HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-08-87 z 4 i . ~r Lakeville, Minnesota PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES January 8, 1987 7:00 p.m. Dennis Miller, Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Klamm, Langhorst, MacGibbon, Miller, Sizer, Walters, Whittingham. Also present was Alan Brixius, City Planner; Jim Robinette, Community Development Director; Elliott Knetsch, City Attorney; David Krings, City Building Inspector; Mira Holliday, Recording Secretary. The Chairman called for the election of officers for 1987. The name of Dennis Miller, present Chairman, was placed in nomination for Chairman by Mr. Walters. Mr. Langhorst placed the name of Diane MacGibbon in nomination for Vice Chairperson. Mr. Sizer placed the name of Jan Whittingham in nomination for Secretary. 87.01 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by MacGibbon to close nominations and appoint the new officers. as nominated. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 87.02 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by MacGibbon to approve the minutes of the December 4, 1986 Planning Commission meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing on the preliminary plat of Lynwood North and South was opened. The City Attorney attested that the legal published notices were made and that it is a legal hearing. Alan Brixius gave a detailed review of the plat and discussed recommendations. Due to severe slopes that occur in areas of the plat, an erosion control plan must be submitted to be reviewed by the County Soil and Water Conservation Department. Jim Robinette stated that this plat was reviewed by the Natural Resources Committee on 1/6/87 and was tabled pending an E.A.W. Scott Johnson of Arcon Construction stated he had met with neighboring property owners and had discussed the project. He also stated he had a meeting planned with Brian Christensen of Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District and the City Engineer to work on an erosion control comprehensive plan. i It was the opinion of several commission members that the provision of a pedestrian sidewalk along 170th Street to service the area and act a a means of connecting the trailway easements was a good idea. 87.03 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Whittingham, to continue the public hearing pending an E.A.W. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing for a Conditional Use Permit for temporary storage of tanker trucks of flammable solvent for National Electric, Inc. was opened. The City Attorney attested that the legal published notices were made and that it is a legal hearing. Alan Brixius presented a report on this matter and recommended approval contingent on the following items: 1. The storage area be fenced for security. 2. Full compliance with fire code requirements. 3. The hazardous waste storage at this site be terminated in one (1) year. At which time, the site must be cleaned up and put back in its original condition. A brief discussion was held concerning the new facility to be built within one year. The security system was discussed, as was the screening of the storage area. 87.04 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Walters to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 87.05 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Klamm, to recommend approval of the C.U.P. for temporary storage. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing was opened for a Conditional Use Permit for underground fuel storage for Toro Company. The City Attorney attested that the legal published notices were made and that it is a legal hearing. Alan Brixius presented a review of the background and an analysis of the matter. The State Fire Marshal's off ice and the City's Fire Chief have reviewed and approved the proposed . underground fuel storage facility. 2 ; . ' • 87.06 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Walters, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 87.07 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Whittingham to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit subject to recom- mendations of City Planner. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. Public hearing was opened for a Planned Unit Development - Conditional Use Permit for Dakota County H.R.A. to allow building on the lot line. The City Attorney attested that the legal published notices were made and that it is a legal hearing. Alan Brixius gave a review of the matter, stating that approval of a replat for the development of an eight unit row house project in the west end of the Viking Square Plat was given in January, 1986. The applicant is now requesting that the combined parcel and eight units be split in half through subdivision. A PUD - CUP is required due to the internal zero lot line. By subdividing the property and units, the building code requirement for a handicapped unit would be . eliminated. Discussion was held concerning the desirability of this practice. David Krings, City Building Inspector stated that from zero to seven dwellings does not require a handicapped unit. Mark Ulf ers, Director of Dakota County HRA stated that the H.R.A. was aware of the need for handicapped units and that they presently serve five handicapped families in Lakeville. He also stated that there is no funding from HUD to build handicapped units. There is only funding for three bedroom family units. Diane MacGibbon stated that the project is the same as was approved last year and that the present issue is not a moral one. 87.08 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Walters, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 87.09 Motion was. made by MacGibbon, seconded by Sizer, to recommend approval for a Planned Unit Development - Conditional Use Permit to build on the lot line subject to recommendations by the City Planner and staff. 3 # r V ~ • a ~ . Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: MacGibbon, Sizer, Whittingham and Walters. Nays: Klamm, Langhorst and Miller. Reasons for nays being the opinion that the original approval of the permit should not change due to .economic aspects or to correct an error on the part of developer and/or architect. Under other business, the agreement with Dakota County-Soil and Water Conservation was reviewed by Jim Robinette. A proposed resolution presently bef ore the City Council to set policy and requirements for smoking bef ore and during public meetings in the council chambers was discussed. The majority of commission members were in favor of this resolution. 87.10 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Langhorst to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Respectf ully submitted: James A. Robinette, Community Development Director • ATTEST: ~''.~'f Dennis Miller, Chairman 4