HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-17CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Meeting Minutes for February 17, 2010
ITEM 1 Call to order
Meeting was called to order in City Hall Council Chambers at 6 p.m.
Introduction of Jerry Zell, new committee member.
ITEM 2 Roll call of members
Present: Bob Boerschel, Tom Goodwin, Judy Hayes, Scott Kelly, Howard Lovelace,
Pat Messinger, Jeanne Peterson, Jerry Zell
Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Recording Secretary Patty Ruedy
ITEM 3 Approval of the December 16, 2009 meeting minutes
The December 16, 2009 Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes were
approved as presented.
ITEM 4 Citizen comments
There were 3 citizens present, no comments made at this time.
ITEM 5 Staff report
Staff referred to report in committee packet. Goodwin commented on the excellent shape of the
groomed trails at Ritter Farm Park.
ITEM 6 Discussion on City of Lakeville leash law
Michaud gave a brief background of the Lakeville dog ordinance and summary to date on the issues
and violations within the City. A majority of dog owners are abiding by the ordinances. The trouble
spots in Lakeville are Juno Trail, Ritter Farm Park, North Park, Aronson Park and East Community
Park. Messinger mentioned that she thinks there is confusion because of the different laws and
people's perception of those laws, i.e.: what "under control" is. She stated it would be easier if there
was a consistent law throughout the City. Hayes added that she has seen loose dogs at athletic
events in the Parkview /Valley Park area.
Barb Maxwell, Animal Control Officer informed the group that they must depend on citizens to call
911 to report problems. She also said Community Service Officer staffing is down 60% and Park
Rangers were down from 6 to 3. All violations to the dog ordinance are misdemeanors; however the
officer has to see the offense to do anything about it. For those who go to court, judges usually
dismiss the charges or issue a small fine. Officer Maxwell stated that there is a large number of
repeat offenders and, in one instance, a violator did go to court and was issued a $700 fine.
A brief discussion on the feasibility of a dog park; long term plans include a dog park, but with the
economy in this state, there is no funding for one. The closest dog parks are in Dakota County and at
Cleary Lake. And, if a dog park was constructed, it won't solve the issue because offenders would
continue to abuse their privileges on the trails at Ritter Farm Park and throughout the City.
Lakeville resident James Jacobsen (East Lake Drive) commented on how many dogs are not on their
leash (including pit bulls) around East Community Park and owners not picking up their feces. Two of
his neighbors will not walk around the lake because they are afraid of the dogs. People he has
approached have argued that Lakeville has no dog ordinances.
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, February 17, 2010 Page 2
Michaud suggested a public information campaign to be implemented prior to any changes in the
current ordinance re:
1. Restraint of dogs
2. Picking up dog waste
3. Citizens report violations to 911
Campaign will include, but not limited to, the following:
• Signage at Ritter Farm Park
• Patrols at Ritter Farm Park, includes distributing information (Parks employee ?)
• Evaluate signage throughout park system
• Article in summer Parks & Recreation brochure
• Messages articles
• Information on City website
• Flyers handed out at events
• Flyers to Park Rangers to hand out
• Communication with athletic organizations to remind parents at events (post on their websites,
parent meetings)
Also to do:
• Staff will review complaints from previous years, so we may have some way to measure success
of an informational campaign, although it was noted that most offenses do not get reported
• Steve will cost out fencing property adjacent to 195 Street and Ritter Park Trail prior to entering
Ritter Farm Park, and report to the committee before summer
• Officer Maxwell will continue to patrol the hotspots
• Police officers will be reminded to watch athletic events more closely for dog violators
The committee agreed that there must be a timeline. Committee will re- evaluate the dog situation in
September and, if there are no improvements, alternative measures will be considered.
(10.01) Motion made by Messinger, seconded by Goodwin to authorize staff to conduct a
public information campaign designed to educate the public regarding the dog ordinances and
reporting problems to 911, to be implemented this spring and summer. Staff will analyze past data
and collect future data. Parks Committee will revisit the issue in September 2010, analyze data and
decide next steps at that time.
Ayes -7 Nays -0
Motion passed.
ITEM 7 Cross - country ski trails capital improvement grant
The first phase of cross - country ski trail improvements at Ritter Farm Parks was a great success. Staff
has applied for an additional grant for phase 2 of trail improvements.
ITEM 8 Unfinished business
There were no items to discuss.
ITEM 9 New business
Staff reviewed the joint powers agreement with Dakota County for the trail along Dodd Boulevard.
The project is being designed in -house and will be completed this summer.
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, February 17, 2010 Page 3
The 2010 Tree Sale was discussed. Members Hayes and Peterson would like to volunteer for the
event. If any other committee members wish to volunteer, please contact Patty Ruedy or John
Hennen. The number of trees allowed to be purchased was raised to 10 this year. Staff will discuss
whether there could be a "donate" option on the order form for those wishing to purchase trees and
donate them to another person, organization or to the City. Hayes questioned whether some
proceeds from the Tree Sale could be used for flowers at the Veterans Memorial. Michaud replied that
some funds will be used to replenish the City nursery and the rest of the funds will go into the City's
general fund.
Chair Kelly asked the group to think about any projects they'd like to work on this year. Michaud
suggested maybe a dedication of Fieldstone Park /ribbon cutting, or perhaps a project with the
Lakeville Friends of the Environment group.
ITEM 10 Announcements
Next Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting, March 17, 2010
ITEM 11 Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Rekpe -tfull subm °ttcd,
Patty Ruedy, Rbcording Secre ry
Scott Kelly, Ehair