involving an airplane.
09.52 Motion was made and seconded to close the public hearing at 7:15 p.m.
Ayes: Davis, Glad, Grenz, Drotning, Adler, Lillehei.
Nays: 0
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December 17, 2009
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Chair Davis asked for comments from the Planning Commission. There was no
09.53 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the
Clemmer Second Addition preliminary and final plat, vacation, rezoning, and
development and final stage Planned Unit Development, subject to the following
1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the December 11, 2009
engineering report.
2. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the preliminary
and final plat plans approved by the City Council.
3. Future landscaping along Humboldt Road shall be installed and
maintained according to the grading plan prepared by Jacobson Engineers
and Surveyors. A $3,575 cash escrow shall be submitted to guarantee
installation of the trees shown on the grading plan.
4. The encroachments of pavement and any other improvements not allowed
under the Clemmer First Addition preliminary and final plat shall be
removed from the south property line adjacent to the Metropolitan
Airports Commission (MAC) property no later than November 30, 2010. A
$3,500 security shall be submitted to guarantee the removal of the
5. Outdoor storage shall be limited to garbage trucks, and garbage and
recycling containers accessory to the principal use.
6. No outdoor storage shall occur in required parking or loading spaces.
7. No waste shall be stored or processed on the property.
8. A temporary drainage and utility easement shall be dedicated over Outlot
A, First Park Lakeville.
9. A setback of not less than 10 feet shall be permitted between the parking
lot and drive aisle adjacent to the Humboldt Road right -of -way.
10. The pavement encroachment within the Humboldt Road right -of -way
must be removed when Humboldt Road is constructed.
11. If or when the road access to the Metropolitan Airports Commission
property is constructed, the accessory outdoor storage use south of the
road must cease.
12. If Dick's Sanitation proposes a driveway at the location of the possible
future road access to the Metropolitan Airports Commission property,
then Dick's Sanitation must enter into an encroachment agreement with
the City addressing the construction, maintenance and removal of the
driveway if or when Humboldt Road is constructed.
Ayes: Glad, Grenz, Drotning, Adler, Lillehei, Davis.
Nays: 0
Staff is proposing to combine a future regularly scheduled Planning Commission
meeting with a work session. Staff suggested cancelling the January 7th regular
meeting to allow additional time for the preparation of updates to the zoning map
and subdivision ordinance. Commissioners agreed to cancel the January 7th meeting.
The regular meeting on January 21St will be followed immediately by a work session.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7 :20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
awkins, Recording Secretary Dated 1 `70
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December 17, 2009
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13. The stipulations outlined in the Airlake Development Fifth Addition and
Clemmer First Addition Development Contracts and Planned Unit
Development Agreements, as amended, shall remain in full force.