HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16ITEM 2 Present: CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION & NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes for December 16, 2009 ITEM 1 Call to order Meeting was called to order in City Hall Council Chambers at 6 p.m. Absent: Staff Present: Roll call of members Judy Hayes, Bob Boerschel, Scott Kelly, Howard Lovelace, Jeanne Peterson, Pat Messinger Tom Goodwin Parks & Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Environmental Resources Manager Mac Cafferty, Recording Secretary Patty Ruedy ITEM 3 Approval of the December 2, 2009 meeting minutes The December 2, 2009 Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes were approved as presented. ITEM 4 Introduction of Jack Evans, Lakeville resident and member of the Dakota County Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Mr. Evans introduced himself and offered to collaborate or provide input on future projects with the City of Lakeville. This may include, but not limited to, the greenway system, City parks, revenue generation and the utilization of volunteers. ITEM 5 Citizen comments There were no citizens present. ITEM 6 Staff report Staff referred to report in committee packet. Rinks will be open on December 19. ITEM 7 Clemmer Second Addition preliminary and final plat DMAC Real Estate Management Company, LLC has submitted a preliminary and final plat located in the industrial park south of, and adjacent to, 215 Street and County Road 70. The preliminary and final plat consists of one lot on 10.95 acres. Review of this park planning district reveals no park land identified in this area. A park dedication fee will be required at the commercial rate. Because portions of this property are being combined, and having previously paid park dedication fees, approximately 3.40 acres will be required to pay the appropriate fee; calculated as follows: 3.40 x $4,558 = $15,497. (09.16) Motion made by Messinger, seconded by Kelly to recommend City Council consider approval of Clemmer Second Addition preliminary and final plat including a park dedication fee in the amount of $15,497.20 (3.40 acres x $4,558.00). Finally, the developer is required to follow other recommendations outlined in the Planning and Engineering reports as they pertain to this plat. The developer is also required to follow the natural resources requirement detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage, and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Motion passed. Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, December 16, 2009 Page 2 ITEM 8 Discussion on City of Lakeville leash law in parks Committee discussed current leash laws in Lakeville. Messinger stated she thinks that off -leash dogs in Lakeville are a major problem and the current Lakeville ordinance is inconsistent. She thinks enforcement would be much easier if there was a rule requiring a 6' leash at all times and that we should protect parks, people and wildlife. Other issues mentioned include dogs at sporting events around children who may be scared and the issues of falling into dog waste on the field, the clean -up of parks by maintenance staff, and dogs crossing into roadways without a leash. How do dogs become a Canine Good Citizen and who enforces? Is there adequate signage at parks? What about other animals that may be dangerous, like cats? Peterson and Lovelace relayed issues regarding 25' leashes instead of 6' leashes, specifically the dog being more difficult to control and safety issues around children. Peterson stated she has lived in an area where dogs were not allowed in parks at all. Since the committee visited this issue 10 years ago, there have been a number of dog parks built in the area. Steve Michaud stated that we may consider adding rules or restrictions, but that we are not guaranteed enforcement due to other priorities in the Police Department. He also stated that the problem areas in Lakeville include Ritter Farm Park, North Park and Juno Trail. Plans for a dog park near the entrance of Ritter Farm Park are not possible at this time due to budget constraints and maintenance issues. Michaud will follow up: • Talk to Mr. Libby, a Lakeville resident, who would be a good resource to discuss this issue. • Speak to Three Rivers Park District about problems they've had, if any. • Invite the Lakeville Animal Control Officer to our next meeting. Discuss whether a new ordinance would make enforcement easier or put the officers at a disadvantage. Is the current law too difficult to enforce? • Perhaps conduct a marketing campaign and educate residents on existing rules and associated issues. ITEM 9 Nomination and election of officers for 2010 (09.17) Motion by Lovelace, seconded by Peterson to nominate Scott Kelly as Chair, Judy Hayes as Vice - Chair, and Pat Messinger as Secretary of the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee for 2010. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Motion passed. ITEM 10 Unfinished business There were no items to discuss. ITEM 11 New business There were no items to discuss. ITEM 12 Announcements Next Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting, January 6, 2010 ITEM 13 Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Resplctf lly su tted, Patty Ruedy, ' ecording Sec': tary ATTEST: